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beleve me bob i have been on the receiving end of things a lot worse .

then a egg or a bottle .

and yes my views would most probably be differant .

but like wgd said it was not DF who threw it .

i was always told that before you judge a person .

you should get to know and understand then first .

that is all i have to say


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beleve me bob i have been on the receiving end of things a lot worse .

then a egg or a bottle .

and yes my views would most probably be differant .

but like wgd said it was not DF who threw it .

i was always told that before you judge a person .

you should get to know and understand then first .

that is all i have to say


Sorry to hear that you have had worse Mrs S, not a school teacher are you? A friend who is, tells me some horrific tales, including one last week of a teacher who was pinned to a wall by a pupil holding a knife at her throat.

As the only way that we can know anybody on here is by their postings, I would say that people are responding to what DF has posted in the way that they see it and him.

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Come on guys, we all have had a moment of madness as one could put it in our lives-Young or old alike.


Anyone who's says they have'nt would be telling porkies now would'nt they?


Yes and I and will be the first to admit that DF came across as being a little immature over this incident but we must take our members at face value and be fair.

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Now i may have got this wrong, but your saying you couldn't stop this kid from taking the egg or stop him from throwing it ?

And you expect the Police to issue you a SGC ! .....just imagine what would happen if the kid had taken your shotgun !


You are not mature enough to own or posess a firearm of any sort..... sort yourself out, get better friends and grow up !




Do you really need to be that harsh he stole the egg on the way out of my house he not gonna pick lock a SG safe and steal the Shotguns is he. He will not be allowed in my house again as I didnt want him to but again does not listen. I am mature enough to hold a SGC and the only reason why I assosiated with him is because he goes beating and has a springer that he says he wants trained up to be a gundog. But he obviously doesnt care about the dog now so thats it. I made a poor judgement and learned from it.


I think the police believe me as the boy has been in trouble alot before and I told nothing but the truth.



I'm not doubting your a nice chap who has good intentions and at times is responsible .... but it's your inablility to stop this young **** from stealing the egg and then your association with him, even though you knew he was going to throw it at a car, that worries me... It doesent take much imagination to put a gun in the ****'s hand instead of an egg does it?

I'm glad you've learnt a lesson and i hope it has sunk in ... just remember that when you get your sgc you have alot of reponsibility to go with it.

Not trying to be nasty, just trying to wake you up ! :yes:



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I'm not doubting your a nice chap who has good intentions and at times is responsible .... but it's your inablility to stop this young **** from stealing the egg and then your association with him, even though you knew he was going to throw it at a car, that worries me... It doesent take much imagination to put a gun in the ****'s hand instead of an egg does it?

I'm glad you've learnt a lesson and i hope it has sunk in ... just remember that when you get your sgc you have alot of reponsibility to go with it.

Not trying to be nasty, just trying to wake you up ! :yes:




The next time I see him im gonna say 3 words to him and im not allowed to say it on here. Hope he gets the message then.

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I've been reading this thread DS not sure how old the boy is, or the age difference as regards your age??

But two things, tell the boy's mother you saw him DO IT!... and you are prepared so testify to that!

Secondly go to the police station and tell them you want to be a witness for the prosecution as you have heard it's going to be taken further!

All the best whatever you decide......


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Is it just my imagination or is there a rash of people coming on to a public forum admitting to being part of something very stupid, doing nothing when something stupid is done or saying something really stupid. If you stood by whilst he committed an offence, with an egg from your house, which you did nothing to prevent him throwing at a car, because you were walking him home, because big boys were going to get him etc, etc.


Grow up. Either you are partly to blame or you are a witness. Make your mind up. It's called being responsible. If you refuse to be a witness, I trust the Police will remember that you did not do your civic duty when it comes to SGC application time.


Either these people are Trolls or disfunctional.

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ill go with the big vote here, DF has been a div. BUT, it would be nice to think that he has learnt his lesson from this. dont beat yourself up over this, and make sure that you choose your friends a bit more carefully from now on :blush:



i think the lad deserves a break now, dont you. :lol:

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Criminal Damage/attempting is an arrestable offence.


Causing a danger to a road user is an arrestable offence.


Aiding and abetting an arrestable offence if an offence for which you could be arrested, charged or reported.


In my professional opinion you are as much to blame as him and you have shown that you are not responsible enough to be licenced to carry a firearm.



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