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What do you think about anties.I don't no why they complain about shooting I have come from a family of shooting people but one of my relations is a townie (as they say)and she is an antie too do you think they dissagree about the sport because they have got nothing to do i'am only 14 but i understand

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What do you think about anties.I don't no why they complain about shooting I have come from a family of shooting people but one of my relations is a townie (as they say)and she is an antie too do you think they dissagree about the sport because they have got nothing to do i'am only 14 but i understand

fill in your profile matey :good:

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I think the normal profile for the anti falls into one of two categories :-


The socially inept emotionally damaged lonely female type who has too many cats




The do-gooder with absolutely nothing in their empty sad lives save interfering in other peoples lawful activities out of spite.


There is a sub category who many call "sabs", these are nothing more than bullying cowardly anarchists who just like causing trouble.

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I'm unfortunate to have to work in an office where two of the secretaries are dyed-in-the-wool antis. One of them (she has a beard and wears sandals) regularly shouts about me 'shooting Bambi', the other (she's even more hirsute) feeds foxes in her garden and sabs the local hunt.


Aside from these two oxygen thieves, I have very little contact with antis, thank God.

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Anti's are people who got nothing better to do other than to get a slot in the local paper to get famous and if lucky get on the TV. Dont make a fuss swear or kick out thats what they want to catch on camara, they will turn this into something that isnt.

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I think they are small minded ill educated people and they are probably the same people that give others a hard time for smoking, wearing military uniform in public, building roads etc....................fat wasters with too much time on their hands, fik em get on with life and ignore them.

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Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, often its best to agree to disagree.

I don't agree with squash and badminton, but I don't go banging on about it all the time.


As long as they don't directly try to interfere with any lawful pursuits I am involved in, I don't have a problem with them existing.

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Most of these anti's are are armchair conservasionists .They will watch tv programs and believe what these die hard tree huggers are preaching . It would not occur to them that the real conservasionists are the people who actually manage the countryside ,farmers ,gamekeepers ,shooting men .They could never believe the work that is put into looking after the wild life of this country side by these people .They watch a couple of one sided tv programs and become experts .

I am very proud of the effort that i put into changing the opinion of one such anti .One of my former work mates was an out and out anti and was always trying to put me down in front of collegues because of my interest in shooting .I challenged him to let me show him what the countryside was all about .I took him out to feed the pheasants and took him out beating ,all ways explaining to him what was going on and why .He came out stalking with me and pigeon shooting . It took me a full year to get him to change his mind on shooting ,but he did .Although he has never wanted to own a gun or shoot anything he is know a regular beater on a shoot says that he loves the day out and the company . I am very proud of that one and i am glad i was able to change the mind of just one anti . Harnser .

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I have four aunty's that live in the country but fortunately my uncles to which they are married are all shooting men :good:

not all town folk are anty's you don't have to live in the country to do field sports i live in a town and i have mates around here that shoot and we all keep ferrets to

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I'm unfortunate to have to work in an office where two of the secretaries are dyed-in-the-wool antis. One of them (she has a beard and wears sandals) regularly shouts about me 'shooting Bambi', the other (she's even more hirsute) feeds foxes in her garden and sabs the local hunt.


Aside from these two oxygen thieves, I have very little contact with antis, thank God.

How ghastly!


Sounds like a few people in my year at school. :angry:


FM :lol:

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I'm unfortunate to have to work in an office where two of the secretaries are dyed-in-the-wool antis. One of them (she has a beard and wears sandals) regularly shouts about me 'shooting Bambi', the other (she's even more hirsute) feeds foxes in her garden and sabs the local hunt.



Reminds me of the question:


"Why do Sumo wrestlers shave their legs?"















"So they won't be mistaken for feminists!"



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