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The cease fire arranged by Egypt ran out on Dec 19th, Hamas should have gone back to Egypt and said that it wasn't working and modifications were needed, but instead sent 80 missiles a day, which it started before the cease fire was over, into Isreal.


Mung, the difference is that the Arab fathers are actually sending their (brainwashed and willing) kids into terrorist training at that age. It's totally impossible to compare our two cultures and form opinions on that. I have several nieces and nephews/godbrats around those ages, I'd not want to see any injured of course, but then they aren't waving guns around either and willing to use them.

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dont get me wrong ... i aint a fan of isreal as its got away with a few things over the years because its close relationship with america .... and anyone who knows me knows i dont like the american goverment ( start something then run away ) but hamas was wrong to do what they did .

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That's the shame of it, if I told my kids to blow up a packed bus (and spun it out with some religous nonsense) they probably would. Give them a few years and the prospect of a peaceful future with their own wives and families and they might not.


The motivation and hatred that drives those to kill on both sides is apparent.


On the news tonight there was a woman who had 3 generations of her family and her 5 daughters wiped out in one of the recent airstrikes. Is it any wonder they don't sing songs at the local schools praising their Israeli neighbours? Offer her a back pack and an Israeli bus timetable and she would tear your arm off.


And so it goes on and on and on etc.

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I would be interested to know who out of those who have posted on this thread have kids and if so what ages.


Me, I have 3 boys 7, 4 and 2.


My two kids are both grown up and make their own way in life . I have two darling grandchilldren aged 0ne year and five years . I couldnt even imagine what it would be like to have them bombed . But having said that i was bombed at a very early age by another mad man adolph Hitler .

Harnser .

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The point I was making about kids is that I would wager that those who have children / grandchildren are a little less quick to suggest the "nuke 'em" slash "they don't like it up 'em" slash "hit harder and faster approach" for either side.


Anyone with family in the military will be praying we don't get sucked into this **** storm regardless. It's their problem so leave them to it. If we can assist in negotiations then so be it, but that should be it.

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isreal have no excuse if they DO make a nuclear strike .... and will cause ww3 without a doubt ... end of day china wont take any **** and are close enough to feel any fall out so will hit hard... lets all hope this never happens

Edited by jinxy72
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This conflict is one that is so complex, it's hard to see a solution. The first thing that has to stop is all the bombing. Last night I listened to George Galloway on Radio Talksport. OK he's not everyones cuppa but the man has a heart and tells it as it is. He also has a great understanding of the background and turned up at the demo today in London. He is passionate about trying to arrest this conflict.

The indescrimate bombing of innocent people is a crime. There were no soldiers in the areas ***. There was a 6 month period of peace and yes the Palastinians threw a few motars over the boarder but no one was killed. It was a protest against the Israelies starving them out. They sanctioned Palestine to the extent they had no food. Don't tell me America wasn't consulted before the Israelies over re-acted,using US built weaponary.

It makes me sick.

Over to you Obama, sort this one out and become a great leader rather than a puppet. Brown, it's last chance saloon for you, because you don't represent the views of the electorate and you bloody well knew what was happening as well.

Edited by Whitebridges
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There was a 6 month period of peace and yes the Palastinians threw a few motars over the boarder but no one was killed. It was a protest against the Israelies starving them out.


Try 80 long range rockets a day.


No Israelis were killed because they were sheltering in ....shelters. Not, as in Gaza, sitting right on top of military installations built on purpose in residential areas. They had sufficient warning to evacuate the compounds. I notice they had time to get all their trucks etc out, but no civilians? How curious.


Did anyone else notice the seemingly perfectly heathly and clean kids that were being carried past the cameras as well? Hamas would very happily sacrific lots of their own to gain a propaganda point or two.


All they had to do was go back and renew the ceasefire with calm renegotiation but instead decided to get violent and then act all surprised when the far bigger opponent gets bored of the slaps and kicks them square in the nuts and sticks the ol' swede on the bridge of their nose. What's even more surprising is that virtually the whole world is swallowing it all as well !!!


All this is exactly what Hamas wanted.

