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Amy Winehouse V


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Remixs of Pink Floyd, Elvis etc etc.


Nothing of any interest to me in the charts for at least 8 years now.


Back in my day bands could hold a tune and you could hear the words and ..................


Is it inevitable we all turn into our parents?




saying "back in my day" at the ripe OLD age of 36! seems like you already have? is living darn sarth that miserable?

cheers KW

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I think the exception is Metal :mad:


Good stuff about over the last few years, especially from USA/Canada. And I'm 53 :hmm::lol: :lol:


Audioslave, Creed, Disturbed, Three Doors Down, Staind, Theory of a Deadman etc etc etc (half of these bands have split up already though :mad: )


Mind you, that stuff doesn't get in the charts anyway :lol:

Edited by Chard
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Sorry going to have to agree, Pete is a total scum with too much money, sod prison, courts should take the money off him and distribute it to the nation, "say in the form of reducing petrol / diesel prices" :mad: Hit him where it hurts.


I also think that Amy Winehouse however has a cracking voice, and could out sing any careoke singer anyday of the week.


Her parents released a statement asking the public not to buy her albums because she was using the money to buy drugs, personally i couldnt give a **** what she uses the money for, its hers and she has earnt it, so therefore she can do what she like with it, i like the music so i will continue to buy the albums, and always will. :mad:

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The problem with addictions is people with looks and/or money never really hit rock bottom (until they’re dead). Celebrities with addictions are even worse because they influence so many others. How many kids (most without looks or money) are copy catting AW cause they think it’s cool?

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She was never a true "looker", but she looked light years ahead of the dope ridden hag that she has become. Top songwriter, hell of a voice, but a complete waster. She needs to sort herself out quickly or she will be dead or in the gutter soon.

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Zapp, I wasn't looking to influence anybody by posting pictures of how she used to look. All I was doing was letting folks see that the celebrity (so called) pics we see of her only tell one part of the story - and that unfortunately is the part they (the press) want us to see. :)


For others who wish these folks dead - what the heck did they ever do to you other than cause some strain on your eyeballs?


Martin you mention the Zep - great band - we must be about the same era - but what about John Bonham - drugs?


There are far too many singer/songwriters wasted with this stuff for the simple reason they have the money to buy it.

The problem aint the people - the problem is the drugs and the dope - but how many of us can honestly say we haven't dabbled at some stage in our youth - or even continue to do so? :lol:


I like the music, I like the words - I don't really care what the singer looks like :yes:


All the best


Pushkin. :yes:

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Zapp, I wasn't looking to influence anybody by posting pictures of how she used to look. All I was doing was letting folks see that the celebrity (so called) pics we see of her only tell one part of the story - and that unfortunately is the part they (the press) want us to see. :yes:


For others who wish these folks dead - what the heck did they ever do to you other than cause some strain on your eyeballs?


Martin you mention the Zep - great band - we must be about the same era - but what about John Bonham - drugs?

There are far too many singer/songwriters wasted with this stuff for the simple reason they have the money to buy it.

The problem aint the people - the problem is the drugs and the dope - but how many of us can honestly say we haven't dabbled at some stage in our youth - or even continue to do so? :yes:


I like the music, I like the words - I don't really care what the singer looks like :)


All the best


Pushkin. :hmm:







hang on a minute pal. Bonham, DRUGS........... :yes:

the guy smoked a lot of pot, BUT! it was the drink that got him in the end. please dont take the Bonham name in vain. :lol::yes:

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Zapp, I wasn't looking to influence anybody by posting pictures of how she used to look. All I was doing was letting folks see that the celebrity (so called) pics we see of her only tell one part of the story - and that unfortunately is the part they (the press) want us to see. :yes:


For others who wish these folks dead - what the heck did they ever do to you other than cause some strain on your eyeballs?


Martin you mention the Zep - great band - we must be about the same era - but what about John Bonham - drugs?

There are far too many singer/songwriters wasted with this stuff for the simple reason they have the money to buy it.

The problem aint the people - the problem is the drugs and the dope - but how many of us can honestly say we haven't dabbled at some stage in our youth - or even continue to do so? :hmm:


I like the music, I like the words - I don't really care what the singer looks like :lol:


All the best


Pushkin. B)







hang on a minute pal. Bonham, DRUGS........... :)

the guy smoked a lot of pot, BUT! it was the drink that got him in the end. please dont take the Bonham name in vain. :yes::yes:



Also, we weren't continually bombarded with boring publicity stunts by Bonham. All this Winehouse/Doherty/Moss/Peaches Geldof **** in the news is just a lame attempt at PR. Just shows what a deranged bunch of tossers the country has become, when daily **** like this does more to promote their poxy careers than what they're supposed to be "good" at :yes:


I say don't give them air time. Their lack of talent will ensure that they would disappear rather quickly if they weren't constantly shoved in the faces of a nation hungry for sensationalist ****

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I say don't give them air time. Their lack of talent will ensure that they would disappear rather quickly if they weren't constantly shoved in the faces of a nation hungry for sensationalist ****



brother Chard, you have got it right. look at what happens to a "star" when nobody shows interest.



all them big brother lot, and the likes of... whats her name? that bird with the crooked nose and slack diddys :lol: essex i think she is from... ahhhhhhhhrrggg.. you know the one, always has a cammo belt covering her dids :yes:



anyway, thats the point. if they aint in the papers with em out, nobody cares :)

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Martin, apologies - I made a mistake as to the cause of his death; but alcohol is just another drug - only it is legal and very enjoyable - as most drugs are :good:


Despite this though, he had talent and I think we both agree on that point :hmm: However, I'm sure you had some arguments with pals then and perhaps even over the years since about whether the Zep played real music or not (of course they bloody well did!! :good: ). Point is we recognised their talent - and that is what I do as regards Winehouse. I don't think she is a good looking woman - in fact her current looks are terrible but - in my opinion she rocks - especially with that old soul/bluesy style she is so good at. As her addiction seems to get a stronger hold on her though, her voice and her ability are waning.


Pushkin :hmm:

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