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Immigrants Everywhere!!!


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The post I am refering to which I posted at 7pm and which you moved down has gone from its 7pm time .I havent moved it, who has the power to do it then? but I suppose its one rule for one or two.


No it was posted in another thread !

Then why did cranfield move it to this forum then?? good job I could not do that I would be in big trouble with the mods. Year thanks Tony, I have been given my final yellow card and warned I will be banned for making a humorous reply on another thread. ealier today if the rules are there for everyone, Why is a mod allowed to take my comments I am complaining about and move it to another thread , Hm Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutly!

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The post I am refering to which I posted at 7pm and which you moved down has gone from its 7pm time .I havent moved it, who has the power to do it then? but I suppose its one rule for one or two.


No it was posted in another thread !

Then why did cranfield move it to this forum then?? good job I could not do that I would be in big trouble with the mods.


I can`t answer for him, but anyone can use this facility, otherwise it wouldn`t be available.

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Guest The Outlaw
The post I am refering to which I posted at 7pm and which you moved down has gone from its 7pm time .I havent moved it, who has the power to do it then? but I suppose its one rule for one or two.


No it was posted in another thread !

Then why did cranfield move it to this forum then?? good job I could not do that I would be in big trouble with the mods.


I can`t answer for him, but anyone can use this facility, otherwise it wouldn`t be available.


I can really fiddle now then this could be fun :lol: :lol:



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The post I am refering to which I posted at 7pm and which you moved down has gone from its 7pm time .I havent moved it, who has the power to do it then? but I suppose its one rule for one or two.


No it was posted in another thread !

Then why did cranfield move it to this forum then?? good job I could not do that I would be in big trouble with the mods.


I can`t answer for him, but anyone can use this facility, otherwise it wouldn`t be available.


I can really fiddle now then this could be fun :lol: :lol:



Dont do it bud, the rules dont apply to everyone. :friends:

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The post I am refering to which I posted at 7pm and which you moved down has gone from its 7pm time .I havent moved it, who has the power to do it then? but I suppose its one rule for one or two.


No it was posted in another thread !

Then why did cranfield move it to this forum then?? good job I could not do that I would be in big trouble with the mods. Year thanks Tony, I have been given my final yellow card and warned I will be banned for making a humorous reply on another thread. ealier today if the rules are there for everyone, Why is a mod allowed to take my comments I am complaining about and move it to another thread , Hm Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutly!!!!

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The post I am refering to which I posted at 7pm and which you moved down has gone from its 7pm time .I havent moved it, who has the power to do it then? but I suppose its one rule for one or two.


No it was posted in another thread !

Then why did cranfield move it to this forum then?? good job I could not do that I would be in big trouble with the mods. Year thanks Tony, I have been given my final yellow card and warned I will be banned for making a humorous reply on another thread. ealier today if the rules are there for everyone, Why is a mod allowed to take my comments I am complaining about and move it to another thread , Hm Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutly!!!!




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The post I am refering to which I posted at 7pm and which you moved down has gone from its 7pm time .I havent moved it, who has the power to do it then? but I suppose its one rule for one or two.


No it was posted in another thread !

Then why did cranfield move it to this forum then?? good job I could not do that I would be in big trouble with the mods. Year thanks Tony, I have been given my final yellow card and warned I will be banned for making a humorous reply on another thread. ealier today if the rules are there for everyone, Why is a mod allowed to take my comments I am complaining about and move it to another thread , Hm Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutly!!!!



Chill out BM1 !


We have been over this ground over and over. There isnt an easy answer. The country is in a **** state but we wont find the answer on here.


All I can say is that I borrowed Munglers "spare" car recently. When I finished with it I did the gentlemanly thing and returned it with a full tank of petrol and I also took it to the local Eastern European car wash place - man, those boys work hard for £13.00 !!! :lol::lol: I owned a car valeting company a few years ago employing young English guys on a basic + bonus scheme and they just didnt want to work.

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Follow very carefully.


There was a thread about Immigration and there was a thread about Global Warming.


On the Immigration thread at 5.37pm, death from below said, "Ps......Global warming.....lets blame the Foreigners", meaning lets blame them for everything.


On the Immigration thread at 7pm, berettaman1 posted "Yep your right there, the Chinese are building over 900 Coal fired power stations!!plus India is now taking off producing huge amounts of CO2. whats the percentage of Carbon footprints being produced by Britain in comparison ??About 2% of the worlds total. this is just another Stealth tax imposed by New Labour. to pay for all the people flooding in, and to pay for this Ilegal war in Iraq."


Having read both threads, I could see the link and thought it was funny.


So I quoted both posts in the Immigration thread and made my comment.


No smoke or mirrors were used, no special Moderator magic, or Moderator privileges.

Anyone could do what I did.

The times were clearly shown on the threads, so there was no suggestion that berettaman1 was answering death from below's post.

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Guest The Outlaw

Hey Berrettaman1 You can import posts/ quotes from other threads and that is what Mr Cranfield did.


You can play to, could be a laugh around the begining of april :)



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Guest The Outlaw
I imported the post/quote to make a point, not to distort the meaning of the thread.

Doing that would be unacceptable.

I get it if its any consolation.



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For **** sake BM1, PM the mods if you have a problem with them, or are you gunning for the crown of "professional victim award 2007". Stop picking a fight on here and then whining when the mods/members have a go back.


Yip Yap you troll.



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Follow very carefully.


There was a thread about Immigration and there was a thread about Global Warming.


