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Considering some Active ear plugs....


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Currently using CFG Passives, and finding they kill to much of the conversational noise, to the point Im removig them to talk.

So, looking into the electrocnic versions.

Im at the Game Fair next, so hoping to talk to suppliers there, but interested to hear others views and opinions on who or what to use.

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I have both Cens and CFG electronic ear defenders. The Cens are a few years old now and I did have some issues, just out of warranty,  which proved expensive.  They went back twice within the first 12 months. Their 'Customer Service ' left a lot to be desired.

I bought some of the CFG' s about 3 years ago. They came to me to take the moulds of my ears. When I first got them, they had to go back for louder speakers to be fitted. They took quite a time to make, and then to be altered, BUT, I was kept informed of their progress. I began having a problem with the 3 position switch on the left plug. I contacted CFG and informed them that they were on their way back. I have had a bill for £167 for their repair. Apparently my plugs are the earlier model, which is now obsolete. They are both being updated and will come with a 12 month warranty,  I have been kept aware of their progress to date. I did think the electronics should have lasted a bit longer,  but I am thankful for a renewed warranty. So, there you are. You pays yer money and takes yer chances  !

I would add that when working correctly,  they are both very good.

Edited by Westley
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They are excellent. If i was only clay shooting I would get some more. If you are out in the field and out often then if you are anything like me they are a liability. Very easy to loose. 

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I've got cfg digital's and have to say I'm quite disappointed in them, the first pair lasted about 2 years before the right one failed, they replaced them with the new type for I have to say at a very good price but I found the battery door very stiff to open causing the module to break out of the molding, I haven't sent them for repair as I found the dampened noise to be to loud both with the old ones and new ones, I've gone back to using my mino cens and the dampened noise is much lower, just be wary of wind noise as all these types are very prone to it 

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I have to say that I have never found wind noise to be an issue. The Cens have a variable volume control so you can reduce any 'outside' noise. The CFG's just have pre determined switched volume controls, but that can be used to reduce any outside interference. I found the wind noise to be more of an issue with my electric 'cans'.

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I would 100% not recommend CFGs. Horrendously unreliable as noted by others in the thread and CFG are very adamant that they cover the product for 1 year and no more with anything outside of this (including their own repair and replacements) not being covered regardless of what the issue with their shoddy product is. 

I'm currently on my fourth set of repaired and/or replaced electronic plugs and the plugs have spent near enough 50% of the time that I've owned them with CFG for repair, remanufacture or replacement. I seem to get about 6-8 months out of them before they break down. I shoot near enough 3 times a week year round and I'm not using them 8 hours at a time as shooting coach etc.. Not exactly hard usage. 

The latest set are the new model with the micro sized batteries (typically I bought 100's of the old type before the last failure and replacement) and after waiting 4 months for them to be manufactured, they have arrived with both plugs having a very annoying electronic background buzzing. I'm not going to bother sending them back as they'll likely want to charge me for the work and take forever and a day to it. The battery tray on the new model is very flimsy and I'd be surprised if they last more than a few months without breaking. 

When the latest set breaks (probably Aug 31st or a few days before the game shooting season starts) my next investment will be a set of CENS which are more expensive but reportedly a much better product.  

Electronic plugs are really useful though. Being able to hear the commotion of a flushing pheasant before it breaks cover is really useful as is being able to hear wingbeats in the low light from a distance when wildfowling. I will not, under any circumstance shoot or be in the proximity of a shot without hearing protection so electronic plugs are a must have item for me. 

Edited by Poor Shot
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2 hours ago, Poor Shot said:

I would 100% not recommend CFGs. Horrendously unreliable as noted by others in the thread and CFG are very adamant that they cover the product for 1 year and no more with anything outside of this (including their own repair and replacements) not being covered regardless of what the issue with their shoddy product is. 

I'm currently on my fourth set of repaired and/or replaced electronic plugs and the plugs have spent near enough 50% of the time that I've owned them with CFG for repair, remanufacture or replacement. I seem to get about 6-8 months out of them before they break down. I shoot near enough 3 times a week year round and I'm not using them 8 hours at a time as shooting coach etc.. Not exactly hard usage. 

The latest set are the new model with the micro sized batteries (typically I bought 100's of the old type before the last failure and replacement) and after waiting 4 months for them to be manufactured, they have arrived with both plugs having a very annoying electronic background buzzing. I'm not going to bother sending them back as they'll likely want to charge me for the work and take forever and a day to it. The battery tray on the new model is very flimsy and I'd be surprised if they last more than a few months without breaking. 

When the latest set breaks (probably Aug 31st or a few days before the game shooting season starts) my next investment will be a set of CENS which are more expensive but reportedly a much better product.  

Electronic plugs are really useful though. Being able to hear the commotion of a flushing pheasant before it breaks cover is really useful as is being able to hear wingbeats in the low light from a distance when wildfowling. I will not, under any circumstance shoot or be in the proximity of a shot without hearing protection so electronic plugs are a must have item for me. 

One of the reasons I went for the Mercury custom fit passives was the ability to switch the modules to peltor electronic re-chargables. I looked at CFG and didn't like the way the electronics were built into the ear plug.  I know if the Peltor mods either go faulty or I lose one I can get  replacements easy enough . It does work out cheaper to buy the electronic mods separately though. If Mercury supply them its £475 if you buy the passives its £135 and you can pick up the Peltors for £170.

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3 hours ago, rding said:

One of the reasons I went for the Mercury custom fit passives was the ability to switch the modules to peltor electronic re-chargables. I looked at CFG and didn't like the way the electronics were built into the ear plug.  I know if the Peltor mods either go faulty or I lose one I can get  replacements easy enough . It does work out cheaper to buy the electronic mods separately though. If Mercury supply them its £475 if you buy the passives its £135 and you can pick up the Peltors for £170.


I'll look into that when the inevitable time comes.

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It's frustrating when passive hearing protection kills too much conversational noise, making it necessary to remove them to talk. Switching to electronic versions could be a good solution.

Talking to suppliers at the Game Fair is a great idea, and you'll likely get some valuable insights there. In the meantime, I'd love to hear from others about their experiences and recommendations for electronic hearing protection options.

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31 minutes ago, marquesgriffin said:

It's frustrating when passive hearing protection kills too much conversational noise, making it necessary to remove them to talk. Switching to electronic versions could be a good solution.

Talking to suppliers at the Game Fair is a great idea, and you'll likely get some valuable insights there. In the meantime, I'd love to hear from others about their experiences and recommendations for electronic hearing protection options.

For rough and clay shooting I am using Howard Leight electronic defenders. After trying and loosing two pairs of the electronic implants (cens) with the attendant grime that goes with them, I switched to the external units. I have two pairs one for everyday and one with a set of felt liners for when its hot. When i am shooting hundreds of birds over a day the felt helps to keep the ears from sweating. My criticism would be that despite 8 years of hard use they are still a little tight. I have also lost a pair that were dragged off the back seat of the car when shooting at night. I found them the next night but they had already succumbed to the wheels of the car. 

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Not what you asked, but as an alternative/halfway between moulded ear plugs and over ears consider these.

Selectable background volume & have Bluetooth if needed.  Also as they’re connected together easy enough to quickly take off and they magnet together around your neck. 


Used mine yesterday for DIY & for the clays at the weekend. 

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I use Decibullz, you mold them into your ear yourself, and they work a treat.

Mine are full sound illiminating, but can hear conversations through them.

Cost is only £30 and i am very happy with them! So i will be tempted into trying their other range of products.

The percussive shooting moulded ear plugs are only £89.99!

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