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I rolled up at the gravel pit on the farm sat to check the zero on the .17 HMR, found an old beat up Rover 216 blocking the gate so parked across the end of it. Made my way in the pit and found 3 Pikeies with a Lurcher lurking about, I asked what they where up too and they said just looking for a place to walk the dog, I said walk or run? They had a little chuckle. Asked how much the dog would cost they said £1000 if you want to buy it :yahoo: I said no just wonder how much you will need to spend to replace it if there was a terrible shooting accident and It was mistakenif for a charlie on my rounds each night, they nodded and left with no further comment. A quick phone call to Starlight 32 confirmed it was most likely the same bunch he had words with a while back :rolleyes: we know where the camp site is but they look more like new age folk than hardend Pikeies all the same not welcome when they just roam around on private land with the intent of doing just as they please, farmer has some bits of kit in the pit which no doubt have a scrap value :yahoo:

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one of the golf courses i shoot had about 20 "illegal" caravan/***** sheds parked on it last month, they stayed for about 3 weeks and absolutely destroyed the 18th green, they have strewn rubbish/gas bottles everywhere but worst of all they have smashed loads of glass bottles everywhere !!!

also there is,nt a rabbit in sight so i think they,ve been coursing it , that will take years to re-populate !!!

Edited by rec-baller
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Got informed in DT today that I'm racist for saying that someone had pikied my work. :rolleyes:


FM :yahoo:

There you go, not racist at all, it's in the Oxford Dictionary of slang, it's a verb, simply means stolen.


<The term is considered to have negative connotations; even when it refers to others, many people still consider it to be derogatory and offensive. "*****" is frequently used as an adjective, as in "he lives on a ***** estate", "those clothes look *****" or "(name of cheap shop) is a ***** shop". However, "*****" is also occasionally used as a verb, a synonym for "steal", as in "Someone's pikeyed my bike".>

Edited by bob300w
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Got informed in DT today that I'm racist for saying that someone had pikied my work. :yahoo:


FM :yahoo:

There you go, not racist at all, it's in the Oxford Dictionary of slang, it's a verb, simply means stolen.


<The term is considered to have negative connotations; even when it refers to others, many people still consider it to be derogatory and offensive. "*****" is frequently used as an adjective, as in "he lives on a ***** estate", "those clothes look *****" or "(name of cheap shop) is a ***** shop". However, "*****" is also occasionally used as a verb, a synonym for "steal", as in "Someone's pikeyed my bike".>


Top Man :rolleyes:

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I have word with them a few weeks back.


They would'nt push it at the time.


Funnily enough I turned up at work on monday and had left a diesel welder hitched up to a tractor over the weekend.


Came in to find the PTO and hitch had been cut off with burning gear to get to the welder.


To make matters even worse I later found out they had even used my burning gear after breaking into the site container.


End result- Lost Diesel welder £2500

Damage to tractor- £5500


Cost of theft these days is astronomical.

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Watch out pav, i know someone that had words with lurcher lads & they said they were going to tell the rozzers that he threatened them with a shotgun !!! he said he never had one - made a sharp exit & reported them to the local constabulary - who done jack ****. But at least he covered himself :sly:

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one of the golf courses i shoot had about 20 "illegal" caravan/***** sheds parked on it last month, they stayed for about 3 weeks and absolutely destroyed the 18th green, they have strewn rubbish/gas bottles everywhere but worst of all they have smashed loads of glass bottles everywhere !!!

also there is,nt a rabbit in sight so i think they,ve been coursing it , that will take years to re-populate !!!



My approach would have been a couple of hundred golf balls driven every day towards them, id imagen that would provoke them to move on, as well as creating some damage!!!


A friend of mine owns a large factory just outside St Asaph in north wales, he had an issue with a load parking on his site so he played them at there own game, being that the factory was not in operation anyway they were not causing him too much distress, so he told them that they are welcome to stay so long as they pay rent for the land they are occupying, knowing full well that he wouldnt get a penny from them, he went along to a quarry not too far away and aquired 6m 14tonn reinforced concrete cubes, aranged delivery the same day to his site, placed them all along the enterance / exit, and before the last one was placed told them once more, either leave now or your locked in and wont be let out until you pay your way out, now &*$% )"£.


They got the message and were gone within the hour.

