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Just seen a programme stating that due to the increase in fuel costs the RNLI is going to be in need of more donations than ever, and that from donaters that are already feeling the pinch.

Now i started to wonder why is this organisation not funded by the goverenment ;)

I guess there are reasons but i cannot think of any reason not to fund this like the other emergency services.

Any views welcome

Cheers :yes:

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Dont get me started on the RNLI.........


They are one of works largest customers, i work as a Production Manager for a boat building company, just to fill you in briefly.


They cost of a refit on a Mersey class lifeboat is anything from 200k - 300k depending on exactly what needs doing, refits consist of striping totally and absolutly everything off the boats, cleaning and servicing the parts and re-assembling.


The boats come in one after another all year round, each refit takes around 10 weeks so thats 5 - 6 boats per year.


To me and you the boats are spotless and by no means in need of a refit when they come in, they are all perfectly capable of performing their primary role, which is to save lives at sea.


Three weeks ago a sign writer came in to put the name of a particular vessle on the stern (back of the boat), RNLI moderator came looked at the writing and instructed the sign writer to remove and re-do the writing in a different font, the writing that was on the boat was a specified font which was what was put on, the fact he wanted it changing incurred an extra cost of £370+vat, because it was being conducted under our contract we then put a mark up of 15% ontop, therefore the totally cost was £425.50+vat, just to change the bloody writing on the boat, please someone with any sense inform me what bloody difference it makes to the boats functions having the name of the boat in a differnet font makes?:yes:??.................. exactly, a total waste of money.


After the way i have seen money wasted, i will never in my life make any donation to the RNLI, not even the loose change from a pound at the corner shop.......



Forgot to mention that apparantly the RNLI is the richest charity in the world, and if nobody made another donation ever, they could keep spending at the rate they are currently doing so, for the next 9 years.........

Edited by Ice
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interesting ice.... very interesting.... i often make generous donations to the rnli (in proportion to what i earn that is...) after having made use of their services many years a go.... i never realalised they made such frivolous use of their donations.... a complete strip and rebuild of a machine that doesnt need it is an inappropriate waste of donations... yes i can see that they cant afford to have a breakdown and their kit is used in often the worst conditions, but still.....

i shudder to think what happens with their sea king helicoptors and the cost of that :yes:


still, they do a stearling job and the goverment should fund it in some way, then again, that would equal another rise in taxes im sure.....

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I totally agree that they do a fantastic job and are very brave individuals, but what i dont agree with is their policy on spending ridiculus....


My theory is that boat owners should be made to pay an annual fee to the RNLI, a bit like AA breakdown cover, although this would be difficult to justify as it is not always boats they help, sometime climers etc. etc. although after being rescued could they be made to pay a set fee for the rescue? surely if you life had been saved or the life of a family member you wouldnt hesitate to caugh up, might make people think twice about wasting their time too???

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It is a scandal, just as Air Ambulances operating on charity donations is.


Both these services should be provided fee by the Government as an extension to the emergency services.


Most boat owners are members of the RNLI, which is between £60 and £110 a year depending on what level of membership.

Anyone can become a member , you don't have to ahve a boat, my wife and I have an annual joint membership.

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'Forgot to mention that apparantly the RNLI is the richest charity in the world, and if nobody made another donation ever, they could keep spending at the rate they are currently doing so, for the next 9 years......... '


what a load of ****

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'Forgot to mention that apparantly the RNLI is the richest charity in the world, and if nobody made another donation ever, they could keep spending at the rate they are currently doing so, for the next 9 years......... '


what a load of ****



Well i dont know how much truth their is in it, but i have heard similar statements on numerous occasions....

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Im not totally sure what motivates the refits, as like said to me they dont look like they need refitting....


The relife boats, which are boats that are not assigned to a station but are replacement / standby boats for when the station boat goes for service / refit, they can be a bit shabby and could do with some tlc, but the station boats which come in every few years look brand spanking new when they come in..


Some refit's the totally fitouts, are basically remove everything from the boat that can be removed (including the superstructure) give a clean and then put it all back together, like a big mechano set.


Now tell me the point in that please....

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would like to point out that when these boats go in for what may appear to the untrained eye pointless refits, there has been a lot of thought gone into the reason for the work to be undertaken by highly skilled engineers and station mechanics before the boatyards are allowed to touch them.


Granted it may seem that a lot of the tasks are pointless, however due to the construction of modern lifeboats lots of component parts have to be removed to enable the replacement of other items, and yes the condition of the lifeboats from stations are pristine and so they must be.


As for the goverment taking over no thanks, they would have my pager back straight away, look at the shoddy way our troops are sent into war zones with faulty radios, guns that jam in combat, shortage of body armour, poor quality ammo, the list is endless.


As for the size of the font on the back of the boat standards are standards and if it was done wrong, it was wrong and thats the end of it.


That is the way the RNLI does business, no half measures it got to be right!


Having been a serving crew member on an all weather lifeboat for over ten years, there is no way I want to leave my family on a freezing winters night with winds blowing up to force twelve to execute a rescue mission with anything less than a perfect vessel to sail in! :yes:

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I asked the air ambulance woman why tey werent government funded and she told me that they wouldnt take it if it were offered.


The reason for this, because if it is govt funded they loose charity status, AND the money allocated by government is then subject to ministerial review, and everyone else who wants a share of the pie can then take it or bid for it.