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Hello all on PW.

What a load of self righteous **** some of you speak. Israel is MURDERING hundreds of innocent people daily and some of you have the gall to say this is right.Murder is murder....period.You all seem to hold guns of one kind or another,with the attitude of quite a lot of you I would have no hesitation in taking them of you all.We are supposed to be a law abiding and civilized society,the attitude of some of you fireside generals quite frankly make me sick.If my neighbor does something terrible to me does that give me the right to blow him to kingdom come?.That is why we have laws and courts and police and rules which must be obeyed .The alternative does not bear thinking about.

Israel have the support of the most blood thirsty nation on earth and are using that support to legitimize there terror campaign against a third world people.They have to do as much damage now while their dimwit godfather is still in the whitehouse,as they know that things will soon change.All enemies can be called terrorists.Do you think our own troops are squeaky clean?.Do you think our own government is squeaky clean?.Grow up and think for yourselves and try by your actions and attitude to change things for the better,not spouting like animals that murder,from whatever quarter,is right,or do you live under the premis that might is right?

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The point I was making about kids is that I would wager that those who have children / grandchildren are a little less quick to suggest the "nuke 'em" slash "they don't like it up 'em" slash "hit harder and faster approach" for either side.


Anyone with family in the military will be praying we don't get sucked into this **** storm regardless. It's their problem so leave them to it. If we can assist in negotiations then so be it, but that should be it.



I have brought up 7 kids 4 mine and 3 who came on a free transfer with the wife, aging from 35 to 14 and eleven grand kids ( 2009) will bring another two I am told!!!! not one of mine where encouraged to "rise up" and defeat the non believers mine were hopefully all brought up with a rational non biggoted view of life and an if it does not concern you keep out of it attitude.


however I fear for the future of mine and dread what will happen to them should we NOT take the option of standing upon the head of the beast, IE radicalism and dark age mentality, by eradication of the evil that pervades throughout the middle east, and whilst It would be a very last option, sadly I can see no other way other than the crippling of a nation and the numbing of minds akin to what happened in japan any other solution on a postcard please! either that or we all start reading the quran, and wave goodbye to western civilisation, because like it or not that is the goal deep in the heart of these people, (term used loosely) it is not Israel or the land, its about an intolerance to a way of life, and a destruction of everything and anything with a different ideology.ie death to the western devil. much like the fox hunting ban was paraded as an animal welfare issue when in reality it was about destroying a way of life, the fox was purely a front.


cheers KW

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Hello all on PW.

What a load of self righteous **** some of you speak. Israel is MURDERING hundreds of innocent people daily and some of you have the gall to say this is right.Murder is murder....period.You all seem to hold guns of one kind or another,with the attitude of quite a lot of you I would have no hesitation in taking them of you all.We are supposed to be a law abiding and civilized society,the attitude of some of you fireside generals quite frankly make me sick.If my neighbor does something terrible to me does that give me the right to blow him to kingdom come?.That is why we have laws and courts and police and rules which must be obeyed .The alternative does not bear thinking about.

Israel have the support of the most blood thirsty nation on earth and are using that support to legitimize there terror campaign against a third world people.They have to do as much damage now while their dimwit godfather is still in the whitehouse,as they know that things will soon change.All enemies can be called terrorists.Do you think our own troops are squeaky clean?.Do you think our own government is squeaky clean?.Grow up and think for yourselves and try by your actions and attitude to change things for the better,not spouting like animals that murder,from whatever quarter,is right,or do you live under the premis that might is right?


Yup, you fell for it as well.


Open your mind you simpleton.

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Hello all on PW.

What a load of self righteous **** some of you speak. Israel is MURDERING hundreds of innocent people daily and some of you have the gall to say this is right.Murder is murder....period.You all seem to hold guns of one kind or another,with the attitude of quite a lot of you I would have no hesitation in taking them of you all.We are supposed to be a law abiding and civilized society,the attitude of some of you fireside generals quite frankly make me sick.If my neighbor does something terrible to me does that give me the right to blow him to kingdom come?.That is why we have laws and courts and police and rules which must be obeyed .The alternative does not bear thinking about.

