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Is it OK to steal my neighbours bird

henry d

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It depends on the circumstances, if the Gun you have stolen a bird from is already engaging other birds, I don't see it as a problem.

If they are patiently waiting for the bird and you shoot it off the end of their gun, that is completely different.


I don't like it when the guns are placed close enough together for this to be an issue.

We have one drive where this can happen, more to do with the layout than the closeness and its difficult to know whether the bird will actually go to the next gun, or fly out of the drive.

I always speak to my neighbouring guns so that we agree to take the birds regardless, that clears the air before the drive starts.

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it depends if you like them or not,i have recently joined a syndicate and some of the guns are proper gentlemen and the others shoot at anything in their range including yours.i now know which are which and in the latter case if i can get to a bird first i will.for the ones who let me know a bird is coming i will return the favour and for a bird that is 50-50 i will let them shoot first and if they miss ill have ago myself, the only problem is the decent people are cracking shots so i rarely get a chance :good:

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We are issuing instructions to the standers today to the effect. "If it is in range and safe shoot at the flipping thing!", "if it is flying straight at your next door gun let him have one then shoot at it", "If it is a low bird make sure you nail it behind but don't swing through the line", "We don't want to see any bird going between guns not being shot at ie no after you, no after you, no after you oops moments", "any gun that doesn't salute a safe bird in range will find themselves in outer mongolia for the next stand!!!!"

If you are in the beating line "anything in the air is fair game if it is going backwards or sideways"

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One must always remember,


'A bird over your neighbour's peg always is a better bird than over your head'


I alas have had to quote this many times.


I ain'nt so worried about it if someone does it to me, but I will say I ain'nt too happy when a gun follows a woodcock through my line of fire... Too dangerous

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If it is light hearted amongst people you know it is fine.

I nicked (maybe) one of my neighbour the rights birds on Tuesday, he then shot one of mine that was shared with the bloke to the left of me!

I was reloading at the time, it was 100% safe shot so I just laughed.

If there were very few birds about it may also make a difference.

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Cocks only days are generally seen as 'fun' days (often the beaters shoot more than the regular guns anyway) and so they should be. If a little bit of friendly oneupmanship and leg pullin' comes into play then so much the merrier. Wouldn't do it to anyone I didn't know but for sure anyone else is fair game!

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As said its pretty much fine if you do it sensibly, after all a bird that is too low for them to shoot at (within reason) can make a good crosser for you. Its all give and take I've had beaters days where its almost turned into a competition to shoot your neighbours bird before them, which is fine if you're all mates Otherwise if your neighbour has just shot and is re-loading and won't shoot at the bird then its fine to. If you don't know the guys you're standing with just check how they feel and whatever you do just make sure its safe

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