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we used to have problems with ******,the farm manager was out on rabbit duty,when he saw the local ****** on the land, so off he went in pursuit of the them, they drove of at speed down the track and manage to get there discovery stuck into a ditch, the boss decide to have a little chat with them and then they went off to get something to pull it out, by the time they had got back the discovery had just been cubed up by the farms 14 tonne 360 tracked digger which was quickly pulled up to the field on the low loader, you should of seen there faces, :mad: we never have had a problem with them to this day,

Edited by scorchy
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I was only reading this topic earlier when my Dad comes home, shouts '****** at the rugby club, back later' and leaves shouting that I am not to go with him.


So I hopped on my bike and followed. I turned up, locked my bike away and popped over to say hello to the people I knew.


Anyway the scene is there are at least a dozen caravans, loads of 4x4's, new mercedes etc on the rugby pitches. 2 police officers are there serving a notice for them to leave by 12 noon tomorrow as the rugby club is having a fancy ball tomorrow evening. They are parked out on the pitch getting seriously drunk.


There are about a dozen rugby club members and the local farmer in attendance. The police said they had to leave as they were currently moving them from a site down the road and didn't have enough resources. :good:


As the police were driving up the road they actually pulled over to let a transit with 5 of the scum sitting in the front seat past. They came up into the car park bundled a young ***** into the back with a dog and then shouted something at us. A woman we were with in our 50's said 'Oh your the big boy in there aren't you' and the lad nearest the window in the front seat with a 6 pack hopped out again looking for trouble. Obviously we didn't give it to him and he got back in.


As the police had now left they all started cruising over in their sports cars so I got told very firmly for the thousandth time that I had to go. Eventually I got a lift home when my Dad left as I put my bike in the boot of his car.


There is one chap staying in the clubhouse tonight as the police suggested we man it. They were unable to due to a lack of resources. :yes: I really hope he is alright.


They better be gone by tomorrow night as the club is having a posh ball, the like of which they have not had before so these lawless scumbags could well ruin it. If not I really hope they don't meet 200 slightly intoxicated rugby players on the way home...


A very angry


FM :good:

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i know a farmer in hampshire who caught 2 of them hare courseing he done nothing just got the gamekeeper and farm hands to block them in with there 4x4's never exchanged a word with them till police came took them in charged them with what ever they did they got a £30 fine each ? the farmer lost a tank of diesel over his yard in the following weeks and also a barn load of hay burnt to the ground . pikes law unto there selfs

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Well our lot moved at 9:30am Friday morning just down the road by another of the town's secondary schools. I went for a look before school just before 8am and there were still there then. Apparently they had a 4 police car escort to their new site. :good:


At least they are out of our way for now even though they have left alot of litter about. I'm just hoping they haven't poached the place (they had lurchers) as I was planning a rabbiting foray there soon. :hmm:


I don't think it was the police that was the deciding factor in them moving. It was more likely the fact that there was a ball and disco that night 100m away from their camp and there would be some drunk rugby boys leaving late at night who were not happy about them being there. :good: That's providing it hadn't turned nasty before hand as there was problems with ****** in the town centre last weekend where someone had their face re-arranged by them so there were a few lads in school keen for a meet up. Rather them than me. :yes:



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There you go, not racist at all, it's in the Oxford Dictionary of slang, it's a verb, simply means stolen.

<The term is considered to have negative connotations; even when it refers to others, many people still consider it to be derogatory and offencive. "*****" is frequently used as an adjective, as in "he lives on a ***** estate", "those clothes look *****" or "(name of cheap shop) is a ***** shop". However, "*****" is also occasionally used as a verb, a synonym for "steal", as in "Someone's pikeyed my bike".>


It's only slang? unless it's used in the context it's being presented in this thread, anybody that reckons it's not being used in a derogatory way when mentioned in this thread is kidding themselves on. you have taken a snippet of the wikipedia explanation to explain you're understanding of the word, here's the link to the full version,




You could also present the same kind of argument when being selective about what parts you pull from the information at hand for these terms,


******, just take out the parts that point to it being offencive,



Poof, Same as above, take out the parts you need to to present a lame argument,






You can pick as many Racist, Derogatory verbally insulting terms as you like and with a clever bit of word manipulation you can present them as harmless everyday sayings (that don't mean anything by cause there not really insulting)....Are they Fatty, Baldy, Four eyes.


To label an entire people with the same brush is narrow minded to say the least, there are good and bad individuals/groups of people in every community in the country.

The true Romany's have family lineages that go back centuries, Most are proud respectful people with strong family values driven by the ethos of 'a mans word is his bond', unlike some of the modern day 'new age' travellers whom everybody automatically associates as being Gypsy.

Ignorance is bliss and often it's far easier to jump on the band waggon and join in with the public stoning than to actually learn what you're talking about.

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