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Electric Fences In The Dark


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Here's one than will make you all laugh, I went out last night with the lamp and rifle to bag a few bunnies and as i was walking across my feild being a freezing cold night i was bursting for a pee, so as i walked down one of the empty paddocks that have the horses in during the day a came to a corner of the feild where i had to get through the electric fence, now my missus usually turns the fence off every night so i didnt think twice about answering the call of nature. As bad luck would have it i started to wee and didnt realise that firstly it was actually onto the fence and secondly it was LIVE!! I thought a had been shot in the nuts!! it took me a few minutes to stand up straight again and realise what the hell was going on,needless to say my hackney wick retreated like a snails eye and i called it a night.I honestly thought that an electric fence zap going up a wee trail was an old wives tale, first hand experience unfortunatly has proven the theory wrong! has anyone else had any embarrasing moments as bad as this whilst out shooting?

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I was working on a game farm once,

there was an ally about 3-4 foot wide and on the left was the rearing pens with outside runs and on the right was a layers pen six foot high with electric fence on top. Anyway I had to put the poults in just before it gets dark so I went in the poults rearing pen with a door 4 foot high, i had to bend down to get in, I got all the poults in and I had a lump hammer on me at the time for some reason. Anyway on the way out I crawled out bending down to get out with the lump hammer in my hand still, I stood straight up with the electric fence touching my head just above my right ear. ZAPP my arms straitened out and clinched the lump hammer wich I dropped afterwards my head went backwards my eyes shut I think and it felt like someone punched me in the head. The boy who was helping me stood the laughing himself to death.


I had a headache for the rest of that night,

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I know how you feel the wife had put the foals in the paddock in the morning and asked if i could check them at lunch time i forgot she had got her self one of these mains electric fences so as a good little hubby i went to see the foals. Normaly the fences dont realy bother me as the battery is usualy flat so not thinking no i will refrase that not knowing i just stradled the fence all i can say is they give you one h---l of a kick ,as they say take away the pain but leave the swelling ,by the way wife through her tears thought the whole thing to be hillarous beardy :yp:

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