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The RNLI insists on keeping to private funding to maintain it's independence from interfering government who may well want to 'modernise' it just like the Coast Guard, the Fire Service etc. They are being 'modernised' so much that efficiency is no longer a word that applies to what were too brilliantly performing services and the envy of the world. Never has the word 'modernise' has such connotations. As for the RNLI 'wasting' their funds for want of a better word; the money was given willingly with no conditions. It isn't public money and they do with it as they see fit within the guidelines as applies to the Charity Commission. Those that don't wish to donate have no need to do so, therefore I just cannot see any 'issue' here.


The RNLI wouldn't take funding from the Government if it was handed on a plate and I for one don't blame them. If it ain't broke then don't fix it!

Edited by Biffo1262
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WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?, you work for a company that is a contractor for the RNLI, you get nearly a years work out of them refitting boats and a turnover of between £1.2 to £1.8 million............... and your complaining!!!


If the RNLI go around in top class notch boats well then fair play to them, they deserve to be. In these parts they're all unpaid volunteers. They deserve to have top notch equipment.


After the way i have seen money wasted, i will never in my life make any donation to the RNLI, not even the loose change from a pound at the corner shop.......


As for 'not ever making a donation to the RNLI' thats just pure tightness on your part!

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After the way i have seen money wasted, i will never in my life make any donation to the RNLI, not even the loose change from a pound at the corner shop.......


I for one would not hesitate to give a donation, I needed there services once, & was thankful for it. I can see your concern Ice, but don't think for one minute that Joe Bloggs on the street gives a flying **** about how much a refit costs, when he's in dire need.



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12 lifeboats were made on my doorstep at Church Broughton ,hilton derbys by Wrights marine ............Made him a millionaire and to which he promptly wrapped up the business laying off his workforce ! :yes:


Afterwards most of them found work with a company I was working for at the time .

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they should be gov. funded,they pulled me out of the mire a few years ago off anglesey,lost the main engine and the auxillary engine packed up as well,(both checked before going out fishing),had the sense to take the radio,called them up and holyhead life boat came to the rescue...very professional,worth every penny :yes:



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Dont get me started on the RNLI.........


They are one of works largest customers, i work as a Production Manager for a boat building company, just to fill you in briefly.


They cost of a refit on a Mersey class lifeboat is anything from 200k - 300k depending on exactly what needs doing, refits consist of striping totally and absolutly everything off the boats, cleaning and servicing the parts and re-assembling.


The boats come in one after another all year round, each refit takes around 10 weeks so thats 5 - 6 boats per year.


To me and you the boats are spotless and by no means in need of a refit when they come in, they are all perfectly capable of performing their primary role, which is to save lives at sea.


Three weeks ago a sign writer came in to put the name of a particular vessle on the stern (back of the boat), RNLI moderator came looked at the writing and instructed the sign writer to remove and re-do the writing in a different font, the writing that was on the boat was a specified font which was what was put on, the fact he wanted it changing incurred an extra cost of £370+vat, because it was being conducted under our contract we then put a mark up of 15% ontop, therefore the totally cost was £425.50+vat, just to change the bloody writing on the boat, please someone with any sense inform me what bloody difference it makes to the boats functions having the name of the boat in a differnet font makes?:/??.................. exactly, a total waste of money.


After the way i have seen money wasted, i will never in my life make any donation to the RNLI, not even the loose change from a pound at the corner shop.......[/u]


Forgot to mention that apparantly the RNLI is the richest charity in the world, and if nobody made another donation ever, they could keep spending at the rate they are currently doing so, for the next 9 years.........


Thats a bit harsh if they keep you in a well paid job.

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To me the bottom line is the fact its crews are all there of their own choice. I dont give a stuff about the political side, Im just in awe of the volunteers as Im old enough to remember the fastnet (sp) race.

And to echo others sentiments - Ice you fool, you take the money then bitch about it :/

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Im a fool for taking the money and then bitching about it...... right.


Since im on a salary working for a company who turns over around 1.8m per annum from the RNLI, and then around 17m per annum from the MOD, ye im a fool?:/ so no the RNLI doesnt keep me in a well paid job, the government does.


All my point is, regardless of how good their engineers are (im yet to meet one) if its funded purely by donations, im sure MRS P, who donated x ammount would rather see the money spent on new equipment or life saving appliances rather than new lettering on the back of a boat?:blink:


Like i said, the writing that was originally printed was what was specified, it was the RNLI who then came and decided they didnt like it.


Pure waste of money, and that is the reason i wont donate, not because im tight but because im not stupid, and may i make you aware that if im so tight, how come my company donated an extemely generous ammount to the Wales Air Ambulance last year?


Edit: By the way i am by no means refering to the RNLI as unprofessional, they do a brilliant job and i dont knock that, brave individuals providing a partially voluntary service.

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Pure waste of money, and that is the reason i wont donate, not because im tight but because im not stupid, and may i make you aware that if im so tight, how come my company donated an extemely generous ammount to the Wales Air Ambulance last year?


Spoken like a true................TIGHTARSE!!! :/ :blink: :hmm:

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Pure waste of money, and that is the reason i wont donate, not because im tight but because im not stupid, and may i make you aware that if im so tight, how come my company donated an extemely generous ammount to the Wales Air Ambulance last year?


Spoken like a true................TIGHTARSE!!! :/ :blink: :hmm:


That confuses me!!!!

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