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what do you reckon - mink?

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lost 2 chickens in last week from our wired enclosure - 6ft high wire fencing,

these two stubborn chucks often didnt go into the shed to roost,

instead they would roost 6-7ft up off ground in a thick bush


there are no holes in a fence that a fox could possibly get through or climb over and i dont think a fox could climb up a hedge!


only found one chickens remains, top half eaten, including breast and innards


i suspect it could be a mink - or stoat??


any ideas,


i will be looking for a trap, and have seen discussion on here about best baits, just need to find somewhere that sells traps

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thanks for the tips Guys


the fenced area is 75m long so too long to put sand round etc

but i will look out for tracks, We had snow lying this week, and i did look around for tracks to try and see if the 1st missing chicken had been wandering, i didnt notice any mammal tracks.


I will get a catch-alive trap if anything,


I already have a homemade linux pc setup with streaming video cam on the chicken shed but its not IR so no nighttime coverage...

the linux software was motion detection capability, so i will look into an IR light


I know we have foxes around, and something had a good root around in a bin bag i left out by front door last night, before 10pm when i let the dogs out for a run and was going to put the bag in the wheelie bin,


maybe its an energetic fox that can scale 6ft wire fencing!


I might put some bait out by house and sit upstairs with a window open with 12bore and see if i can spot the ******

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My next door neighbour has just had six chickens taken by a fox, over a seven foot fence!!!!!! The ****** came over, nailed one, took it back over then came back for the other five! You could clearly see the six kill zones in the pen.


Another chap I know had fancy ducks go missing from his fenced pond. Mink got the blame. Turned out to be an otter. So be careful if you're thinking of snares.....



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  • 4 weeks later...

well 3 weeks on,

the beast struck again yesterday morning, killed 3 more inside the shed, in daylight not long after i had gone out to open door and feed them


this morning i stayed in house, with window overlooking the shed open, and 12bore in hand, 45mins later i gave up

went out to elt them out, another dead one in shed, then i noticed a STOAT scurrying around on a beam at back of shed, couldnt shoot it as chickens in the way.. then it disappeard out of a small ventilation hole...


so its a sodding STOAT


will pick up some Fenn traps from parents place over xmas,


the last 4 chickens have tbeen taken to friends 30miles away until i can either get rid of the stoat (difficult) or somehow make a stoat proof run (also very difficult as they fit through tiny holes...)


at least i know what it is now, but down to 4 chucks now, from 10...

nice christmas present...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shot one whilst pigeon shooting last Spring (got a pic somewhere) i'd dropped a pigeon 30 yards along the hedge from me about 5 yards out, and it walked out bold as brass and started dragging the pigeon to the hedge - 30gr 6's stopped it dead in its tracks. No word of a lie - this thing was over 1 1/2 feet long - tail included!

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  • 4 weeks later...

i remember there being thread on here before liek this oen over a guy loosing dozens of chickens, it turned out that the fox climbed half way up an oak tree, jumped onto the hutch roof, did the deeds then climbed back over!

so this could very well be a fox! theyr crafty *******!

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  • 10 months later...

wife said chickens were acting odd yesterday, didnt go into shed at normal time and squaking

got home last night, and discovered a stoat in the trap again!, nearly one year on to the day that a stoat slaughtered 6 of them last year.

i had started setting the trap again about 4 weeks ago with an egg as bait


another stoat tail for making fishing flies!


it didnt half stink too, scent.

dispatched with .22 airgun,


both times stoats have been caught in the catch-alive trap, and avoid the fen trap in a wooden tunnel

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wife said chickens were acting odd yesterday, didnt go into shed at normal time and squaking

got home last night, and discovered a stoat in the trap again!, nearly one year on to the day that a stoat slaughtered 6 of them last year.

i had started setting the trap again about 4 weeks ago with an egg as bait


another stoat tail for making fishing flies!


it didnt half stink too, scent.

dispatched with .22 airgun,


both times stoats have been caught in the catch-alive trap, and avoid the fen trap in a wooden tunnel


Ive not tried this but have been told that if you can spray the trap from above with the wee from a freshly killed stoat, as you would wee a rabbit, then any remaining stoats are quite keen to join the party.


Good luck and hope you dont lose anymore.


Rgds Rob.

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This may tie in with what dusk 2 dawn has said.

If I hadn't seen the incident before I was given the explanation, I would never in a million years believed what I was told.

Pigeon shooting, see and shoot stoat, then same again 1/2 hour later. Two dead beside hide. Go out pick up few pigeons, come back, one stoat. Scratch head. Later, pick up more pigeon, come back no stoat. Pull hair out.

Some years later a little old Norfolk countryman told me that it happens. A family member seeing another dead will take it back to the nest. Would it, therefore, be wothwhile leaving the first caught/killed one in the trap? Just a thought.

Good luck,


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