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Hughes Chicken Run

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They are doing a fair bit, personally I usually buy farm select ones from waitrose as I do like their policies towards British farmers, these are barn reared but at a lower density, these make quite good reading





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The supermarkets are going to make a killing out of this and Fern will get a knighthood! I can see the producers being told to reduce their flock sizes by maybe 10-15% in the name of animal welfare while the the outlets double the price of the end product because it costs more to produce. This program isn't going worry the super markets, it's going to make them a lot of extra cash for very little benefit to the hens welfare. BTW, I've never seen Fern blubbing while hauling in fish or shooting deer. More power to his elbow!

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waitrose and M&S are actually listening to their customers and though they are slightly more expensive the difference isn't that much. Their barn rearing with access to natural light and lower stocking densities seems like the best compromise. It also gives them a good product advertising ability. Asda rated so badly as they refused to give the information which I'd assume was because they knew they would get hammered, but then they are the cheapest of the lot.

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If nothing else Hughs prog certainly started a debate and if PW members are anything to go by it’s gonna be a mass debate!

Sorry to lower the tone there for a moment.


I say well done to HFW and all the other celeb chefs for bringing better food to a wider audience. Not too sure about the animal welfare thing as there’s always going to be some (poor) people who can only afford cheaper stuff but as long as it’s their choice who’s to knock it. When all said and done we’ve all got to eat, some of us do so very well on good wholesome stuff and some survive quite nicely on junk foods (the oh so large woman on the prog for one). Mind you I do agree that if she ate a bit less herself and maybe got off her fat **** more she’d be able to afford something better but again (for the moment) that’s her choice. 99% of fat ******** are that way because they have an overactive knife and fork and an underactive pair of legs. Still given a few more years of world population growth people like her will be floated off to some 3rd world country to feed the starving millions there!


I don’t think the prog will make much of a long term dent in any supermarkets bottom line or for that matter their customers buying decisions but if it helps people change to better eating habits then bring it on! As for HFW acting ability or lack of it... well it’s all good tv whether your taken in or not so cut the man some slack.


Oh and Jonsey I wouldn’t worry too much about offending any veggies on here. With all the blood, guts and gore that gets posted no self respecting wimp’s gonna stay that long.

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I've just done a quick price comparison between ASDA and Waitrose and was intrigued by the results. Now I have to say I could only go from the prices on the websites and what I thought to be like for like products.


ASDA Large chicken is £2.18/kg and Free Range is £3.00/kg Smart Price Medium is just £1.69/kg

Waitrose Large Chicken is £2.09/kg however it is down from £2.79 on special and Free Range is £4.29/kg

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The thing that swung it for me was the comparatively little difference in price between OK chicken and free range, we don't eat that much of it so it won't be huge uplift in the shopping budget. Having just Christmas out of the way, it fairly fresh in my mind just how good turkey and ham can taste if you buy the very best, my eyes have been opened to that - I can't believe the difference between good and very good.



[i noticed that HFW wears dealer boots :rolleyes: ]

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I find it very difficult to watch HFW, as I consider him to be condescending, artificial and completely contrived.

He has found a niche that makes him a lot of money and for that he has to be congratulated.


I always assume that people buy the best food they can afford.

Why would they do otherwise ?

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Funnily “large bottomed lady†didn’t annoy me on last nights programme at all. Her arguments were weak granted and she’s bolshy however she didn’t roll over and just say yes 50p extra per person is very good and I’ll definitely buy free range from now on. She stuck to her guns and said NO I’m not prepared to spend any more money. (She could do something about her hair though). The others were all yes yes, lovely only 50p that’s brilliant and then next week they’ll be back on the two for a fiver at Tesco so they can have a couple of bottles of white lightening cider for the weekend.


The estate people are doing a great job with those chickens, they’re really getting into it and seem to enjoying it and most seem to understand they’re rearing half for the pot and half as layers. Although when it comes to slaughter time I’m sure there’ll be a few tears at bed time.


I too noticed the shop opening at the same time and thought it was a very clever set up. But then he’s firstly a businessman or entrepreneur if you like and secondly a chef and thirdly The Chicken Saviour.


