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cleaning rabbits


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can anyone tell me if there is a link on here about how to skin and clean rabbits? many thanks.

read in one of the magazines the other day about squeezing the bladder out as soon as its been shot, but then what.

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Paunch your rabbit and remove each leg at the joint (a cleaver or secateurs would be fine for this).






Seperate the muscle covering the gut from the skin (it comes away quite easily)




Continue until you work your way round to the back.




Then pull the skin over the back legs as if taking off a sock




We'll attend to the tail later.




Pull the skin forwards and ease out each front leg in turn.




Pull the skin forwards exposing the neck.




Then sever the head or skin it if required.




Remove the tail, tail glands and the remains of any organs running through the hips




Wipe over with a hot damp cloth to remove traces of fur, wash and enjoy



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top one that Russ, cheers. at the paunching bit, is it just split from bottom to top, then remover the innards by hand? and is there a correct way of this? i know its a bit of a divvy question, but id rather do it right than not at all.

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no mate its not a divvy question i find the easyest way to do this is to stand on its frunt legs and hold its back ones and in a sawing action run youd knife down the center of the rib cage untill you peace through then put you knife in and carfuly slit down the skin but be carefull you dont pieace the gut then just pull out with your hands but take some advice were some desposabul gloves other wise your hands will stink for ages lol

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Nice post Russ.


Another way is to cut the skin from side to side right over the back. You can then grab each half of skin from the back and pull the skin off from the middle towards the head and tail at the same time.


Another tip (from someone on here I think) is that if you make a good slit in the stomach you can hold the rabbit by it's back legs and upper body/front legs and use a kind of flicking action to flick the majoty of the innards out. One little pull finally separates them and you don't get too messy.

Edited by Piebob
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well i guess im not fussy i just cut up the middle then open up pull guts out and chop of the legs then move on to next one so on and so on till all rabbits are gutted

then i remove the skin on each rabbit seperate the skin from the fur by pushing my fingers between inner skin and the fur

once seperated then cut fur and peel it of by pulling in opposite directions which i find the quickest way for me then chop of the head then wash it through and in a bag ready for the frezer

on average i guess it takes me about 4 minuites to do each rabbit i guess thats pretty good :yes:

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stand on the front legs, make a small knick on the rib cage area, put in index finger and pull downwards, this rips a hole in the belly, plenty of room to get out the guts, and saves any acciedental cutting of the $hite bag

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  • 7 months later...

Here's a handy link. Mark Gilchrist is an awesome chap. Had some of his Gmae Pie at a local Game Fair. Yum!




Also, what do you chaps think of pop-gutting rabbits? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=goGtZ3euMt4&...feature=related



(anyone else think rabbit legs look really funny when they've been chopped off? :welcomeani::stupid: )

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