Israel have the support of the most blood thirsty nation on earth and are using that support to legitimize there terror campaign against a third world people.They have to do as much damage now while their dimwit godfather is still in the whitehouse,as they know that things will soon change.All enemies can be called terrorists.Do you think our own troops are squeaky clean?.Do you think our own government is squeaky clean?.Grow up and think for yourselves and try by your actions and attitude to change things for the better,not spouting like animals that murder,from whatever quarter,is right,or do you live under the premis that might is right?



hello and welcome to the forum and thanks for your unintelligent 1st and hopefully last contribution, troll


cheers KW

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the world always swallows it.


my house was bombed twice during the troubles, the police station is 20m away. also my primary school was 100m from the local police station, the ira decided to fire mortars at the station one day from a modified cattle truck; they were home made jobs, several placed together and at different angles, hoping atleast one would be at the right angleand hit the station. there was no warning. one mortar landed about 40m from the school when we were INSIDE. i can still remember the explosions and some of my school friends jumping under the desks. i could go on and on with a list of things, but theres no point.


until youve lived through something like that, youll never understand it. thats not me getting on a high horse, mouthing off, or going all mystical. its the truth. if someone fired a mortar near a school with my kids in it you can guarantee id be baying for their blood, and if the powers that be did nothing about it, i sure would. :good:

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Hello all on PW.

What a load of self righteous **** some of you speak. Israel is MURDERING hundreds of innocent people daily and some of you have the gall to say this is right.Murder is murder....period.You all seem to hold guns of one kind or another,with the attitude of quite a lot of you I would have no hesitation in taking them of you all.We are supposed to be a law abiding and civilized society,the attitude of some of you fireside generals quite frankly make me sick.If my neighbor does something terrible to me does that give me the right to blow him to kingdom come?.That is why we have laws and courts and police and rules which must be obeyed .The alternative does not bear thinking about.

Israel have the support of the most blood thirsty nation on earth and are using that support to legitimize there terror campaign against a third world people.They have to do as much damage now while their dimwit godfather is still in the whitehouse,as they know that things will soon change.All enemies can be called terrorists.Do you think our own troops are squeaky clean?.Do you think our own government is squeaky clean?.Grow up and think for yourselves and try by your actions and attitude to change things for the better,not spouting like animals that murder,from whatever quarter,is right,or do you live under the premis that might is right?


hey im not a fireside general. give me a big gun and a googly eyed foreigner to shoot it at, and ill be happy! :good:


;):good::yes::yes::yes::oops::oops: :yp:

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Is that the same George Galloway that stated British Soldiers should be tried as war criminals. I wouldn't give that ****head airtime. he should stick to doing impressions of a cat the ****. As for Alison, yes I do like to believe the majority of our armed forces are squeaky clean. Remember this while your eating your christmas dinner in peace, they do a hard job and don't ask for your respect but they ****in well deserve it.


My rant over

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This is a slog - ignore the rhetoric and just look at the $'s poured into Israel by the US.




I reckon old Ombana will start reigning that in and spending more $ at home sorting the US out.... we shall see (1) if he can and (2) if he lives long enough.


I digress.....


lets hope he does ... everyone forgets america supplied funds for the ira during the troubles in ireland .. therefore backed a terrorist act against the uk.... this is why i can never understand why the goverment kisses their ****. .... america is only ever interested in one thing ...... itself !!!!!!! never does anything unless it will benefit.


also lets not forget ... isreal originally took land of the palastines in the gazza strip ... and the whole world let them do it . ... why ... well cos it was an american alli who did it !!!!!!


there is no right or wrong reply to this post ... and in my opinion it wont stop until the words super powers step in and restrict (police) both countrys.



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lets hope he does ... everyone forgets america supplied funds for the ira during the troubles in ireland .. therefore backed a terrorist act against the uk.... this is why i can never understand why the goverment kisses their ****. .... america is only ever interested in one thing ...... itself !!!!!!! never does anything unless it will benefit.


bout time someone else remembered that... :good:

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