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Storage of spare gunsafe keys


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Can anyone advise the best place to store the spare keys for our gun safes?

We were looking at getting a small safe but for the type we can afford they dont seem man enough for the job.

I currently leave them with our local RFD on the advise of or FLO.

This isnt realistic though if we need them out of normal business hours.

If we left them with another SGC holder in the area, is it prudent to tell the FLO?


Your advise would be appreciated



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Whoever has access to your safe keys must be both licensed and have the guns declared on their license.


what's wrong with keeping the spare keys with the other key? Lose one and you will have to change the safe locks anyway. Keep them all together.

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leave them somewhere safe in the house. There is no obligation to keep them locked away just that no one should know where they are. I keep a set on my car keys that are always with me and another set underneath a chest of draws. No one should know where they are whether they hold a licence or not

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Same as al4x......... in the house well hidden. I used to use a cup hook at the back of a kitchen unit but when I needed them I dislodged them and had to "fish" for them blind so to speak. I now have a short piece of string attached to the key ring and then onto the hook so if it falls it is easily retrieved.


BTW - it isn`t in the same place anymore :hmm:

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the other point worth mentioning is even the FEO shouldn't know where you keep them


Technically nobody should know where your keys are - I have heard of an FLO turning up to inspect a safe with SGC holder not in attendance, asking wife of SGC holder for safe key which she duly passed over and hey presto, big problem - non licence holding wife has access to SGC holder's guns :hmm:

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on one inspection a friend of mine found his keys ok but there was a rifle missing and had to ask his wife

if she knew where it was she replied yes its behind the hoover in the downstairs cupboard, luckily he said

he had been out that morning and his wife must have moved it on his return and the officer still granted renewal.

the same guy on one occasion was sat on the loo in the good old days of pistols playing with his .45 and let

a round off which went thru two doors and landed in the bedroom wall.after about ten minutes with no response from his wife he asked if she heard the bang "yes" well i could have shot myself she replied impossible because as you've told me before you never play with loaded guns in the house!!!

needless to say he never did after that.

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You don't own an angle grinder?


i would rather open door with spare keys,and change the locks,rather than pay over 200 quid for a new safe cos i cut the bloody thing open with grinder??? ;) just buy a cheap safe ,handy for ammo too and cash etc..should get one for 20-30 quid. :hmm:

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I keep my keys in a smaller electronic safe. Picked it up for around 50 Euro, handy for holding checkbooks passports etc,....


Don't know if they still sell them at the same price but Screwfix were selling a small safe with keys for £14 I have one and there is quite a bit of room in it!


Bolt it in a corner on BOTH walls and through the floor and it's damn near impossible to remove as it's so small!


Great for anything from Spare keys to passports and house deeds etc! :hmm:



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It's all to do with access. You can leave spare keys in your desk at work but probably no use if work is far away. Or you can leave spare keys with a mate who doesn't have access to your house. The problems arise when someone has access to your house *and* safe keys.

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