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What a BRILLIANT way to get rid of Mandelson


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Washington DC and now less so Paris have always been pretty much political gifts of the the British PM (and vice versa their ambassadors to London the gift of US and French Presidents and other nations' Heads of State). I knew the daughter of the Zambian High Commissioner in the late 1980s and when Kenneth Kaunda lost the 1991 Election there he was gone and replaced by someone of the Frederick Chiluba's nomination with a matter of weeks. Don't forget that Lord Halifax was shuffled off to the USA in WWII and we had Joseph Kennedy gifted us for a while by the USA.

Both Halifax and Kennedy were not career diplomats but career politicians. Ormsby-Gore in the 1960s was a former Tory MP and Foreign Secretary and again was a political appointment - this was the time of the Cuba Crisis and negotiations about the UK getting Polaris. Peter Jay in the 1970s was sent to Washington by his father-on-law Jim Callaghan! So it is nothing new either from us to them or from them to us. These three postings DC, Paris, London have always pretty much been political. Look at any list former British Ambassadors to the US and the "politicos" in the 20th Century out number the career diplomats. 

If war is, as someone once said, too important to be left to the Generals so too are foreign relations with the President of the USA too important to be left to the career diplomats. Mandelson isn't being sent there to oversee the issue of replacement travel documents to British tourists who have mislaid their passports he is there because what he says and thinks is pretty much and going to be an echo is what Starmer says and thinks

Edited by enfieldspares
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9 hours ago, enfieldspares said:

what he says and thinks is pretty much and going to be an echo is what Starmer says and thinks

So maybe appointing someone who doesn't think and say that The President Elect, is a danger to the world and a little short of a racist, would be a better choice......

Diplomacy - the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

Diplomatic - having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

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2 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

Diplomatic - having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

President Reagan in 1987 sent Edward Perkins as US Ambassador to P W Botha's South Africa. The Americans also can be quite blunt in the message a particular appointment is intended to convey.

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5 hours ago, Newbie to this said:

So maybe appointing someone who doesn't think and say that The President Elect, is a danger to the world and a little short of a racist, would be a better choice......

Diplomacy - the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

Diplomatic - having or showing an ability to deal with people in a sensitive and tactful way.

Are you describing Diane Abbott ?..........

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