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Feeling remorse after shooting


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It is normal to feel a bit upsert after shooting a bird. I ask because when I shot my first pigeon's I felt a bit upset and I did not wan't to shoto for the rest of the day. I have no problem killing rat's or anything.

Is it like this for everyone, or do I just need to toughen up.

I'm only 14



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A clean shot is far better a death than getting killed by a crow for example. The other day I came across a young woodie.The ******* corvids had eaten the poor thing and it was still alive when I found it :good:


I go out of my way to shoot corvids anyway. I've heard of them picking on newbore lambs too.

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What a cracking post.


Good on you lad for bringing this up.


I know exactly where your coming from and I'm 30+ yrs old. The first live quarry I shot was a possum (or opossum) which is a marsupial creature, native to Australia, which escaped captivity (was bred for its fur) in NZ and now causes immeasurable damage to the native habitat of the NZ native wildlife. The night I first shot and killed one of these animals I felt somewhat remorseful that I had taken the life of a creature and yes I though about how, maybe, it's young where awaiting it's ill fated return and would starve without the care of it's parent. But here's the thing some creatures are pests and cause immense damage to the eco system on which so many other indigenous creatures are so reliant. At least that’s how I justified my killing of these animals.


Ironically with regard to pigeons - I hate the creatures - they are flying vermin, carry untold diseases and are particularly annoying when one is trying to sleep in on a Sunday morning (ga go ga, ga go ga) bloody pests. You carry on with fire in your belly young lad pigeons are pests and I’m sure (although don’t quote me on this) if we didn’t shoot them they would breed so quickly that they would become an uncontrollable menace to normal life… And for all you hard core pigeon'ers out there apparently there really good to eat as well..... (And before anyone reacts - no I don't throw, the few I shoot, away)


As for crow's and magpie's for that matter - no use whatsoever - Kill them all - viscous pests and thieving b***ards to boot in realtion to the the latter...

Edited by Newsportshooter
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Young man .


your thougts of regret at shooting a pigeon is a good thing . You are showing compassion that is lacking in lots of people these days . I can clearly remember many years ago when i shot my first deer . I have never felt such regret in all my life as i did shooting my first buck . I have never enjoyed the actuall killing of deer although the thrill to me is the stalk . I still sometimes have regrets in making the kill and have on occasion deliberately not made the shot . Carry 0n with your shooting and i will bet that you will make a good hunter because you have compassion and you will learn to respect your quarry . Best of luck to you . Harnser .

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Young man .


your thougts of regret at shooting a pigeon is a good thing . You are showing compassion that is lacking in lots of people these days . I can clearly remember many years ago when i shot my first deer . I have never felt such regret in all my life as i did shooting my first buck . I have never enjoyed the actuall killing of deer although the thrill to me is the stalk . I still sometimes have regrets in making the kill and have on occasion deliberately not made the shot . Carry 0n with your shooting and i will bet that you will make a good hunter because you have compassion and you will learn to respect your quarry . Best of luck to you . Harnser .


I can only echo Harsners words as he sets it out about right, most of us have deep feelings for whatever quarry we decide to shoot, on the other side of the coin are the numerous "videos" that appear regularly on you tube, and a few on here, boasting of long shots and creatures being blown to pieces accompanied by laughter and shouts of glee, these people sadden me.

You carry on the way you are and over the years hopefully you in turn will pass on the respect to newcomers, our sport is all the richer for "thinking shooters".


My ten pence worth :good:


Rgds D2D.

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great post and some really good replies which i wholeheartedly agree with, you show compassion and respect which is very important.


and don't listen to newsportshooter too much - he won't pick up the shot birds yet (he picks up the empty cartridges :good: ), but i'll have him eating pigeon before he knows it

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I would have no problem with shooting food for my table if I were hungry & had to, but I have grown to dislike killing things just for the sport of it, I chose a different path & took up a target sport instead, I find the skills needed to beat like minded humans a much bigger challenge & far more rewarding than shooting game or vermin & a trophy on the shelf is always good to look at.



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I'm just coming back into shooting after many years & at 45 i have the same reservations,


I gave up shootin because I just couldn't stomach it any more, I shot rabits with an airgun... I went with a farmer friend of mine,... i'd get 2 or 3 rabits & take them for the pot he, was a fantastic hunter & would get 30 or more, & through them in the hedgeback,


A running theam in all of my posts would be to accept that we are all different & intorarance is what causes a lot of problems in this world he's a farmer & they were pests to him as were the rats crow and cute little squirels he also bagged,


so I see it like this... shooting for sport is not for me.... people who stand in a line waiting for driven quarry just for the sport of killing it is not my kind of person,...... but he's free to follow his sport without been judged by me,... I will shoot clays, pigeons and rabbits, but they will be well used in the pot....err not the clays....... thats how i justify it to myself


thats just me, if any readers are of a different mind well good luck to you!


So you see having feelings is natural and the values of wrong and right can vary depending on who you are and what point of view you have!


good luck in you future persuits remember you only need to justify this issue to yourself



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duckdog, you sound like a very mature young man.


I felt a bit like that when I killed a pigeon a month or so ago. I'm a great animal lover but they are pests and as long as they're eaten, be it by you or others, I can justify enjoying the day if that is the case.


Good luck in the future with your shooting hobby.




Jon :good:

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In the real animal world there is no such thing as pests and vermin ,only the hunters and the hunted . Its only man that has decreed that certain species are pests and vermin to protect his own interests . We must remember that man is a hunter and the most successful one of all time . We have got so good at it we are able to wipe out all life on this wonderful planet of ours .

So young dogduck your feeling of regret is a normal reaction to some body making their first kill who has a sense of compassion . There are to many young people being killed in this country by the knife and the gun .They are being killed by people who lack the compassion that you have shown . Harnser .

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