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Liz Jones...


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Absolute disgrace. I hope the stupid trollop gets hell from the appropriate authorities and locals very soon.


The sooner that people like her just dissapear into a hole in the ground or move back to their familiar town surroundings with the values that she is trying to apply to the countryside the better. She is nothing but an idealistic moron who knows nothing about the countryside and obviously worships herself.


Lock the psychotic bint in a room with Clarissa Dickson Wright. :good: She would sort her out!



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Christ I've just googled her and read some of the utter drivel she was writing about her marriage breaking down, why would anyone spout this **** week on week, why would anyone pay her to do so and why oh why would anyone read it.


I think this sums up the money hungry witch:


A major contributing factor in the divorce was Dhaliwal's failure to spend more than £375 on a Christmas present for Jones.

Edited by Dr W
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I am surprised that given all the commotion and unwanted attention, they haven't taken it down yet.


Maybe as was said earlier, bad press is better than no press at all, I hope the advertising commission isn't based on page views. :good:



I also notice with interest that they still haven't put any comments up. Mine wasn't abusive, fairly strong but not abusive ??? . Looks like it's going to be a one-sided piece of drivel.


Who's Dhaliwal? :good::good::good::lol:

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I am surprised that given all the commotion and unwanted attention, they haven't taken it down yet.


Maybe as was said earlier, bad press is better than no press at all, I hope the advertising commission isn't based on page views. :good:


I also notice with interest that they still haven't put any comments up. Mine wasn't abusive, fairly strong but not abusive ??? . Looks like it's going to be a one-sided piece of drivel.


Who's Dhaliwal? :good::good::good::lol:


Given what Cranfield has been up to I think that her simply saying nothing and hoping it all goes away is not an option.


Are there any PW members in her part of the country (Exmoor), namely the Dulverton area who would be interested in writing a couple of strongly worded letters to the local papers?


The boastful muppet has put out so much info on what it is like round where this all took place that you can actually find it on google earth with a bit of digging!



Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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I have received an acknowledgement email from Sue Peart Editor of You magazine in which she states that she has passed my comments to Liz Jones and asked for her response.


I emailed Ms Peart thanking her for her help and reminded her that the comment section has still not appeared under Ms Jones article.


I then received the following email from Liz Jones;




Dear Mr Smith

Thank you for your email, and your concern.


For your information, upon finding the dog, I made

every effort to contact its owner. I put notices in

every local vet office, in the local paper, contacted

local dog rescue charities, and the police. I also

looked on all the appropriate web sites, but no dog

matching the description was reported missing. All

dogs should be microchipped and be wearing ID on their

collar; this dog was not marked in any way. It had

been badly mistreated, as my vet will testify, and so

if the owner had been found he could have been

prosecuted for cruelty and neglect.


When the dog was off the lead, it was on my land. The

sheep were on my land. I had no idea the dog would

worry sheep, but as soon as I found out that he did

this, I kept him in a muzzle and on a lead. I not only

paid the farmer for the loss of his sheep, I paid the

bill for the vet who had put the sheep down. I wonder

what more you suggest I should have done.

I have every right to be anti blood sports. It is also

my right to be a vegan, and to rescue a stray dog.


Elizabeth Jones




I then replied to Ms Jones ;




Dear Ms Jones,

I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my email.


None of the things you mention in your email appeared in your article

and are very easy and convenient to bring forward now, once you are



Whether the lamb was killed on your land or not, it was still killed

and probably suffered during its death.

It was your responsibility to control your dog.

I am afraid buying a muzzle for your dog and making it wear it (how

uncomfortable for the dog), is very much acting after the event.

You should have thought more about the responsibilities of owning a

dog in the countryside, before you decided to keep the dog.


I do not question your right to be a vegan, or to be anti country

sports, or anything else you choose to believe in and I would defend

those rights.


Your article painted you as a flippant "airhead", which is probably

the image you are trying to project and is quite harmless when dealing

with most of the things you write about.

However, when dealing with animal welfare and the serious sides of

country life, perhaps you would be best to leave this to the real

writers, who have real practical experience of these matters.



My real name.




I suspect that Ms Peart and Ms Jones have been receiving quite a few communications today and are a little bit sensitive, which is why the Comments section has still not appeared.

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Your article painted you as a flippant "airhead", which is probably

the image you are trying to project and is quite harmless when dealing

with most of the things you write about.

However, when dealing with animal welfare and the serious sides of

country life, perhaps you would be best to leave this to the real

writers, who have real practical experience of these matters.



:good: Spot on.

