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mod police


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evening all,




beening looking into wat i want to do when i finnish school college etc etc


dad sugested mod police because id get to use guns and have a dog which is perfect for me lol



wonderin if there is eneyone in or has been in the mod police


wat id have to do to join





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Mod police are not real coppers in the true sense.


They are security guards who are trained to very basic standards.they are NOT home office defined police officers.


I have the dubious pleasure to regularly encounter the mod plod and by their own admission there are guys with 20 years service who have NEVER arrested anyone.


It is not a job for a young guy with hopes/aspirations and/or a pulse.


If you require anything further PM me.





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'I'd get to use guns and have a dog'. Train to be a gamekeeper then? Mentioning a penchant for guns tends not to go down well in any job application scenario.


I think even for MOD plod you'd need to have better justification for wanting to join. Like Fuddster I also encountered these half-wits regularly myself. All they do is man gates, check fences, eat doughnuts, do a lot of Walting and make life difficult for soldiers. Same applies for the MPGS.


If you want to be a cop, join your local constabulary or, if you have no self-respect, join the Royal Military Police. Joking aside, the RMP are generally a decent bunch.

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Stuart, hope i'm not too late to add my two pennies worth. I have vast experience of MOD plod. Generally what's been already stated is correct but heres a few other points you should know.


They do carry guns, they do work with dogs but generally your not able to do both, imagine try to get a shot off with an alsatian bounding after the suspect.


They do tend to often be ex regular coppers who've retired, got their pension and then go for a less stressful time with the MOD, basically they are then coining it. Be warned also they have a tendancy to move you around the counrty, they are a national force unlike your local cops who work within a constabulary and so you can be local if you want.


Finally they aren't classed as a Home Office force so they don't get the same pension right, ok it's 35 years from now for those thinking of joining but a huge differnce when you retire.


If you are serious consider a local force, they also carry guns, far more chance of using them, thankfully though it's still VERY rare they are actually fired in this country and also work with dogs

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Being Ex RMP i can recommend the job Yes you get to play with guns some get to play with dogs there is always a course to go on if your that way inclined, When i joined i looked at the civvy police aswell but who wants all the **** these guys put up with....yes you are not liked by squaddies but you do get respect


Don't hurt to look into it


By the way mod police is ok if you want to walk around a fence all day

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Quote......"....yes you are not liked by squaddies but you do get respect"


Respect from who?.....the fence you've been chatting to for an hour?


Where in the job description does it mention 'playing with guns'?


C'mon wakey wakey-if you can stack shelves badly at Tesco's-then you're over qualified for the MoD Police.


Personally,I wouldnt trust them with a pair of play scissors-never mind a loaded MP7.


much love



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