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My First Real Pigeon Shoot

tommy 64

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What a wonderful day i have had! Firstly i have to say the biggest thank you possible to the man who today has really given me the pigeon shooting bug and who has had the patience to show the right way to do things.

Thank you chippy18.


I have only been a member on this site for a couple of days and when i first joined asked if there was anyone willing to show me the ropes as i had been shooting clays for awhile, but had attempted pigeon shooting and could not hit a thing.

Well i had a response from chippy18 who after speaking to him on the phone was prepared to take me to some of his land and let me have ago.


I have to say after meeting him this morning what a great guy chippy is a real gent. We met not far from me this morning and transfered my gear in to his landrover, met his 2 highly excited dogs and of we went to a farm he shoots.


We arrived and spent half hour or so looking around for where he wanted to set up and then of we went.

He then showed me how he liked to set up his hide, some basic decoy set up and then told me the basic format as far as what he likes to do. He then in the nicest possible way told me that although i had been shooting for awhile, he had a few rules as far as safety goes that i could agree to or if i did nt like to listen to his rules then my house was 11 miles that way.


Anyway after setting everything up and getting in the hide we waited for about 15 mins when before i new what had happened chippy was firing and had taken 2 birds straight of. i had nt even realised what had happened as i was to busy getting comfy. Well chippy then took 5/6 more birds and then asked if i fancied ago. I did nt need asking twice.

I did nt have to wait long before chippy pointed out a group of about 5 birds which he said he thought would turn back to wards the decoys. he told me to concentrate on 2 birds that ended up about 25 yards out i took aim fired and then watched as both birds seemed to stop and then just fly of totally missed by my shot. Well after a few more attempts at birds none successfully i might add, chippy who had been watching from behind suggested a couple of things to try.I Had to wait about 10 mins and a pair flew past,so i did what i had been told and joy of joy i manage my first real pigeon.


That was that i could nt wait for more and to cut what i could make a very long story due to having such a great day i managed 7 pigeons by the time chippy said he thought they had dried up.

All in all at the end of the session 51 pigeon had been taken and 11 rooks admittedly apart from my 7 chippy shot them all,

but i have had to start somewhere.


I have to say this has been a great day for me. I really cannot thank chippy enough.Not only did he teach me a bit of field-craft, he sorted my actual shooting out. Although i think i will have to admit to myself that i will probably never come close to his shooting abilities as he is a very very good shot, taking birds that i would never have attempted. It may not be impressive to some of the more experienced shooters but he was using a semi auto and managed 3 birds with the 3 shots at 1 point which impressed me.


All in all i have learnt so much today thanks to joining this site and also to chippy18. He is very soon going to come over to the land that i have permission on and go round with me and have a look for a few rabbits this time. This Saturday evening i have arranged that i am going over to meet him at his local and i am going to spend the night buying him drinks even though he said he did nt want any.


Sorry it such a long post but am very hyper at the moment after a great day out.




The spoils.




chippy18's 2 great dogs Floyd and Harley.






Edited by tommy 64
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gtreat wright up buddy, sounds like you had a really really REALLY good time lol. i know that feeling when i went out for the first time.


you lucky tho that you have your own bit of land to shoot over lol imagian that feeling then not haveing somewere to shoot! welcome to my world lol :P:drool:


but well done buddy and well done to chippy18 for takeing someone out, what a nice thing to do :o :D


john boy

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gtreat wright up buddy, sounds like you had a really really REALLY good time lol. i know that feeling when i went out for the first time.


you lucky tho that you have your own bit of land to shoot over lol imagian that feeling then not haveing somewere to shoot! welcome to my world lol :lol::drool:


but well done buddy and well done to chippy18 for takeing someone out, what a nice thing to do :P:D


john boy




have you tried knocking on doors?



well done tommy and chippy, great effort. :o

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nice write up :drool: sounds like you had a great day! what was the advise he gave you?



Thanks all


i really now have been bitten and i now think my wife is getting fed up with me talking about pigeons lol.


The thing chippy told me was that i was missing the birds behind and not giving enough lead. He said that although there is no golden rule it also looked as though i was treating the bird like a clay and expecting it to slow down like a clay does, which is the exact opposite of what they do.

He said it is just something you get used to and that as far as he is concerned you have to try and get away from the slightly stiff way you can get in to when shooting clays and relax a bit and just sort of snap into the shot and most importantly enjoy it hit or miss.


Thank You


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:good: Well done, great write up.


It is great when someone can give you some guidance and their thoughts and ideas. It is truly a great step in developing the sport and ensuring you have big bagged successful days, which in turn will make you enjoy yourself more.


All the best and good luck for your next day out!




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