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If all goes to plan and Echo is in reasonable shape we will be there Friday night.


More importantly what food and drink is everyone bringing? As I'm going to need to sort out the weekends provisions.


Oh and I'll play footie even though I hate it, preferably not on the gay/camp/Essex team.


FM :good:

That's fine, you will presumably be playing for the Wilts Wan.....errr.... what was it.......oh, yes wanderers. :hmm::good:

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cant remember me n stu had 2x full of ice cold beer all weekend stuck in a few ice blox and ya well away asda are selling cooler boxs for £6 at the mo

That sounds more like it! Asda tomorrow for a plug-in chiller, do they do ones that you load with a fork-lift?

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Reading this thread gets me more and more tempted, I'm gonna be so depressed when you all go lol

Not at all, you will have the forum to yourself, you can run riot. Of course there will be no-one to talk to, all of the intelligent ones will be at Bisley, and don't forget to turn the forum off before you go to bed either.

P.S. It's possibly not too late, you can probably still go, contact martincavie.

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