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Do's P.W. support a charity .


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Do's P.W. support any particular charity . If not should we ? If the forum do's support a charity i would donate a Bruno .22 rim fire scew cut for auction to the highest bidder . There must be lots of old shooting related toot out there that could be auctioned off for a good cause . Harnser .

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Bagsy rents himself out at the weekend but I don't think that he gives the money to charity or declares it to the taxman.


Back on topic - a good idea. There was a sort of auction last year but to make it sexy it needs thinking about, more lots donated and proper organisation. So in summary - good idea, over to the mods. I have lots of bits and bobs that could go in.

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Perhaps we could also organise our own charity clay shoot in aid of Help the Heroes. Not sure if the idea would get off the ground due to the logistics and organisation etc but just a thought......



it sounds great just hope it gets the backing from the forum members and happens

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I see Dusty is looking, you might be able to win a gun mate ! :good::lol:


Tea on screen! :good: :good: ???:no:


Add a Ham and mustard sarnie! :lol:


Add half a mouthful of cheese and tomato :lol:


Er, on topic, that sounds like a good idea - what about a shooting-friendly charity that promotes the protection of UK countryside/woodland. Something close to all our hearts I'm sure.



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How about a clay shoot followed by an auction (sealed bids could be taken for those who can't attend in person).


Maiden - I hear you ref holding a shoot in the Midlands. I suppose it all depends who ends up organising it and where they can arrange a shoot.


Anyone prepared to pick this up and run with it?

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If Help for Heroes is adopted I will make a donation via the net as I will not be able to attend but it is a most worth while cause, there are some horrifically injured guys coming out of Afghanistan and Iraq at the oment and typically Gobbermint support is awfull.


same here

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Aren't there rumours of the Essex V Bucks rematch at some point? Perhaps incorporate into that? :lol: If its for charidee I may even turn up myself :lol:


I think that it has been decided that as it was soooooooo easy last time that we are looking for something a tad more challenging ! :good:

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