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Fridays Shooting

pigeon controller

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I had a call on Tuesday from Ben informing me that he intended to shoot a shared permission on Friday. I had planned to do my bottle run on Wednesday so I could have a look at the rape for Friday. I told Ben I would join him on Friday. During my bottle run I had a look at the three fields of rape and could not see a bird on it but just then the farm manager drove across the field on his quad so I left.

Friday morning I arrived at the fields at approx 9.20 and Ben at 9.25. I could not see any birds down but Ben glassed the field and the local woods and could see birds in the trees . They then started to drop in at the far end of the field we had driven into, the field layout is as such. Two fields east to west side by side with the third field north to south adjoining both. The birds were dropping in at the intersection of all three. As I’ve said before you have to set up where the birds want to be, so it was going to be a long walk. So we loaded the trolley and Ben steered  it down the field, when we arrived the birds were coming in with the wind and then turning into it at the last moment. So the hide position was under an Oak tree with the wind in our faces slightly from the left. The Oak tree gave us cover from birds coming to the pattern over our heads. We set up the decoys in the tram lines in front of the hide, two on the magnet and nine on cradles in the taller rape on the edge of the tram lines.

We had birds coming to us from in front and turning in an arc across us and birds from the back coming over our heads. It was a slow day and we finished at 15.00 and picked up 51 pigeons and one high corvid. It was nice to be out and the banter was interesting.


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