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  • 4 weeks later...
??? WE WON!!!!!!! Harry at work, We are all sooooo excited :yay: :yay: :yes: :yes: We are so grateful to you ALL. The support has been amazing!! :good: The kids are really really hyper! B) Great big hugs and thanks to everone! Mrs Sweepy, will see if I can fit a Frenchman in the back of the cmax with all our stuff! x




ahh mate, well done harry lad. i know you want to thank everyone who voted for you, but you deserve this paj. WELL DONE!l


now have a great holiday, and get pisssed for us. big hug to you and your family mate..... its been comming :hmm::lol::lol:

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WELL......... Guess what?

We're still waiting for that two bob company.....FORD to get their act together.


4 1/2 weeks since we won the competition. Bounty have been great, got the camcorder and have recorded a couple of blogs.


(Don't Laugh)

You would of thought that Ford knew when the comp finished and had it all in place to go :good:


The car finally gets delivered next Thurs (25th). We told Ford, (who are booking the holiday) that we wanted to go to Disney Paris on Friday 26th. We told them this within a couple of days of winning.

Guess what......? We're still waiting for confirmation.

Dog to kennels, kids off school, all still in limbo.


And....And....Ford phones to say we've only got the car for 1 month when the competition stated 2 months.

It won't be here when they come to pick it up....... :blink:

Rant over....All good things come to those who wait I suppose.

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What you are experiencing appears to be very common with these sort of prize/promotions.

It seems the Advertising Agency often forget to advise their Client what their complete obligations are.

A friend of ours won a cruise and some electrical goods (DVD, Video, etc).

It was months after the closing date before he got the goods and the cruise came 2 years after the competition.


Just remember it was a free entry, good fun.................................and enjoy. :blink:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Got the car... for two months. Not a newy, a 08 with 3k miles on the clock, but hey it's the titanium 2.0 tdci. Goes very well and if I can get it off MrsHarry I hope to give it some serious motoring. :D :blink: :yes:

Ford have until Friday to supply us with our holiday or I will kick off and contact the press. We entered a contract with them which ends on Friday. After then the gloves are off and I'm gonna get my prize, by hook or by crook. :blink: :blink:




As you can see we're keeping our side of the contract......


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Ford have until Friday to supply us with our holiday or I will kick off and contact the press. We entered a contract with them which ends on Friday. After then the gloves are off and I'm gonna get my prize, by hook or by crook. :yes::D


Go for it :blink: Ford should honour their part of the deal.

Good luck :blink:

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Just put the wrong fuel in, scratch the sides with a rock, steel the spare, put cig holes in it, sew a fish into the leather, drain all the oil out and go for a drive, whislt having the handbrake on FULLY!


then take it back and tell em you hope the devil eats their souls for eternity. :D


hope the car industry falls apart, and they are the first company to have the directors jump from a high window, leaving their familys broken and homeless. :blink:




im not a fo.....for......FF.....fan. :yes:

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