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GCSE results


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Well zero hour has arrived, and a happy sp jnr just came back from school clutching his piece of paper, 2 - A*'s, 6 - A's, 2 - B's, 1 - C

And yes, he does take after his mother before anyone points out the obvious...

I dread to think what that is going to cost me, but I have a feeling I am about to be reminded :good:



Anyone else got theirs through?

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Well done to the lad. That is a good result, hard won after a lot of work - whatever the Daily Mail has to say about standards. Kids work harder than ever in general and get their efforts rubbished in the papers year after year by a bunch of dysfunctional old **** and twisted old women.


That's a particularly good set of grades for a boy. Lads usually don't try as hard as the girls at GCSE and do less well in general. Not in his case though.


He'll probably go on to do something important for the same old **** that are no doubt moaning about the falling of standards. The problem is, the people who write and talk on TV about this subject, fail to distinguish between the gangsta rapping, gun toting and knife wielding scum, and the decent, hardworking kids who make up the majority of our youngsters. They also seem to forget that there were always psychotic youths around.



Edited by Evilv
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Yes, he is what I would describe as very good exam taker, doesn't get flustered and soaks up information like a sponge - obviously we couldn't be happier for him, but there was a lot of 'stick' work getting him off the Xbox and to revise I can assure you :yes:


He has expressed an interest in dentistry, but if not that some part of the medical profession, he has done 2 days work experience at our dentists and hasn't been put off yet.

I have given him the "don't screw up like you old man, and go after the big money" lecture already


As Evliv says, it is disheartening for these kids who work hard to get results only to have people say it's so easy these days..

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Did you do the bad dad thing and pull him up for the "C" :yes:


Incidentally, if the "C" was for a subject something like "Religious Education" or some "Social [insert claptrap subject here]" then fist of respect although an "F" would have been particularly out there rebellious.


Dig deep, that looks like a fairly expensive set of results.


If I were you, see if he will take double or quits on Man Utd going top this season.

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Well zero has arrived, and a happy sp jnr just came back from school clutching his piece of paper, 2 - A*'s, 6 - A's, 2 - B's, 1 - C

And yes, he does take after his mother before anyone points out the obvious...

I dread to think what that is going to cost me, but I have a feeling I am about to be reminded :yes:



Anyone else got theirs through?




Well done to Jnr.

My eldest has her results and she has done well, as well.

Simmilar scores to your lad.


So smiles all round eh!! :hmm:


Like you said though its going to cost me an arm and a leg

at least an arm :hmm:


Cheers taz.



Edited by taz24
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Did you do the bad dad thing and pull him up for the "C" :hmm:

Incidentally, if the "C" was for a subject something like "Religious Education" or some "Social [insert claptrap subject here]" then fist of respect although an "F" would have been particularly out there rebellious.

Dig deep, that looks like a fairly expensive set of results.

Yes, he is in his room sobing and holding his sore head (joke)

The C was History, which he is not doing at A level so he doesn't care about it anyway.

The original commission scheme was something like £40 for and A*, £20 for an A and he gave me money for in increasing amounts for anything under.

Needless to say with mrs stuartp backing him up I had to back down on that one :yes:

I will look after him, he will do OK it can go towards the next expensive school trip, and he has just reminded me about the Trip to the Gaucho Grill I promised him as well.

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Trip to the Gaucho Grill I promised him as well.




SUCKER!!!! :yes::hmm:



I must be a cheap skate cause I got away with

£15 for A* £10 for A and 7 for B


And a pizza for tea tonight.


Still over a 100 squidlies though.


:hmm: When I wher a lad I wher up before dawn and did a days

work before school and then got beaten for comming top,

in a class of a 100.

Aye they were the days!! Young uns today don't know

how lucky they have it.


bring back the bearch I say :D:D






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sounds like i missed out on this reward system. :D



I didnt :yes:


I got my results last year, my parents did a system where every grade higher than my target grade for that subject i was given a certain amount and a certain amount for on target etc.


I beat every target grade apart from one and came away £450 better off :hmm::hmm:

Edited by beatingisbest
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sounds like i missed out on this reward system. :D



I didnt :yes:


I got my results last year, my parents did a system where every grade higher than my target grade for that subject i was given a certain amount and a certain amount for on target etc.


I beat every target grade apart from one and came away �450 better off :hmm::hmm:


thats because your parents are rich nick. i dont see why you should need a money reward scheme. i put the work into my school work for my future. i got 4 A's, 6 B's and 1 C but dont need any of them as im doing gamekeeping lol. well done to your lad though stuartp, cracking results.

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i always found it funny at school. went to a private school(dads in the RAF). the only people being offered incentives from parents were the people guaranteed straight As and better. kinda defeats the object of giving an incentive. thought it was for people who actually needed the incentive. and it wasnt just smal incentives, it was stupid ones like 80 quid for an A* etc. kinda made u wonder wether they will feel the need to work or just live off there parents.

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prommised my son a car if he strikes 9 A*'s, he is only 10 and has started studying already :hmm::hmm::D


a big well done to those who have got the grades they wanted, and to those who didnt get what they wanted, DONT PANIC!! :yes: its not the end of the world.

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Well done all of you whatever your grades are.

No one could do worse then i did at school.

And i have manage ok out of life. :yes:

I do believe the lot more pressure is put on young people to achieve better grades then when i was at school.

Little sweepy is now going into his options years.

We all like to see are children do well . Its a shame they dont teach confidence,And believeing in your self in schools . As i feel thats what the lots of youngsters could do with now.


