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2008 Badger Cull Petition


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Some thigh meat on that big lad second from bottom.


Article in the shooting press in the past few months that wild cats may be making a comeback. Can't remember why or when, but watch this space.

Some nice looking drumsticks on the third from the bottom also :hmm:

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There is a lot more paper work on what and where and how many they shoot,unless your an indian and then you can mostly do what you want....Even shoot badgers :good:



Comparing us to America is just plain silly. Their land mass is far greater than ours which allows them to have areas of wilderness. The British countryside is a place which is the way that it is today because of farming and humans managing it.





Yes - I know this is true. As for the managing thing, I think that sometimes we idealise the current state of the countryside as if it was perfect. There are parts where it is pretty good; where traditional field patters survive and there is high biodiversity and there are other parts where huge fields, loss of hedgerow and high impact farming has produced something else altogether.


Only a fool would think it can be all wild and natural in such a crowded island as this one, so yes - this isn't America and never will be.



I'm about done with this topic. There are those who want badger eradication, I don't. Ireland's experience where they have been virtually eradicated shows it doesn't work. TB is still rising there. Badgers may need licensed control in some places. I am not against that. As for my remarks on subsidy and baling out businesses, I am totally against it. Far from being a left wing veggie, I am a right wing carnivore who shoots for fun. Subsidy and food mountains of produce bought when no one wants it, are a socialistic nightmare that distorts the market. I pay for food in the shops. Why should I pay more again in taxes to support businessmen who can't compete in the free market? We don't do that with cars anymore like we did in the 1970s. Remember how **** the British made cars were then? I do - they were total rubbish because of government subsidy and interference. If a business man can't make a living, he should do something else. That's how the rest of the economy works chaps - live with it. It is coming soon to the countryside.


Whatever we do in managing wildlife, I believe must be dictated by the need to preserve the species we have in adequate numbers. We have already extinguished wolves, beavers, bears and wild cats from most of this island over the last few hundred years and in the past hammered raptors to such an extent that they were virtually gone from large parts of the country. Farmers have to coexist with wildlife - there may be need for control of some species - that is fine. Eradication is not, and for any but legally defined pest species there must be control on how many can be taken. History shows us what happens without controls. These were once common until they were exterminated by farmers and landowners. I want them all back.




Evilv you still seem to think cull means to wipe out all the population I dont think no one has mentioned Eradication in this thread. Im sure most people who shoot fox's doesnt want to Eradicate them. And dont you think we are doing Badgers and motorists a favour by controlling them? Less will die from a slow death.


Why compare today with something 300 years ago. Management was different back then and over time management has changed

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear forum members and guests, here is a statement from the REAL Tom at BASC:



Dear All


Many thanks to those who have bought to my attention a post made on the 26th July by TomBASC.


I would like to clarify that I am not TomBASC and his views do not represent BASC’s policies or my own opinions. I understand that there may have been some further confusion caused in my absence, by a mistaken confirmation that I was indeed TomBASC, this is not the case.


One must question the validity of a post requesting signatures on a petition, which seems not to have been signed by the person posting the thread? Anyway thanks again to those who informed me of the posting and I hope I have put the record straight.


I wish you all good sport and straight shooting.


Kindest regards


Tom Blades


BASC Gamekeeping and Game Shooting Officer

Regards and best wishes



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I am sorry to the Troll Hunters and general **** stirrers, but he really is a fulltime employee of the BASC.

It has been officially confirmed, as we requested.


With regard to posting his CV before making his first post, that is not a requirement of the Forum, which is why 99.9% of the members don't do it.


so he slipped through the net?

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I am sorry to the Troll Hunters and general **** stirrers, but he really is a fulltime employee of the BASC.

It has been officially confirmed, as we requested.


With regard to posting his CV before making his first post, that is not a requirement of the Forum, which is why 99.9% of the members don't do it.


so he slipped through the net?

You were saying Cranfield....?

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I am sorry to the Troll Hunters and general **** stirrers, but he really is a fulltime employee of the BASC.

It has been officially confirmed, as we requested.


With regard to posting his CV before making his first post, that is not a requirement of the Forum, which is why 99.9% of the members don't do it.


so he slipped through the net?

You were saying Cranfield....?


I stand by what I said unreservedly.


We checked with the BASC and was informed by DavidBASC that TomBASC was indeed a fulltime employee of the BASC.

Its a pity DavidBASC failed to mention this in his post today.

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Dear All,


Cranfield is correct, he checked with me, Tom (the real Tom) was away, and I made the daft assumption that it was he that made the post. I made the error Cranfield et el acted in good faith.


Based on messages I have received on this issue, I feel it is best for me to step away from the forum now, so to avoid any confusion going forward, as to BASC 'official' line on this that and the other.


If you want to know what the BASC line is on any issue either go to the BASC web site or e-mail BASC to ask.


Thanks to all- I have enjoyed (most) of my time on the forum, but as Loony Toons would say ' That’s all for now folks’



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While you have admitted a slight oversite I don't think that you should be chased off the site.


I for one find it very useful to have you around to answer any BASC related questions, please reconsider and ignore some of the morons who frequent this site.

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I'm not very good at saying exactly what I mean but I can't help feeling we are loosing a valuable contributor to the forum.


It's Darnned hard to please everyone - and some have made their feelings abouit David and BASC crystal clear in the past.


Shame - damn shame. Sorry to see you leave David but I reckon you have thought this out very carefully before announcing your departure. I hope that you will reconsider.


ATB, Dave.

Edited by Dave-G
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Just remember Chard,


Never argue with an idiot because he will drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience.


I won't sign the petition, there aren't enough badgers around near me so I certainly don't want them culled.


If they are nearly extinct in ireland yet TB in cattle is rising then they ain't the problem.



Im not being moody but what is the definition of a Forum?


A place for discussion.


So if Im not allowed to discuss things like this is there any point in having this thread?



I was putting questions forward and my points. I know Im not a Beef or dairy farmer but I do feel for them, as it is coming out of there pockets as well as yours.


So does that make me an idiot, Im not asking or telling the government to make the Badgers to a near extinction level Im simply saying to reduce the numbers and to see what happens, thats what a cull means. And the only methods that I will see acceptable is live trapping and shooting them. If TB does not drop Im sure they would stop the cull and prove to people that it is not Badgers.





No. DF. It does not make you an idiot.

it is just one of many contributory factors that really make you an idiot.

Do you have to trouble walking and breathing at the same time?

David BASC. It will be a real shame if you leave the forum.


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I can only echo JDF's comments, seeing as though it was me who called Df an idiot. But I stand by that.


David BASC it would be a real shame if you were to leave this forum.Yes it has it's fair share of numpties who kick off before reading and digesting a post but I for one value your input.


That's it sucking up is finished for this week.

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I do think it would dissapear.


There would nobody managing and conserving it so as a result it would just be used for housing so the government can meet it's targets and concreted over for more shops, car parks and towns as there would be no reason to keep it any nobody looking after it.


Comparing us to America is just plain silly. Their land mass is far greater than ours which allows them to have areas of wilderness. The British countryside is a place which is the way that it is today because of farming and humans managing it.


In my opinion badger numbers need managing.




Cracking post there mate,

At last some sense !! As being a farmer in the past i left the industry to persue greener pastures in the Oil Industry i know first hand how much of a struggle farming can be. Hats off to all those who have came through the tuffest 10years in farming history IMHO.

Yes our country side needs farmed and managed.


Over and out !!

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