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this man should not be in jail


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Shocking story and seems to be becoming so common now that decent people standing up for themselves come away as the guilty one! I woulkd have driven over him as well to defend myself and family if it came to it. Sad thing is if he had been knifed to death in front of his family the offender would have probably got a smaller sentence due to the fact he was on drugs at the time and needs rehab and wasnt awre of his actions bla bla bla..


Country is a joke now. The justice system is ****! Prisons are full so smaller sentences and suspended sentences are being handed down to criminals leaving them free to roam the streets! We need to build more prisons not speed traps and speed bumps. Rant over..





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I saw this on another forum and wondered how long it would take to appear and if anyone was going to post it couldn't have been a better person :rolleyes:


I'm not signing it for a few reasons, look past the petition to what actually happened the guy had been terrorised and threatened but that threat was gone when he chased him in his van and proceeded to run him over while the guy was hiding in a bush away from him. Judges rarely lock someone up under those circumstances unless its pre-meditated and acting for revenge rather than out of self defence. Had it been self defence he would have been fine.

There are lots of buts with this one the guy was a scrote and did deserve it but the way he got it wasn't legal hence the jail term.

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not in this case, had it been self defence he would have been fine as it was he chose to drive after the guy and use his van as an offensive weapon. You just can't do it but it doesn't sound so good written in the papers that way. As ever what bugs me is only hearing one side of the story but thats what the internet and media seem to excell at

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not in this case, had it been self defence he would have been fine as it was he chose to drive after the guy and use his van as an offensive weapon. You just can't do it but it doesn't sound so good written in the papers that way. As ever what bugs me is only hearing one side of the story but thats what the internet and media seem to excell at



so much much **** have folk to take of the scum that are walking the streets.


electronically tagged yob who had threatened him with a knife and had tried to smash his windscreen.

he should have walked.in my opinion.


while leaving his home to go shopping, Stephen, with his children present was confronted by a man clearly under the influence of drugs and alchohol who threatened to stab him in full view of his children some of whom are not yet of school age, unless he agreed to fight.

Edited by markbivvy
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had he done him there and then then fine but he didn't. Its the whole self defence argument the same reason Tony Martin went down in this country we can't take vigilante action and go after anyone and kill / injure them after the event. To me this is the right way as you have the right to defend yourself you just don't have the right to take the law into your own hands.

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depends which story you read, he was in a van so three seats max and chased the guy down the road and ran him over in bushes, Now to me if he had a child or two with him what was he doing chasing someone and crashing his van into him putting his kids at risk. This story says a bit more



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