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browning or berreta


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Neil, heres a few you can try when we get out, i had nothingto do the weekend, lost all my golf balls in the snow so got out the other toys and cleaned, these are most of the gang, rifles and bows not included, think i need another hobby. :good::oops:


theres a gun set for pin there as well, nice 4 barrel set, sorts the men from the boys in skeet .






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Very nice collection martin :good:

As for beretta or browning-it has to be beretta every time.They have a design that has stood the test of time very well,my uncle has a beretta semi for the last 15 years and the gun still functions totally perfect the design has stayed very similar since then my 391 urika looks to have an identical action to my uncles gun.

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Neil, heres a few you can try when we get out, i had nothingto do the weekend, lost all my golf balls in the snow so got out the other toys and cleaned, these are most of the gang, rifles and bows not included, think i need another hobby. :good::oops:


theres a gun set for pin there as well, nice 4 barrel set, sorts the men from the boys in skeet .





is that a winchester x2 with that coloured stock and fore end? is that the signature model.
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I've been considering a semi-auto for the goose shootign for a wee while in synthetic. I have never heard of them with gas in, does this need to be filled up at all ? Forgive me but I've no experience with semi-autos.. On the subject what synthetic semi-auto with a minimum 3" chamber would you suggest?

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Neil, heres a few you can try when we get out, i had nothingto do the weekend, lost all my golf balls in the snow so got out the other toys and cleaned, these are most of the gang, rifles and bows not included, think i need another hobby. :good::no:


theres a gun set for pin there as well, nice 4 barrel set, sorts the men from the boys in skeet .





is that a winchester x2 with that coloured stock and fore end? is that the signature model.


certainly is VS, only thing i dont like about this unit is the weight with its throat full, its gets heavey, we did a crash course on the x2 blowing over 750 rounds throught it in less than an hour, it cratered, it got that hot the brass expanded and stuck in the chamber, threw it on the ground for 30 mins to cool off and went at it again, one tough son of a bitch i can tell you, not one jam, the AL 391 390 all work well and take a pounding too, i like the 390 over all the action is still smoother than the 391, kinda like a deisel to a petrol engine those deisels work anywhere, even in the extreme cold days here as a few know.



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thanks for the input fellas seems like a lot of berreta fans over there, the beneli seems like a interesting concept too seems to be very populer as a game gun in north america, and nice collection Martin can't wait to come out and have a go with your armoury :good:

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I'll add another vote for Beretta just to push to point home, nice guns :good:


Martin, you really should get out more buddy. That's a serious collection you have there. I like the silver auto at the bottom of the picture, looks like a wrist breaker! As you had a few shots with my Beretta when you were here, when I'm over your end of town :lol::lol::angry:

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I'll add another vote for Beretta just to push to point home, nice guns :good:


Martin, you really should get out more buddy. That's a serious collection you have there. I like the silver auto at the bottom of the picture, looks like a wrist breaker! As you had a few shots with my Beretta when you were here, when I'm over your end of town :lol::lol::angry:


there all waiting for you buddy, that "silver auto" is the .50 cal Desert Eagle, an attention getter, dont wait to long either or you may have to stay longer, i may add to the collection soon, been told of a newer XS browning O/U may have to take a serious look at it hmmmmm

you and Neil will be like kids in a candy store :lol:



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