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I ate too much and now I feel sick


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Hey LV.....toilet rolls in the fridge tonight then....ready for the morning! :yes:


Roger that tango.


Two of...just in case ! :lol:


Magazine rack in the throne room is also well stocked.


Will put the "Crime Scene - Beware" tape around the bog tomorrow if / when I come out...

I dont think you will beat Bazza for the badest bum trophy Matty :hmm:





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Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge steak & kidney pie :D


It's good, this diet :lol:


I was out in Bramhall at lunchtime and bought a Mexican Chicken sandwich (massive) in Hampsons, and they had a promotion on. I could have a stonking great "cake of the day" to go with it for an extra 40p. So I had a **** off great chocolate squidgy toffee cake thingey :) :) :)


Later on, I had to go to Sainsburys and I couldn't resist a bag of Chicken Tikka Samosas :hmm:


Think the diet's ******



I have just chomped my way through a full size 400gram S&K pie myself + 3 cans of Boddintons Draught Bitter ;) Feeling about ready for a few hours sleep and another hard days work out doors in the cold.


EDIT: got the pie from a Local butchery, and it was darn tasty! freshly made, and sold in a paper bag not the usual mass production plastic packed junk. I have now decided to avoid supermarkets and buy as much as I can afford locally.


My missus made mine - far too big :yes:;):lol:

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Fuuny that, I'm on nights and the site canteen has put on a free curry night sponsored by the client.


Never seen the canteen so full with a bunch of contractual freeloaders.


I don't know curry and what I had was rank- but what could you expect from a non believer.


I really don't know what the facination is with this type of food- It looks nothing more than offal on a plate, and in my opinion tastes little different either.

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I had tom yum soup, XL portion of Duck in hot and sour sauce, fried rice, some spring rolls, prawn crackers and BBQ spare ribs all washed down with a few cold beers. :D


I also feel a bit dodgy now. :yes::lol:


God help anyone within a 30 yard blast zone at work tomorrow. :hmm:

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Ah ha hahahah etc


Mungler's crash (Lighter Life Diet) - well is hasn't been pleasant but you just can't argue with the results.


Start weigh in 19 stone 8lbs

+1 month weigh in 16 stone 13 lbs


Yes folks that is a whopping 2 stone and 9 lbs in 1 calendar month.


1 more month to go on the phase they like to call "starvation" and then it's into "route to management" (to keep it off).

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Dear mr Mungler,

can we have before & after pic.

i would love to see the results.

as i have been trying to lose a few pounds since chirstmas.

and nothing seems to work .

mind you i dont think my passion for choc +red wine is helping.




p.s is it one of thoses diet were you just have one meal a day .

the rest is liquid.

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Ah ha hahahah etc


Mungler's crash (Lighter Life Diet) - well is hasn't been pleasant but you just can't argue with the results.


Start weigh in 19 stone 8lbs

+1 month weigh in 16 stone 13 lbs


Yes folks that is a whopping 2 stone and 9 lbs in 1 calendar month.


1 more month to go on the phase they like to call "starvation" and then it's into "route to management" (to keep it off).

See I told you it works.

You had better estimate how thin you will be in 2 weeks so I know who to look out for :lol:

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Tell you what, when I started I had clothes I couldn't get into that are now too big.


It is genuinely bizarre how fast it works and yes I know, I know it's the keeping it off bit that comes next, but hey having the weight off and then worrying about it not going back on is a problem I don't mind having.

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Tell you what, when I started I had clothes I couldn't get into that are now too big.

It is genuinely bizarre how fast it works and yes I know, I know it's the keeping it off bit that comes next, but hey having the weight off and then worrying about it not going back on is a problem I don't mind having.

The 2 people I know who have done this, bottomed out at weights that some said make them look ill, mainly because people were so used to seing them fat.

You have worked out the biggest challenge, what happens at the end.

You will almost certainly stick a little bit back on again, but keeping it to that seems to be the hardest part.

A common trap is subconciously people think 'I lost it easily enough last time . .' so don't get too concerned when it creaps back on.

One of the people I am talking about, met people who were on the 2nd and 3rd time round at one of the meetings.

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Well done Mungler that's great.


A friend of mine lost seven stone in 6 months last year on a similar shake and soup diet. She did so well and looks fantastic now, we were all so used to seeing her so big we didn't really give it a second thought until we noticed the weight loss and it was immediate in the first few weeks. She's so far kept all the weight off but is on proper food now. Because she was so big she did the first 12 weeks on these shakes (it was hell for us, she was a bear with a sore head) and then introduced foods back a bit at a time.


Keep going at it and ignore the curry boys :lol:

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It is called "Lighter Life".


They say it is for people who need to lose 3 stone or more.


They "guarantee" 3 stone off for men in 2 months.


I make them right - 2+ clean and clear stones for me in 1 month so far.


It's miserable, but hey, you just can't argue with the results.

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It is called "Lighter Life".


They say it is for people who need to lose 3 stone or more.


They "guarantee" 3 stone off for men in 2 months.


I make them right - 2+ clean and clear stones for me in 1 month so far.


It's miserable, but hey, you just can't argue with the results.


So what is behind it all then Mung.......


Trying to increase your sex appeal among all those high flying barristers?:lol:??????????

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Okay, lighter life webby is here : http://www.lighterlife.com/


The score is that it is a starvation diet, however, it is not as bad as it sounds.


You pay £66 per week (which sounds a lot) but you are supplied with all the food packs you need and are allowed. That's it. The reason I like it is the simplicity - there are no points or calorie counting or different days.


If they (Lighter Life) don't supply you with it, then you can't have it - end of.


Anyhows, I worked out that at £66 a week that's a massive saving from my normal weekly take away and grazing food bill.


The food packs are either shakes, soups or bars. You place a weekly order and you must eat 4 a day (combination of shakes, soups and bars). The food packs contain the vitamins and minerals required to stop you getting scurvy etc.


My day consists of banana milkshake (well it's mixed with water), Mushroom soup (mixed with water), Chicken Soup (mixed with water) and then a choccy milkshake (mixed with water). The bars I use if I am out and about.


Bizarrely, I have never been hungry on this diet. That is because in addition to the above liquid drinks you must without fail drink 8 PINTS of water a day. It's a struggle but you get into it and your bladder does adjust (after 2 weeks you will stop having dreams about swimming and going to the toilet and will stop getting up 3 times a night for a ****).


You are allowed nothing other than the foodpacks, water, tabasco sauce, salt and pepper, black tea and black coffee. No juices, no diet drinks and no lemon in your water.


To make it work my recommendation is get a cheap drinks blender off ebay - the food packs actually taste ok (better than okay) but lumps ruin it.


During the course of the diet the first 2 weeks are like a detox - you are on 500 calories a day with vitamins and minerals and 8 pints of water. Sounds like a new age hippy's dream save you don't have to drink your own ****.


For the first 2 weeks your body will hate you and you will develop something like man flu and feel like passing out every day. You will also crave fast food like a ******. After 2 weeks you will feel very good, healthy and pleased with yourself. You will also become acutely aware of how much grazing and pointless eating you did previously.


At the end of the 2 months you can extend the starvation period if required or go onto the route to management bit where you stabilse your weight and food is reintroduced.


If you do exercise at the same time (light aerobic) it will fall off like no business.


That's it. There are loads of people doing it to shift 3 stone before summer. Two months grief for 3 stone off before June can't be bad.





Reason for my diet - I have a wardrobe full of lovely expensive suits that all track my slow but steady increase in weight over the last 10 years. I ran out of suits I could fit into and was not up for a trip to high and mighty.

Edited by Mungler
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