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Our head of media is on the case.




It will be interesting to see what official responses are given and if they are a rehearsed revision of the response that Cranfield has received.


Needless to say, I expect any further publicity of this on the mail website, will paint an equally 'rosey' picture of Miss Jones' triumph over evil. :good:

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Our head of media is on the case.




It will be interesting to see what official responses are given and if they are a rehearsed revision of the response that Cranfield has received.


I will be very interested what the comeback will be on this and how much resolve BASC/NFU and others have in this kind of thing.


It was a particularly good idea getting the RSPCA involved - we all know how bloody minded they can be when they get the bit between their teeth!



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good one cranners.

i have to agree that the info she then gave to you didnt appear in her article, kinda makes you wonder why it wasnt.

and yes im in devon, and will be minutes from dulverton in the next few weeks visiting a lamb.


also if im not mistaken, she found the lamb dead in a field a few days later. yet she states that it was put down by the vet, and that she had paid for the vet and the farmer for the lamb. again why didnt she state this in the article.


she sounds like an air head and i might drop around and see if she wants a rabbit or two :good:

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A good response Cranners.


I am stunned at her response which is completely at odds with the tenor of her article.


I am guessing that she is aiming her article at the "Countryside Lite" brigade - it's all about sandals, mountain bikes that never get muddy, home grown vegetables (grown by the hired help), organic booze on the veranda and complaining that the countryside smells too much and that you just can't get a decent cappuccino or connectivity for the blackberry.

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also if im not mistaken, she found the lamb dead in a field a few days later. yet she states that it was put down by the vet, and that she had paid for the vet and the farmer for the lamb. again why didnt she state this in the article.


she sounds like an air head and i might drop around and see if she wants a rabbit or two :good:


The next day, though, down by the stream, I came across a dead lamb


:good: Why would the vet be paid to put a dead lamb to sleep?


Something most certainly doesn't add up here.

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To be honest, I suspect that it's fiction, the story's changing already :good: .


She's a completely talentless writer and I have no doubt that she sits down, picks her nose, then manufactures this weekly tripe for the armies of airhead bimbos who lap it up in the MOS mag.


I asked my wife if she knew of this wretch and she muttered something along the lines of "I think she writes some **** about fashion in magazines - I never read it because she's got no taste" :good::good::good::lol:


She was also aware that she has written endless mindless articles about her **** marriage which inevitably ended in divorce, as her long-suffering husband found himself a proper woman, not some lettuce-chewing organic thing - her words, not mine ???

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also if im not mistaken, she found the lamb dead in a field a few days later. yet she states that it was put down by the vet, and that she had paid for the vet and the farmer for the lamb. again why didnt she state this in the article.


she sounds like an air head and i might drop around and see if she wants a rabbit or two :lol:


The next day, though, down by the stream, I came across a dead lamb


:good: Why would the vet be paid to put a dead lamb to sleep?


Something most certainly doesn't add up here.


I'm wondering if she or someone else caught the dog in the act and that the vet was called out to sort it.







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Edit: And to Zapp, for bringing it to everyone's attention :good: .


Please, 6 pages of anti-malleting complete with a frazzled half baked response from the anti themselves...


The pleasure has been all mine!


This is more fun than walt hunting!



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Needless to say, I expect any further publicity of this on the mail website, will paint an equally 'rosey' picture of Miss Jones' triumph over evil. :good:


The reason I posted the correspondence on here was so that people could see who said what.

At no time did I make any comments or reference in my earlier communication to "bloodsports" or "vegans", nor was I rude.

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May I say, well done to Cranfield and others for putting this person in thier place.

Incidentally, would it not be an irresponsible act if a vet had "put down" a lamb and then left the carcass laying around for wildlife to consume?

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When the dog was off the lead, it was on my land. The

sheep were on my land. I had no idea the dog would

worry sheep, but as soon as I found out that he did

this, I kept him in a muzzle and on a lead. I not only

paid the farmer for the loss of his sheep, I paid the

bill for the vet who had put the sheep down. I wonder

what more you suggest I should have done.


About half an hour later he appeared,

his muzzle covered in blood, looking decidedly sheepish. I put his lead on, and

we searched the fields and the wood, just in case he had injured something. I couldn’t

find anything, and thought perhaps he had just got hold of a pheasant (these birds are beautiful but stupid, the David Beckhams of the avian world).


The next day, though, down by the stream, I came across a dead lamb, its stomach strewn across the grass. It could have been killed by a fox, but the evidence against Michael isn’t looking good.


Me thinks the "Lady" protests too much !

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