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jonno that's of no value we are in 21st not the 15th century as you quote,, modern day Islam unfortunately still is and there lies the problem, as I have said before Islam marching ever boldly on to the 14th century.so I would say myzeneye is right in his assumption as it stands at present, or have you conveniently already forgotten Beslan, Mumbai etc etc.

wonder what Alisons views on those little "freedom fighter excursions"


cheers KW


Alison also mentioned Bloody Sunday, I wonder what she thinks about the bombs in Omagh, Shankill and Le Mon etc?

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i quote john lennon:


Imagine there's no heaven

It's easy if you try

No hell below us

Above us only sky

Imagine all the people

Living for today...


Imagine there's no countries

It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion too

Imagine all the people

Living life in peace...


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one


Imagine no possessions

I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger

A brotherhood of man

Imagine all the people

Sharing all the world...


You may say I'm a dreamer

But I'm not the only one

I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will live as one





not the ramblings of a mad man..... an ideology of a perfect world.... no religion, no segregation of us and them borders, no greed and possesion.... just peace and getting along......

the sadest thing is, its mostly us "infidels" who can see the better picture, the need to let go of relieous beliefs and reap the benefits.... other people who would not rest till we westerners are all dead are so blinkered by their religious beliefs that we'll never reach a point were we can sit down and try to make bridges....



did`nt john lennon support the ira terror campaign?maybe hw wrote that song when he was stoned. TERRORISM IS TERRORISM, NO MATTER WHAT PART OF THE GLOBE YOU ARE IN.

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jonno that's of no value we are in 21st not the 15th century as you quote,, modern day Islam unfortunately still is and there lies the problem, as I have said before Islam marching ever boldly on to the 14th century.so I would say myzeneye is right in his assumption as it stands at present, or have you conveniently already forgotten Beslan, Mumbai etc etc.

wonder what Alisons views on those little "freedom fighter excursions"


cheers KW



KW, my understanding of what was being said is that Islam is a religion of terror and intolerance, that its followers are "brainwashed into thinking life is in the hereafter" and that it is "about time these people were educated and made to see that life if for living" (am I the only person that finds that last remark partriculary arrogant?). If I have misunderstood his point then would you be so kind as to clarify for me?


My point is that it is not the religion that is at fault, it is the interpretation of that religion by various followers, and in particular the extreme interpretation by a minority.


And no, I have not "conveniently forgotten" recent atrocities, but neither do I choose to hold the whole of a religion responsible for the actions of extremists.



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We are stirring mess of our own making unfortunately - I'm with Hammas on this one. Israel tend to crack a nut with a sledgehammer.


Sorry if that offends, buts it's the way i see it (and i do not have an anti semmitic bone in my body)



I'll happily stand with you and let us not forget, the Zionist State of Israel was founded on terrorism.


Hamas is also not the problem, Zionism is the problem and the illegal Jewish settlers Israel has been packing into as much Arab land as they can. These people are as extreme, if not worse, than Hamas.


Israel negotiated a ceasefire with Hamas, but during that ceasefire they didn't attempt any further negotiations with them for peace, but just continued to assassinate any members of their organisation and have locked up all their democratically elected politicians.


The only reason Israel exists is because of the misguided guilt of the western powers after World War II, since then it has been nothing but trouble and an abomination on the whole of the world, with Gaza looking more and more like a new Nazi Warsaw Ghetto as each day passes.


Israel has brought us no benefit and we regularly pay for its sins, in treasure and blood.


All the inconvenience and expense on security that air and other kinds of travel all has it's origins in the Palestinian conflict, and the cause of that is Zionism.


Remember that each time you are ordered to take off your shoes and belt and stand like an idiot at the airport as a stranger rummages through your hand luggage. Multiply that cost and inconvenience by the number of air travelers and that by the number of years since that nonsense has been going on when Black September targeted plane for hijackings decades ago, and you get ONE of the astronomic costs the Middle East conflict is costing the entire world.


In addition, the oil embargo of 1973, the attacks of 9/11 and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are an indirect result of our Middle East policies. Bin Laden told us so himself, Bush's explications notwithstanding.


Add all this up as Exhibit A.


Then try to figure out the unmitigated disaster it would be to abandon Israel.


Even the most pessimistic reckoning of such an act (Israel drowns in the Arab sea) could not produce anything near comparable to the unmitigated disaster Exhibit A constitutes today, with several wars in the tally, terrible carnage, and a price tag in the trillions.


The only reason to support Israel is no good reason at all.


Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

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Good evening boys. Nice to see some human beings have joined this discussion,sorry slating match.Thank God I am not easily offended but I have been like that for quite some time.It is something that has grown with time.I am older rather than younger and feel that it is a shame that common decency does not appear to show itself until later in life.Maybe it is the result of experience.

One thing that annoyed me somewhat was the reference to Omagh,LaMon etc.,maybe I have not made my position clear enough especially for those who cannot or do not want to hear the whole truth.I have said that in no way could I ever condone murder,no matter from where it comes,either performed by the IRA,UDA,UVF etc,etc,etc or the forces of any country,not just mine.No matter how you try and slate and insult me you will never change my mind that murder is murder is murder.Call it whatever you like but to take another human beings life will always be murder in my book.

