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Ammo I Dont Want - What to Do?

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When I first bought my HMR I was given 4 variety's of ammo. Now the Fed V-Shock is working for me. Verything else is poo. So I have a couple of boxes of hollow points and a box of balistic tip Winchester rounds I think. As I only have keep 600 on my ticket how do I get rid of the ones i dont want? They have been used there are rounds missing from each box.


Take them back to the shop?


ooops Sorry Wrong Section. Can youm move to the one below pls :lol:

Edited by ShaggyRS6
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Pick a nice warm still day, get a load of reduced rotten / soft fruit ect from the supermarket and have a .17 shattering traget day.


Just use your imagination and get a box of stuff that will go splat or bang :lol:

I've spent a couple of afternoon's doing this. Good fun. Use pencils to stick the oranges etc.. off the ground, if you're feeling deadly you can shoot the pencils too. Set them out from 40 - 150 yards, and enjoy!

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