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'Undercover Mosque...'

Floating Chamber

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Dont think unfortunately it will ever happen, we would need a very right wing government who has the guts to abolish things like the Human Rights Act etc, but cant see them ever putting up, let alone getting elected, they would probably get jailed first for offending someone somewhere who belong to the happy families global village "do good" society. Anyone remember the British Empire and Great Britain........... what happened?

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A Mosque that promotes the killing of non Muslims and promotes marriage and sexual relationships with nine year old girls. Why are the not arrested?



Because this is 'Modern Britain' in train to lefty lunatics who think its is free speech to allow Abu Hamza to rant against the nation and the whole of society for years in public, in full view of the police. It is a shame to our nation that such people are tolerated and even courted by government. The leader of Abu Hamza's mosque in Brighton when he arrived here went to the police about him in the 1980s and said he was a dangerous lunatic and a threat to the peace. Nothing was done!


I have no problem with people who come here and try hard to fit in; my own great grandparents arrived here from Italy in 1895 without a word of English or even the ability to sign their names. However - I'll tell you this - they made their own living, had a family, learned English (after a fashion) and were loyal. Their sons and grandsons fought in WW2 and their great great grandsons are in the forces now. Want to be British and have British values? Fine. Want to dress and act and talk like you are still in the hinterland of Pakistan? NOT FINE AT ALL!!!!



Don't let me get started on this one.


The people of Britain have had a massive trick pulled on them and no one asked their permission to transform the country. I was in London last week for the first time in many years.... I tell you, I was shocked. I felt like a stranger in a foreign land.

Edited by Evilv
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What beautiful words by Evilv. Trouble is there are far more us than we know, but who fear to say this sort of thing, either because they are scared or think its wrong!!!! SPEAK UP and ACT before its too late.


The trouble is that the only party that campaigns on stuff like this is full of racist lunatics and nazi thugs. The rest just Kowtow to the lie of Multic-culturalism, which regards all cultural values as equal in value - forced marriage, subjection of women, despising British society, violent hatred of other cultures, the elevation of religious fundamentalism above common sense - err no mate, they aren't the equal of western values - not by a long mile. (Do I need to mention support for limb amputations, beheading and stoning to death?)

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It seems to me, there is one law for moslems and they don't care about it but if we step out of line, we know about it, not that I would say this but If I said, I think all other religions or it's followers should be stoned or thrown of mountains or have their hands and feet chooped off or called kuffirs, I would be sectioned or charged with inciting racial hatred or on religious grounds, for the record I accept all other religions except for the faith of islam.

This country needs to wake up before it's too late.

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as evilv says you need to be careful that you are not pandering to racist nazi's either. we all have relatives that fought and died to keep their sort out of his country too and it sickens me to see them allowed to spout their nonsense as much as anybody else.



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It seems to me, there is one law for moslems and they don't care about it but if we step out of line, we know about it, not that I would say this but If I said, I think all other religions or it's followers should be stoned or thrown of mountains or have their hands and feet chooped off or called kuffirs, I would be sectioned or charged with inciting racial hatred or on religious grounds, for the record I accept all other religions except for the faith of islam.

This country needs to wake up before it's too late.


I know quite a few Muslims. They're all perfectly normal people. Your condemnation of Islam is based upon a few religious extremists. None of the Muslims I know wish to convert or murder me

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I know quite a few Muslims. They're all perfectly normal people. Your condemnation of Islam is based upon a few religious extremists. None of the Muslims I know wish to convert or murder me


It's not based on a few religious tossers it's based on 100's of 1000's.


The sad thing is all these so called perfectly normal moslems will be ruled by the extemes ones in they are under sharia law, then the perfectly normal moslems will be led like sheep to the slaughter, be careful what you wish for.


I bet the kind of so called perfectly normal behaviour that goes on in mosques is no doubt a nationwide thing.


A moslem is a moslem first, be under no illusion that's all you are to them is a non belever / kuffir

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I know quite a few Muslims. They're all perfectly normal people. Your condemnation of Islam is based upon a few religious extremists. None of the Muslims I know wish to convert or murder me


It's not based on a few religious tossers it's based on 100's of 1000's.


The sad thing is all these so called perfectly normal moslems will be ruled by the extemes ones in they are under sharia law, then the perfectly normal moslems will be led like sheep to the slaughter, be careful what you wish for.


I bet the kind of so called perfectly normal behaviour that goes on in mosques is no doubt a nationwide thing.


A moslem is a moslem first, be under no illusion that's all you are to them is a non belever / kuffir


And you know all of this how? :lol::lol:

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Only saw the last bit of it and found it scary and unbelievable. Thing is, its not just Muslims. E.G. Eastern europeans coming to work in the building trade and claiming for their children not even living in the country,amongst others coming in and taking advantage. As others have said those coming to the country to work and try to fit in rather than take take take, most people don't have a problem with. I find it blooming unbelievable when people come to a country and carry on like they are in their own country and expect all around them to adapt to their ways. My father moved from Sth Africa 40+ years ago to Dublin and as an indian African in those days he had to tread carefully but adapted, knuckled down and people took not much notice of him.


A few years ago a Mosque was built in an area of Dub, next to an OLD Carmalite Convent (an enclosed order of nuns who rely on the local community to help them out and only leave the convent for medical reasons) They ring a bell to let the local community know that they're low in supplys of basic rations and locals will bring items along. Soon after the mosque was built, there was complaint that the bell sounding was interferring with prayers at the mosque. the goverment went on the side of the mosque and the convent was not allowed to sound the bell, until the local community kicked up a rucus and the decision was overturned.


I work in an envir where i sometimes come in contact with asylum seekers who are deemed under age, (most are well over 17!!, more like 30) most state that they fled their country and don't know anyone here. Strange though how they will be given an new mobile phone (always on it) and always have dosh for credit, fags etc. Again there are genuine asylum seekers who do need help but like everything else in this world, its the few or not so few pee takers who ruin it. Unfortunately things prob won't change but i am gonna let my local MP's know my feelings when they call to my door, (the once every election), smiling and promising the world. :lol::lol:

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" Yeah, a couple of channel 4 documentaries. Expert...... "


I can assure you truss, I am far from an expert, I would like to call myself a realist who will never bury his head in the sand because the PC brigade tell me too.


You keep defending them to the hilt if you like but more and more British people are waking up to the very serious threat that is eating this nation from within.

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