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Well zero hour has arrived, and a happy sp jnr just came back from school clutching his piece of paper, 2 - A*'s, 6 - A's, 2 - B's, 1 - C

And yes, he does take after his mother before anyone points out the obvious...

I dread to think what that is going to cost me, but I have a feeling I am about to be reminded :yes:



Anyone else got theirs through?



Did you do the bad dad thing and pull him up for the "C" ;)


Incidentally, if the "C" was for a subject something like "Religious Education" or some "Social [insert claptrap subject here]" then fist of respect although an "F" would have been particularly out there rebellious.


Dig deep, that looks like a fairly expensive set of results.


If I were you, see if he will take double or quits on Man Utd going top this season.



Well zero has arrived, and a happy sp jnr just came back from school clutching his piece of paper, 2 - A*'s, 6 - A's, 2 - B's, 1 - C

And yes, he does take after his mother before anyone points out the obvious...

I dread to think what that is going to cost me, but I have a feeling I am about to be reminded :hmm:



Anyone else got theirs through?




Well done to Jnr.

My eldest has her results and she has done well, as well.

Simmilar scores to your lad.


So smiles all round eh!! :D


Like you said though its going to cost me an arm and a leg

at least an arm :D


Cheers taz.





Did you do the bad dad thing and pull him up for the "C" :hmm:

Incidentally, if the "C" was for a subject something like "Religious Education" or some "Social [insert claptrap subject here]" then fist of respect although an "F" would have been particularly out there rebellious.

Dig deep, that looks like a fairly expensive set of results.

Yes, he is in his room sobing and holding his sore head (joke)

The C was History, which he is not doing at A level so he doesn't care about it anyway.

The original commission scheme was something like £40 for and A*, £20 for an A and he gave me money for in increasing amounts for anything under.

Needless to say with mrs stuartp backing him up I had to back down on that one :hmm:

I will look after him, he will do OK it can go towards the next expensive school trip, and he has just reminded me about the Trip to the Gaucho Grill I promised him as well.



Trip to the Gaucho Grill I promised him as well.




SUCKER!!!! :o ;)



I must be a cheap skate cause I got away with

£15 for A* £10 for A and 7 for B


And a pizza for tea tonight.


Still over a 100 squidlies though.


:P When I wher a lad I wher up before dawn and did a days

work before school and then got beaten for comming top,

in a class of a 100.

Aye they were the days!! Young uns today don't know

how lucky they have it.


bring back the bearch I say :/ :(







So the fact is, you have all had to bung your kids to encourage to them to do well?


So the going rate is 60-80 quid for an 'A'


Looking at the worst of it you are all nearly a monkey worse off. But the best of I feel the vast majority of kids today all try a lot harder than we did at exams, despite what many say about the 'youth' of today.

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So the fact is, you have all had to bung your kids to encourage to them to do well?

So the going rate is 60-80 quid for an 'A'

Looking at the worst of it you are all nearly a monkey worse off.

But the best of I feel the vast majority of kids today all try a lot harder than we did at exams, despite what many say about the 'youth' of today.

No one has to give their kids anything, I was joking about being hassled for his 'reward' the fact of the matter is he hasn't even mentioned it.

If I hadn't of offered him anything he would have still done well, but to 16 year a piece of paper with letters on it doesn't mean a lot in the grand scheme of things so I have chosen to reward his efforts with some money. That money will be used towards his school trip next year (something else that has changed since 'our day') and as we only pay half and he raises the other half, that is a chunk that he won't have to work for - either way it isn't going on drugs and ho's :hmm:


I feel sorry for this years outake.

They get the grades, the teachers are apparently teaching better, then they are told it's too easy to pass exams now :yes:

So who is wrong?

Any teachers on the forum, your views would be appreciated?


LB, I am not a teacher but having been though the system and compared it todays methods, the one thing that has changed since we were at school is the whole system is far more results driven than it used to be. We were taught subjects and then tested on some of what we had learnt at the end, that still happens but the system is so tuned towards exam results they don't teach kids anything really new in the last term they just prep them to pass the exams. Good results are good for the students but the school also benefits as they need a feed of keen students who's parents will be looking up the league tables before deciding which school they want their kids to go to.

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Definitely easier these days.


This is from a lady teacher on a forum that my wife is a member of - they have a current thread about these GCSE's too :


I mark exam papers for A levels and I can definitely say that my subject in particular at A Level has easier exams than say 15 years ago - I have my old exam paper that I took still to prove it! You compare it to the exam papers I mark today and its soooooo much easier today - not just in terms of content but in the way the questions are structured! I think its evident in 25% getting A's at A Level - what on earth is that all about?!?!?!


Although I'm not so sure that its happened to the same extent to GCSEs - but nowadays we do teach them to pass exams as opposed to improving their overall knowledge, which is sad but the pressure on us to achieve A-C's is immense. If we don't meet our targets we're in trouble (all teachers have targets for every subject, every class and every pupil and its constantly monitored and now the results are out its being even more closely looked at), and so is the school....think special measures!


So there it is - targets, targets, targets :good:

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Well either way Stuart, the boy done good. :good: We were also pleased to learn that our daughter did very well with her SATs. Not the same thing I know, but it made us happy. :yes:

Well it all starts from there Axe, although I feel for these kids getting shoved from one exma to another, when the day comes to take importnat tests it is like falling off a log to them.

I can remember not getting much sleep before doing my O Levels, the only practice we had had was the mocks a few months earlier, but to schoolkids these days exam taking is just routine.

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