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How did you get your username?


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Mine is a biit more tricky. I breed poultry, Japanese, Dubtc and Australorps bantams to be exact. Well...... i started with Japanese and needed to register with the PCGB (poultry club of great britian) for the breedeers rings(fully closed rings wich are pushed over the legs of young chiocks, theyre perminante and impossible to get off. So i brerd show winning Japanese and needed a breeder name and Japrite seemed an obvious choice! i have even got an adaptation for my car number plate!


Japrite :P:yes::hmm::lol::lol::lol::/:D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lots of head scratchin trying to think of something witty or meaningful didn't seem to work so went to bed.


Suddenly woke up in the night and thought this was really clever. Probably not on reflection but anyway .......................



The US army has a rank of Gunnery Sergeant who is responsible for the maintenance of his platoon's weapons and keeping the supply of ammunition in the combat zone (amongst other things). He is known informally as the Gunny.



As I was in the British Army and responsible for the maintenance and repair of infantry weapons, and was desperate to come up with a suitable handle, this seemed appropriate.



So there you have it.

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I am named after my old Mercedes which departed from me in April. I name all my cars after a naval warship of that country. Tirpitz was Bismarcks sister in WW2. My new Merc is Prinz Eugen and my Peugoet is named after the Nulcear Powered French Carrier FS Charles De Gaulle, although I suspect the French would be offended to think a 15 year old Peugeot 106 which is clapped out is named after their fleet flagship!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bit of a long story this one.

Cyril is my name, I was named after my oldest uncle on my mums side. He was a rear gunner in a Lancaster bomber and lost his life in a plane crash in late December 1944 over Northwold, Norfolk. He was 19 years old. When I was born back in October 1959 my mum decided to give me his name (against the wishes of most of the family) and it caused me quite a lot of bullying at school and micky taking in later life, but I've stuck with it even though she would have liked me to change it. Anyway, one day back in the 1980's I was riding my motorbike up my road on the way to work wearing an old puddig basin helmet and flying goggles with a white scarf fluttering over my shoulder. One of my neighbours saw me and started calling me "flying" Cyril. It stuck. Then in 1995 I bought another motorbike to add to my collection (5 at present), a 1967 BSA A65 "Spitfire". So when I bought myself a comuter and started using the internet I though the perfect username would be "Flying" Cyril.

There y'go,

Hope I didn't bore anyone too much.

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I've worked as a doorman for many years, 25+, and the guys I've worked with all remember me for my hairstyle. I have what can only be described as a half Mohawk and its dyed electric blue.


So my name being Roger it used to shortened to Dodge, then working on Broad Street in Brum there was another Roger who was also called Dodge. If any on ever spoke of me they would say "the dodge with the blue hair" somehow it came down to "TheDodge"

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Hope I didn't bore anyone too much.


Not at all, twas a good read. :yes: Only trouble is, i'll have the Dam Busters theme tune running round my head with visions of you head down on the Beesa with the corker and white silk scalf trailing behind, every time I read your posts. :D

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