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I apologise now if this post is going to be a rant and i dont want to offend any NHS staff but im Livid :rolleyes:


Ive just got home from 8 hours in Dorchester Hospital and ive got to say im not pleased with the care given to my wife :yes:

We have a baby due any day now and at 4p.m this afternoon my wife started bleeding heavily, we rushed straight into the hospital to wait 40 mins before we saw anyone!!! We were then taken into a room to be hooked up to all sorts of kit. The bits needed werent there! 20 mins later they return to wire the wife up!


An hour to wait with apparently a problem that can affect wife and baby with devastating effects :lol:


Doctor comes in puts in a catheter badly! hand starts to swell and cause untold pain, then explains in badly broken english that its there to resuscitate wife!!!

She's panicing already this makes her even worse!

Then examined and told she has to stay in for 24 hours+


Can the husband stay with her overnight to reasure her and look after her?

Absolutely NO unless shes in labour dad has to go home, its my wife for gods sake :lol:


I come home and ring wife on patientline (which was another disaster to try and set up!) and get told its going to cost me 39p a minute what a joke!!!


So distraught mum to be all on her own tonight scared stupid, dad to be at home angry and worried & kids worried for mum!!!


What the hell is the NHS doing?


No wonder this country is going down the pan :lol:


What the hell do my taxes go to?


Apologies to all for the rant i just needed to get it off my chest!!!

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Thats disgusting :rolleyes: i must admit i had 2 emergency c sections & the first one although 21 yrs ago was bad, inn hospital 10 days after the operation , then when i eventually got out the wound opened up , that was open for 6 months, the pain was terrible how the hell your supposed to get on with looking after a new baby when you feel so ****, the infection was picked up in the hospital , suprise suprise


Second birth was slightly better only in 5 days that time & thank god no infection


I hope your wifes ok & the birth goes smoothly , keep your chin up & good luck

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I feel for you Borries, we had the same issues last year when my mum needed a heart bypass

operation, which at the time we were told was 'critical and life saving'.


Her 'critical and kife saving' op was postponed four times and delayed by four months due to lack of bedspace,

which in turn is due to lack of funds.


But at least we'll put on a good olympics in a few years eh?

Edited by Browning
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nhs is so under staffed it is unreal my father has been on his back now 11 weeks after a opp went wrong they are sending him home this friday he cant walk loss the use of his left arm my mother is 78yrs old my dad walked into hospital now he will be carried out his doctor said yesterday he is looking at his best ? how would the doc know he has been in the caribean fr the last 2 weeks diveing had to get in touch with the SMP at the hospital yesterday they are putting a stop to him being discharged now .the nurse's are great but they lack the staff

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After having lots of tests the wife was sent home and things seem to have calmed down a tad.

But what a surprise no one has phoned with results of the tests!


I can understand why i wasnt allowed to stay with my wife but to leave her in a bad state and anxious was totally unreasonable.


As a reply to the fact of private medical insurance im not having a go but


I am not a big earner and neither is my wife, we both work in education trying to help the next generation to learn and experience all that is needed in life.

We both work full time, we pay our taxes, we pay everything and dont get a hand out from the government. Why stretch ourselves even further and pay out for a service that should be provided by the government?


We pay over the odds in tax and when we need something from the government the service isnt there!


The hospitals are dirty and full of infections that have been generated by the fact cleanliness isnt as important as it once was!


Surely its time someone did something to sort out the disgrace that this country has become?


We are overtaxed, ripped off from pillar to post, held to ransom by our electricity/gas/oil companies and generally life for the majority is worse than its ever been.


Sorry again for the rant

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Hospitals, Whats going on with the NHS ?


The NHS is badly underfunded, hugely over worked and is run by bureaucracy. As with many other things today, Labour have managed to screw up the NHS as well.


I think you'll find that most of the NHS Staff that 'work the floor' actually want to give the best possible care, but with cut backs, extended hours, minimal work force, etc. it makes it nye on impossible and probably one of the most demanding jobs in the UK.

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Hospitals, Whats going on with the NHS ?


The NHS is badly underfunded, hugely over worked and is run by bureaucracy.



It it underfunded? From what I remember there's twice the money going into it compared to when ZanuLabour

took over.




As with many other things today, Labour have managed to screw up the NHS as well.


I wouldn't disagree with you there.




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precisely, too many high paid managers who don't know their bottom from their elbow.


