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i hear on the news that 5 people have been stabbed in 24hrs what is going on in this country of ours .people say its drugs or employment that does not give the right to stabb someone i think you get caught with a knife unlawfully you should get 5 years and serve every day of the 5 years secound offence life what do you think .noel

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Dont get too excited.. Knife crime has not risen latley, but the media are jumping on the stories stronger then ever. They always choose a new topic. A while ago it was global warming, then Maddie, gun crime, now knife crime.

Unfortunatly its getting people concearned, but that buys papers and sells on TV. There has always been a lot of knife crime, but never before has the media focused so strongly on it. Trust me its not just the UK that has that level of knife crime.

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Dont get too excited.. Knife crime has not risen latley, but the media are jumping on the stories stronger then ever. They always choose a new topic. A while ago it was global warming, then Maddie, gun crime, now knife crime.

Unfortunatly its getting people concearned, but that buys papers and sells on TV. There has always been a lot of knife crime, but never before has the media focused so strongly on it. Trust me its not just the UK that has that level of knife crime.


I agree with that, it's the latest media panic, and they will soon get bored with it. If you try to penetrate the reports to find the truth it's hard to avoid the conclusion that mostly this is a bunch of gang-bangers knifing one another, and that bothers me not a lot.

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I'm just waiting for Monday to see what Bottler's new legislations going to be like. Any bets it's a useless, draconian piece of knee jerk reaction?


That's guaranteed! And when the draconian knee-jerk laws are proven to be ineffective, will they be repealed?

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as the father of a fair few kids the youngest 13, I AM ******* excited by this, as unless you have failed to realise or take on board that which is happening? its kids killing kids, we are now suffering ( reap that which you sow) the effects of lilly livered liberalsation, in that corporal punishment and the inability to control kids using a good old clip or to lock the little scroats up has left us with a generation of kids with the morals and value for life as the average street cat, and the ability to set up gangs at will and run/ control the local neighbourhoods, knowing full well that the law (ooh me ribs) will do sod all.

also multiculturalism ( you know is good for us) is never ever mentioned in relation to these events but it plays a big part, we now have white kids talking like down town Jamaican yardies, and with the same job prospects ie number one crack dealer.


So DONT dismiss it as it IS happening to a street near you, push your bent corrupt thieving MP, to build more prisons, lock kids up for a couple of years if caught carrying knives, stop the benefits of the parents of kids who kill, and most of all,

pack off the families of immigrants,involved in knife crime, and it will stop overnight,


And for those of you like me who are old enough to remember that when we went out on the lash, and set our lip up or caused abit of mayhem we got a fair old thumping, or if need be we went out and clipped a kid for pulling a fence down etc, once calmed down either a handshake, or an apology from a father usually followed, now you would be killed without thought?

cheers KW

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as the father of a fair few kids the youngest 13, I AM ******* excited by this, as unless you have failed to realise or take on board that which is happening? its kids killing kids, we are now suffering ( reap that which you sow) the effects of lilly livered liberalsation, in that corporal punishment and the inability to control kids using a good old clip or to lock the little scroats up has left us with a generation of kids with the morals and value for life as the average street cat, and the ability to set up gangs at will and run/ control the local neighbourhoods, knowing full well that the law (ooh me ribs) will do sod all.

also multiculturalism ( you know is good far us) is never ever mentioned in relation to these events but it plays a big part, we now have white kids talking like down down Jamaican yardies, and with the same job prospects ie no one crack dealer,

so DONT dismiss it as it IS happening to a street near you, push your bent corrupt thieving MP to build more prisons, lock kids up for a couple of years if caught carrying knives, stop the benefits of the parents of kids who kill, and most of all,

pack off the families of immigrants,involved in knife crime, and it will stop overnight,


and for those of you like me who are old enough to remember that when we went out on the lash, and set our lip up or caused abit of mayhem we got a fair old thumping, or we went out and clipped a kid for pulling a fence down etc once calmed down handshake,or an apology from a father usually followed, now you would be killed without thought?

cheers KW

Well said Kdubya, if you stood for PM,you would get my vote. The hunters of the world are not on this planet, because knife crime has not risen it's not a problem then? Wake up and smell the coffee comes to mind.

