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Should airguns be banned???

Disco Stu

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Far more people are injured and killed by kitchen implements than air guns, but recently a medical person advocated that kitchen knives should only be allowed to people if they had been blunted....... Nanny State and Lefty Dictatorship gone mad.


whats the point of having a knife thats not sharp, might aswell use a spoon

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I dont think the "more people get injured/ killed by...." argument is the best one.


maybe more people do die as a result of riding accidents, but how many 3rd parties die as a result of these accidents? because people aren't killing themselves with airguns, they are killing other people and this is where the issue lies at the minute - I am sure that loads of people hurt themselves with airguns, but its the serious injuries and deaths of others that are making the news.


i think its better to show people why airguns can be owned and used responsibly, rather than putting down other sports/ methods of hurting yourself!



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