Saying all this I do enjoy HFW shows and books, especially his books they’re so informative. Father Christmas brought me the Fish book and it’s excellent.


He’ll never stop people being 2 for a Fiver but he will educate some which is a good thing.

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just to bring up the humane despatching thing again, when hugh got all sad.


with the numbers of chicks he had ther it was inevitable that you were going to get a number of birds that werent strong enough, and werent going to survive, but just out of curiosity, does anyone think that they would have less birds with leg problems if they didnt flick the chicks out of the boxes when they brought them in.


seems mad that the boxes have fragile written on them, and then they flcik them out.


not that i have a problem with it mind, it was just a thought.

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You would not believe it - Sainsburys have written to the missus (as a Nectar card holder) to counteract negative publicity on the television this week.


If I get a chance I will type up the letter or try and photo it.


It all about how ethical and lovely to chickens Sainsburys is.




In my excitement I overlooked that ChrisN has mentioned this.


This must be costing them dearly (or they anticipate it wil).


Makes you wonder what's in store for the rest of the week....

Edited by Mungler
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The final episode!

"I cant afford an extra 80p for a free range chicken" I'm sorry but how much is a pint you p***k! Look at them in the pub saying we can afford a chicken how much is a pint £2.50-3.00 thats enough for 2-3 free range chickens.


Exactly! That really ****** me off! I understood the perspective from a single mother of X kids but not from some **** drinking in a pub!

A lot of the the free range chickens i've seen are more than like £2-£3 more than barn type but still, it's the price of ONE pint. Those pillocks really were a bit thick weren't they!

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The final episode!

"I cant afford an extra 80p for a free range chicken" I'm sorry but how much is a pint you p***k! Look at them in the pub saying we can afford a chicken how much is a pint £2.50-3.00 thats enough for 2-3 free range chickens.


Exactly! That really ****** me off! I understood the perspective from a single mother of X kids but not from some **** drinking in a pub!

A lot of the the free range chickens i've seen are more than like £2-£3 more than barn type but still, it's the price of ONE pint. Those pillocks really were a bit thick weren't they!

The language they used to get their point across would certainly indicate that.


FM :)

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The final episode!

"I cant afford an extra 80p for a free range chicken" I'm sorry but how much is a pint you p***k! Look at them in the pub saying we can afford a chicken how much is a pint £2.50-3.00 thats enough for 2-3 free range chickens.


Exactly! That really ****** me off! I understood the perspective from a single mother of X kids but not from some **** drinking in a pub!

A lot of the the free range chickens i've seen are more than like £2-£3 more than barn type but still, it's the price of ONE pint. Those pillocks really were a bit thick weren't they!

The language they used to get their point across would certainly indicate that.


FM :good:


I didn't think HFW was that careful with his language. :)


I was busy watching the Arsenal-v-Tottenham game, but popped over to have a look every now and then.

Every time I did, he seemed to be saying something like, "I only have three days left to save the world", or "I only have two days left to save the world". :lol:

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Poor ole chuffy :) ....The big boned lady was never gonna go free range right from the start. She could of bought a free ranger at the end if she wanted to, but she didn't just to prove a point in my view. I did enjoy watching it and it has made me sit up and think about it. It wasn't a shock to me though as i knew what the conditions were like anyway. I thought that was a classic when Martin thought Hugh called him an A hole :good: ....that made me chuckle

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Anyone know exactly how much a free range chicken is in Hugh's shop - I see that got another healthy name drop.


Frankly, I thought it was poo.


People on £12k a year aren't going free range when the cameras leave - pure and simple.


After his attempt at educating the public more are likely to go vegetarian.


I like the entertainment value of his shows but he is a ****. If any one of us were stuck with him on a desert island the end result would be Hugh Burgers by day 2.

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Im not quite sure what to make of the programme tbh - i think the idea was probably started in good faith but imo it was a bit too preachy at times. A couple of times i almost turned it off i was cringing so much. :)


Dont get me wrong i think HFW has probably done alot of good with River cottage in the past and it made a fair point of the excessive power supermarkets have over the producer and consumer but this particular effort could have been handled alot better.

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