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whichh auto

browning 425

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hi boys and gals i am looking in two geting a auto i have had 325 and 425 from 14 teen and for all game and pigeons i have use 32 gram 5 i have been doing a lot of clay shooting for the larst 8 years got use two little oz loads i have now gon back two the big loads i have had two days with them i had a day of 69 this satday gone and i come away knowing i had shoot the 32grams i think i am geting old :hmm::hmm: so i did not know if you good people can give me some advice i like the look of them 105c

Edited by browning 425
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I can honestly say I have no idea what you just said, or tried to say :hmm:


Try spacing it out with some punctuation lol :hmm:


Than you might get the answer your looking for :oops:


Basically I gathered you were looking for a semi-auto shotgun, well there are a lot of models out there to look at. What's your budget ? How much will you spend ? I have seen brand new auto's for £300 with 3 year warranty and they also have the beretta's and benelli's which can go up to £1000-£1500!

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im not a big fan of autos ( just an opinion) this was formed having owned a 391 and then about three weeks ago my mate had a benelli M2 , what can i say its the muts , it will cycle anthing we have put through it (21g /32g) and for the recoilside of things the comforttech stock is a god send and it looks fantastic , all this from somebody who 3 weeks ago was not a fan of autos , its not perfect though as i have long arms and the stock even with the longest pad on is still an inch to short for me , it does not affect my mate as he has 6 very close work budys and lady named snow white .

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I can honestly say I have no idea what you just said, or tried to say :hmm:


Try spacing it out with some punctuation lol :hmm:


Than you might get the answer your looking for :oops:


Basically I gathered you were looking for a semi-auto shotgun, well there are a lot of models out there to look at. What's your budget ? How much will you spend ? I have seen brand new auto's for £300 with 3 year warranty and they also have the beretta's and benelli's which can go up to £1000-£1500!





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I can only reccommend semi's ive owned which have been a remington 1100, a beretta 391 and a benelli m2.. The beretta 391 is excellent but takes longer to clean than the benelli and i personally found the blueing marked easily. For a good cheap gun the remi 1100 takes some beating. Mine was very reliable and a great pest control gun..

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I tried a Browning but couldn't hit the proverbial with it :hmm:

Got a 391 urika 2 now which I would have said was a dream to use untill recently.

I've had 2 mis-fires(defo the gun coz they both went bang in my mates gun!) and 3 jam-ups in the last 3 times out on clays!

Perhaps I'm cleaning it too much! :hmm: (Sorry, thats a different thread :lol: )

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I eat sleep & breath PSG shooting & its lots of fun, if you have not tried it you really should.


Borderguns club is near Bishops Castle on the welsh border, if you want to try it just let me know.



thanks for the offer i would love to give it a try

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Whatever you do, don`t buy a Remington 105cti. Looks good but simply does`nt work. Type something like "Remington 105cti reviews" into a search engine and prepare to be horrified.


Berettas are good,Benellis are better.




Must pick you up on your typing error ''Berettas are good,Benellis are better.'' SHOULD READ, benellis are ok, Berettas are better :hmm::lol::hmm:

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Very happy with my Browning Fusion Evolve. Reliable, light, easy to clean and looks great. I tried the Beretta 391 but found it very big and heavy - not much fun to carry all day. They seem to have got progressively larger since the early 300 series (

I'm not knocking Berettas by the way - my other gun is a Silver Pigeon and I'd love a 303. The Browning is a pleasure to shoot and I'm well pleased with it. It also has a great speed-loading feature which means you don't have to put a cart (or your fingers!) in the open breach, you just load 'em all underneath and it automatically chambers the first round.



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