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i agree with you they need locking up,but not in the prisons weve got at the moment theyre to easy and the sentences are to soft.the goverment needs to build new prisons that have no human rights,dont reconise religion or if your a veggie.if youve done something wrong you should be punished not sent away on a relaxing break

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i agree with you they need locking up,but not in the prisons weve got at the moment theyre to easy and the sentences are to soft.the goverment needs to build new prisons that have no human rights,dont reconise religion or if your a veggie.if youve done something wrong you should be punished not sent away on a relaxing break

YO!! The voice of sanity and reason, another candidate for PM. :hmm:

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I too agree just last nite saw a bunch of kids throwing stones at school windows as I pay my poll tax and it goes up every year with the help of these little scum bags, I went out to tell them to stop ...not in a bad way just pointed out that there mums and dads would be paying more poll tax. I was told by one that the police could'nt touch him as he is only 9 yrs old. then told by the rest of them what was I going to do about ,as there were 7 of them I just walked away half expecting to be jumped from behind and walk back to my house.Years ago if you got told off by a man you'd ran as fast as you could , but now its all attitude :hmm: We are too soft on the youth of today bring back the cane in schools for a start :lol:



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Its like a cancer, leave it to take hold and it will be almost impossible to shift, and boy has it got a hold, unfortunately I can only see it getting worse because lets face it just what is the powers that be going to do about it ? to solve gun crime they hit law abiding sportsmen, to solve knife crime it wouldn't surprise me if they banned restaurants, chef's and butchers from having knives and totally believe that will solve it.

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ive just looked on ebay

why is it they can still sell knives on there as some of them are not hunting knives

i seen one witha 13 inch blade (listed as a hunting knife) would you use that for skinning rabbits etc i think not maybe its about time they were told to stop selling them as there is no age restrictions to who may buy them

any kids could send a postal order and then they will be able to purchase one of these so called hunting knives

its rediculous

when gun laws etc changed ebay was told no firearms to be sold in the uk

isnt it about time they were told the same about knives aswell

just a thought

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nothing will happen of any great impact until a MP's child is killed......and then there will be a huge amount of knee jerk.....look at part P of the building regs for electrical work....been dodgy sparks for years.....sadly some MP's daughter got electrocuted.....ridiculous legislation(ie part P) brought in.


Anyloss of life(of a normal person) is a great shame.

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Dont get too excited.. Knife crime has not risen latley, but the media are jumping on the stories stronger then ever. They always choose a new topic. A while ago it was global warming, then Maddie, gun crime, now knife crime.

Unfortunatly its getting people concearned, but that buys papers and sells on TV. There has always been a lot of knife crime, but never before has the media focused so strongly on it. Trust me its not just the UK that has that level of knife crime.



Maybe i am wrong.








It bothers me though.


Cheers :hmm:

Edited by chippy18
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There are more stabbings than that. When i lived near Plymouth a few years back there were at least 2 every weekend. Drug related every time. So I'd imagine there are a lot more than that going on across the U.K. Not much to worry about.

Especially considering that Glasgow is the knifing capital of Europe and Nottingham the shooting capital. With a population of 60 million it doesn't surprise me.

I'm not racist but take away attacks on other minorities and then take away attacks on drug dealers or associates and average Joe doesn't really have a high chance of being stabbed or shot!

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i take everything i that this countries media spout out with a pinch of salt, as they are one of the ,main reasons that we are in such a mess


On the other hand I do believe that something needs to be done about our ridiculous excuse for a judicial service. Imo if someone commits a crime then they should lose their human rights, simple as. Bring back forced labour, zero luxuries, deport immigrants and make these ******* smackheads go cold turkey. :good:


Oh and Nottingham isn’t the 'shooting capital' of anywhere



sry rant over

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Oh and Nottingham isn’t the 'shooting capital' of anywhere



not even the East Midlands?



well not since robin hood anyways :-)


Dangerous criminal he was. Unlicensed bow and all that, should have been banged up, minimum 5 years, another 5 for unlicensed arrows.


Had that Sherriff of Nottingham in the back of the cab once. Nice man, not very merry though.



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