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My 1st Fox!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I am no longer a virgin where foxes are concerned as got my 1st tonight YEE HAAA!!. I went lamping to a golf course about 5 miles from my home town and got 2 rabbits straight away but lamped the fox 1st, it just sat there but the shot wasnt safe so i didnt take it. As i moved around the course the fox seemed not to follow me but to be allways in front of me at about 100 yards or so as i circled the holes i usualy go around. Then i thought it had entered the farmers field and that was that. As i walked along the fairway i lamped again (red filter) and low and behold there it was again so i switched the lamp off lay down switched it back on and focused on its chest area at aprox 75 yards and took the shot with my 2nd time out Sako Quad .17hmr and that was that. Couldnt believe it. Took its tail as my trophy.

post-4789-1199658702.jpg post-4789-1199658794.jpg


Im pleased i could share this with you all. I suppose everyones 1st is good cheers!!!!!!!! :angry: Its just funny as it seemed to follow me around :)

Edited by mosa
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Foxes can be the strangest of animals.


Some of them are extremely clever and some are as thick as ditch water.


Lamping over the last week was an entertaining to say the least. Every fox we shone the lamp on was having none of it. Had a strange one then saturday night.


We got out of the jeep at the entrance to a field which is a favourite spot of ours. The field is basically one large hill with a valley on the far side leading down to Lough Derg. The instant we opened the jeep door we could get the smell of one. We went to the top of the hill and called for about 2-3 minutes. Turned on the lamp and nothing. Still nostrils filled with the familiar scent of a fox which made us start calling again. Lamp on and we spotted a fox maybe 200 yards away coming in like a train. It was a bright night and a slight wind blowing into charlies face. All the odds were in his favour. His night vision is better than ours and he could surely smell us.


Heart is thumping anyway as its been a long night and here is our best chance of success. I went prone on the un-even, lumpy and wet hillside expecting a 100-150 yard shot with the tikka. At the range that morning so knew the rifle was bang on. Confidence wasn't the best though due to missing 2 straight forward shots earlier in the month. Scope illumination was turned on. Took a second to centre myself and asked my mate to turn on the lamp


The fox was sitting looking at me from about 10 yards away. Then there was that kind of freeze where you you go "I cant believe he came in this close so quickly". Crosshair on centre mass, shooting down the hill, safe backstop and THUMP down goes foxy. American Eagle 55gr hollow point didn't even leave his body (found this amazing for such a short distance shot, probably entered his chest and travelled the lenght of it) Huge dog fox in amazing condition (obviously eating our pheasants :blush: ) His two front canine teeth on the right hand side were gone but he was a big lad. When stretched out he was as long as the rifle (with mod) from nose to tail. My friend lamping then told me he got so close to him that he could see him bouncing along in dark before he ever turned the lamp on.


Great night but my encounter and this story has kinda of changed my perception of them slightly. He's the first fox I have shot who came in to shotgun range. Some foxes for some reason will come in like a rocket to a call. So does intelligence vary from animal to animal. Some dogs are smarter than others.


Well if intelligence does vary across the fox world (can see no reason why it shouldn't) then I think I met my equivalent on saturday night :good:

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Last summer I was lamping on one of my shoots and a fox was walking through the woods along the track we were on not 5 yards in front of the pick up with the lights on (and he was not spooked) and turned through the fence into the field, we thought he was away. We drove along the fence line and turned 90 degrees to the right and put the lamp on and there he was walking towards us. Gave him one squeek and he started to run towards us from about 200 yards. At about 20 yards the lad I was with put 2 x .22's in his chest, he stopped about 5 yards in front of us dead having rolled towards us from when he was shot. If he had not been shot I am sure he would have run all the way at us.

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Last summer I was lamping on one of my shoots and a fox was walking through the woods along the track we were on not 5 yards in front of the pick up with the lights on (and he was not spooked) and turned through the fence into the field, we thought he was away. We drove along the fence line and turned 90 degrees to the right and put the lamp on and there he was walking towards us. Gave him one squeek and he started to run towards us from about 200 yards. At about 20 yards the lad I was with put 2 x .22's in his chest, he stopped about 5 yards in front of us dead having rolled towards us from when he was shot. If he had not been shot I am sure he would have run all the way at us.


lol :blush:


The lads i go lamping with were out one night and they spotted a run over a ditch so they stopped the jeep and started calling. They heard a loud bang on the side of the jeep and then a fox took off down the road ahead of them. They think a fox came bursting over the ditch and straight into the side of the jeep and then ran down the road.

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I am no longer a virgin where foxes are concerned as got my 1st tonight YEE HAAA!!. I went lamping to a golf course about 5 miles from my home town and got 2 rabbits straight away but lamped the fox 1st, it just sat there but the shot wasnt safe so i didnt take it. As i moved around the course the fox seemed not to follow me but to be allways in front of me at about 100 yards or so as i circled the holes i usualy go around. Then i thought it had entered the farmers field and that was that. As i walked along the fairway i lamped again (red filter) and low and behold there it was again so i switched the lamp off lay down switched it back on and focused on its chest area at aprox 75 yards and took the shot with my 2nd time out Sako Quad .17hmr and that was that. Couldnt believe it. Took its tail as my trophy.

post-4789-1199658702.jpg post-4789-1199658794.jpg


Im pleased i could share this with you all. I suppose everyones 1st is good cheers!!!!!!!! :lol: Its just funny as it seemed to follow me around :lol:

WELL DONE M8 "MOSA" - So you where listening to me after all when i told you every thing i new about shooting charlies. :lol:

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