On the Immigration thread at 5.37pm, death from below said, "Ps......Global warming.....lets blame the Foreigners", meaning lets blame them for everything.


On the Immigration thread at 7pm, berettaman1 posted "Yep your right there, the Chinese are building over 900 Coal fired power stations!!plus India is now taking off producing huge amounts of CO2. whats the percentage of Carbon footprints being produced by Britain in comparison ??About 2% of the worlds total. this is just another Stealth tax imposed by New Labour. to pay for all the people flooding in, and to pay for this Ilegal war in Iraq."


Having read both threads, I could see the link and thought it was funny.


So I quoted both posts in the Immigration thread and made my comment.


No smoke or mirrors were used, no special Moderator magic, or Moderator privileges.

Anyone could do what I did.

The times were clearly shown on the threads, so there was no suggestion that berettaman1 was answering death from below's post.


Makes perfect sense! this thread turned into a bit of a brawl :lol: can everyone please settle down and aim your agression at the nearest immigrant thanks :)

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For **** sake BM1, PM the mods if you have a problem with them, or are you gunning for the crown of "professional victim award 2007". Stop picking a fight on here and then whining when the mods/members have a go back.


Yip Yap you troll.

Yeah, thats rich coming from you ,just been reading your heart rendering story about your cars being vandalised on LV,s : thread. :):lol:

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With English the most common second language world wide it should be no surprise that we are a target for immigrants.

Welcome the workers but there does seem a criminal element who see our laws and social system as a soft touch. At the end of the day is there room for everyone, roads railways housing and general infrastructure? We are but a small dot on the globe.



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Guest The Outlaw

Sorry Blackpowder I dont agree on the room for everyone statement.


The roads are the worse they have been for years, lack of housing is becoming chronic, railways are crumbling,


twisting and killing far to often. And the general infrastructure of this country has hit rock bottom, along with public services


our prisons and legal systems are near breaking point.


The only thing on the up is everyone pulse when imigration is discussed.




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I dont think that all of them are bad...(My Step FIL is a Muslim) but as I keep saying to the Mrs, thier way of life is different to ours, and I feel that any internal problems between different groups of religions in thier own contries are brought over here, when they come to this country...which could be a part of the reason why the crime seems to be so high over here at present..


If they are fighting each other in there own country are they going to stop when they come over here......



On a lighter note, please be careful in the early hours of Christmas Morning....I wouldnt be surprised if some illegal immigrant as stowed away in Santas Sack, and when you get up to open all your pressies, you could find one standing under your Tree, eating your Turkey :)


Happy Xmas

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So how many imigrants have you seen blow up buses. Im sure The ira have blown up more. Oh and there UK Citzens. You may have not seen them blow up buses but they do murder children on liverpool and manchester streets. Or beat granfathers to death outside there homes in view of there grandchildren.


I believe you will find that the Irish Republican Army are NOT UK Citizens.



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I dont think that all of them are bad...(My Step FIL is a Muslim) but as I keep saying to the Mrs, thier way of life is different to ours, and I feel that any internal problems between different groups of religions in thier own contries are brought over here, when they come to this country...which could be a part of the reason why the crime seems to be so high over here at present..


If they are fighting each other in there own country are they going to stop when they come over here......



On a lighter note, please be careful in the early hours of Christmas Morning....I wouldnt be surprised if some illegal immigrant as stowed away in Santas Sack, and when you get up to open all your pressies, you could find one standing under your Tree, eating your Turkey :lol:


Happy Xmas



I don't think any (many) people are saying that any of them are bad. They're probably a nice bunch of blokes.


The problem as I see it is the government policy (if you can call it that) of uncontrolled mass immigration, where they can't even guess the numbers. Just because a couple of people on here have hired the odd Polish driver who doesn't seem to mind grafting for peanuts, I fail to see how that makes mass uncontrolled immigration the best thing that's ever happened to the UK. If you read some of these pro-Pole, anti-British replies on threads, you would be forgiven for thinking that that is what some people think :)

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Sorry Blackpowder I dont agree on the room for everyone statement.


The roads are the worse they have been for years, lack of housing is becoming chronic, railways are crumbling,


twisting and killing far to often. And the general infrastructure of this country has hit rock bottom, along with public services


our prisons and legal systems are near breaking point.


The only thing on the up is everyone pulse when imigration is discussed.






If I read it right, I think Blackpowder was doubting that we have got room, not saying that we have plenty :)

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For **** sake BM1, PM the mods if you have a problem with them, or are you gunning for the crown of "professional victim award 2007". Stop picking a fight on here and then whining when the mods/members have a go back.


Yip Yap you troll.

Yeah, thats rich coming from you ,just been reading your heart rendering story about your cars being vandalised on LV,s : thread. Who,s winging now? oops forgot you never complain, do you? have a nice Xmas :):lol::lol:

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Think thats the probelm with all of this.

These people are willing to work for less wages then some of us....but to them they are earning more then they did in their own country.


The problem arrises when a business move abroad because it saves on costs and produces more profit for the shareholders.


You only have to look at the Choc factory down here in Keynsham, Bristol where the whole operation is moving to Poland..everyone is up in arms etc but at the end of the day the Milk comes from Poland already, so why not just move the operation over there...costs are down, Profits are up, shareholders making Money....


I think we do let to many people into this country, but im sure i watched something on the TV the other day where the GOv were trying to restrict this with some sort of Payment being made by a sponsor of the person responsible for that person coming into the country...Doubt if it will work to be honest...


One thing is guaranteed is that it wont get any better in 2008

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