Good luck my sister had similar issues with her baby with a dodgy foreign doctor and a pretty hidious experience ending in cutting and forceps. Disgusting in the modern day

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precisely, too many high paid managers who don't know their bottom from their elbow.


Good luck my sister had similar issues with her baby with a dodgy foreign doctor and a pretty hidious experience ending in cutting and forceps. Disgusting in the modern day


Where did you get this information from?


I have an older sister that is a ward manager at a NHS hosiptal. Not that I'm defending her I couldln't care less but I do know she has 25 years experience in nursing university educated with top honours degree. As with any high salaried job a very high level of education is expected


So if you want the high educated staff you have to pay high wages



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My oldest brother has a child that is severely disabled because at the hands of incompetent doctors. The doctors did not see that the baby was in distress for almost two weeks, result was that the baby will never walk or talk. At the moment they have just been awarded there compensation after 8 years of fighting. During this time his child got a broken leg while out with a special care unit and the doctors at the hospital tried to blame my brother and his partner for it, so they could put the child into care and get out of paying compensation. So they consulted there GP and he said that as she has very weak bones it is very easy to break a bone in her body. She also has to be fed through a tube in her stomach only liquid foods.


And what ****** me even more is that the doctor that got it all wrong has now moved to Canada to practice, so he will probably not get any disciplinary action against him. :good:

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Where did you get this information from?


I have an older sister that is a ward manager at a NHS hosiptal. Not that I'm defending her I couldln't care less but I do know she has 25 years experience in nursing university educated with top honours degree. As with any high salaried job a very high level of education is expected


So if you want the high educated staff you have to pay high wages




Jonno, your sis is a ward manager and is on the front line of patient care. What annoys most people is the money squandered on ever increasing numbers of needless backroom managers who are never seen, guardianistic jobs that aren't needed and needless facilities, all of which serve only to drain much needed funds from front line staff and resources where they're needed most.


Lets face it, what have we got for all those extra billions that have been pumped into the NHS? Mismanaged is an understatement. :D


Borries01, good luck to you and your wife, I hope all goes well :good:

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I think that N.H.S. hospitals are only as good as their overpaid managers .After all they are responcible for the smooth running of the hospitals and the engagement of the staff . I am an avid supporter of socialised medicine and have seen first hand the bad private system that they have in the u.s.a. . People being refused treatment because the insurance company dosent believe that the treatment is necessary .

Dont think that the private sytem in this country is the answer to all your medical problems . I recently had a real problem with one of my knees and was hardly able to walk . I have private medical cover which i only have to pay a very minimal sum for each year as it is a left over from my former employment which carried on into my retirement . I saw two different consultants reff my knee problem . They both came up with a completely different diagnoses for my problem requiringtwo completely different types of surgery . I decided not to have any of the treatment ,and guess what ,my knee is now painless and back to normal . I think that i was seen as some body who was not very ill , but had very good private medical insurance . Yes there are problems in the N.H.S. but in my opinion its the best system in the world .

I do wish you and your good lady good luck for the birth of your child . Harnser .

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I was treated like **** when I was in hospital after shattering part of my pelvis - this included:


1. when asking to go be helped to go for a pee I was told by the ward nurse that I had to walk to the toilets (100yds) to help build the strength in my pelvis. The consultant went ape-**** when he saw me in tears around 8 foot from my bed while the nurse had a cup of coffee.


2. My meals were put on the table at the end of my bed. meals are not allowed to be placed on the bedside table, and they would not move the table at the end of the bed for me - so i had to shuffle down the bed to eat.


3. Took 3 days to get an X-ray on my arm despite telling the nurses that it hurt like ******* when i used my hands to help me move. turned out I had also shattered a bone in my wrist. took another 3 days to get it in a cast.


4. Ward nurse told my mum when she rang about my condition that I was in surgery having my pelvis plated. I was sat in bed watching TV. Mum went beserk.


5. I liked to sit in the chair beside the bed as a change to being in bed itself. Occasionally when my girlfriend came to visit, I needed to sit in the chair in order to get comfortable - my girlfriend was told that she was NOT allowed to sit on the bed, nor was she allowed to remove a chair from the day room for her to sit on. she was told to stand.


6. Despite numerous requests, I was never given a bath or helped to wash. I was in hospital for 8 days.


a few other things too, but these were the main ones.



BANGOR hospital, Wales.

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