A lot of you seem not to have the intelligence to tell the difference between right and wrong,for that I am sorry but there for the grace of God go I.Because a state is more powerful it does not give them the right to slaughter the weak.Some of you fireside generals have suggested nukes etc., to sort out the middle east, I'm sure when you would be asked to push the button you would not be seen for dust. You appear to be a bunch of cowardly bullies who would take advantage of those who don't have the backing of a super power run by a madman behind them.


I have placed pieces of bodies in black plastic bags,I have buried relations and good friends whose coffins could not be left open. I never want to do it again and for you morons to sit behind a screen and tell us all how you would sort this and that out you make me sick. There is one and only one answer and that will only be found in Almighty God.Until you realize this there will still be hell on earth. Be very careful because to condone murder is as bad as committing it.

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Good evening boys. Nice to see some human beings have joined this discussion,sorry slating match.Thank God I am not easily offended but I have been like that for quite some time.It is something that has grown with time.I am older rather than younger and feel that it is a shame that common decency does not appear to show itself until later in life.Maybe it is the result of experience.

One thing that annoyed me somewhat was the reference to Omagh,LaMon etc.,maybe I have not made my position clear enough especially for those who cannot or do not want to hear the whole truth.I have said that in no way could I ever condone murder,no matter from where it comes,either performed by the IRA,UDA,UVF etc,etc,etc or the forces of any country,not just mine.No matter how you try and slate and insult me you will never change my mind that murder is murder is murder.Call it whatever you like but to take another human beings life will always be murder in my book.

A lot of you seem not to have the intelligence to tell the difference between right and wrong,for that I am sorry but there for the grace of God go I.Because a state is more powerful it does not give them the right to slaughter the weak.Some of you fireside generals have suggested nukes etc., to sort out the middle east, I'm sure when you would be asked to push the button you would not be seen for dust. You appear to be a bunch of cowardly bullies who would take advantage of those who don't have the backing of a super power run by a madman behind them.


I have placed pieces of bodies in black plastic bags,I have buried relations and good friends whose coffins could not be left open. I never want to do it again and for you morons to sit behind a screen and tell us all how you would sort this and that out you make me sick. There is one and only one answer and that will only be found in Almighty God.Until you realize this there will still be hell on earth. Be very careful because to condone murder is as bad as committing it.


Why are you on this forum anyway? What's your views on shooting and hunting?

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Why are you on this forum anyway? What's your views on shooting and hunting?


I hunt with hounds,shoot pigeons,crows,rabbits and clays.I shoot about three days a week as if its any of your business.I don't feel that I have to justify my membership of any forum to you or anyone else.If this is not the reply you expected or wanted TOUGH.

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I hunt with hounds,shoot pigeons,crows,rabbits and clays.I shoot about three days a week as if its any of your business.I don't feel that I have to justify my membership of any forum to you or anyone else.If this is not the reply you expected or wanted TOUGH.



ohhhhhhhh touchy touchy :good:

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Good evening boys. Nice to see some human beings have joined this discussion,sorry slating match.Thank God I am not easily offended but I have been like that for quite some time.It is something that has grown with time.I am older rather than younger and feel that it is a shame that common decency does not appear to show itself until later in life.Maybe it is the result of experience.

One thing that annoyed me somewhat was the reference to Omagh,LaMon etc.,maybe I have not made my position clear enough especially for those who cannot or do not want to hear the whole truth.I have said that in no way could I ever condone murder,no matter from where it comes,either performed by the IRA,UDA,UVF etc,etc,etc or the forces of any country,not just mine.No matter how you try and slate and insult me you will never change my mind that murder is murder is murder.Call it whatever you like but to take another human beings life will always be murder in my book.

A lot of you seem not to have the intelligence to tell the difference between right and wrong,for that I am sorry but there for the grace of God go I. Because a state is more powerful it does not give them the right to slaughter the weak.Some of you fireside generals have suggested nukes etc., to sort out the middle east, I'm sure when you would be asked to push the button you would not be seen for dust. You appear to be a bunch of cowardly bullies who would take advantage of those who don't have the backing of a super power run by a madman behind them.


I have placed pieces of bodies in black plastic bags,I have buried relations and good friends whose coffins could not be left open. I never want to do it again and for you morons to sit behind a screen and tell us all how you would sort this and that out you make me sick. There is one and only one answer and that will only be found in Almighty God.Until you realize this there will still be hell on earth. Be very careful because to condone murder is as bad as committing it.


Sorry to disappoint alison, but God does not seem to think so:




20:9: If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.

20:10: If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death.

20:13: If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death.




22:20-1: If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done a disgraceful thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house.




35:2: For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death.




7:1-2: When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations . . . then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.


20:10-17: When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. When the Lord your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves. . . . This is how you are to treat all the cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. However, in the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them—the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites—as the Lord your God has commanded you.


















Devil's Advocate anyone?

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KW, my understanding of what was being said is that Islam is a religion of terror and intolerance, that its followers are "brainwashed into thinking life is in the hereafter" and that it is "about time these people were educated and made to see that life if for living" (am I the only person that finds that last remark partriculary arrogant?). If I have misunderstood his point then would you be so kind as to clarify for me?


My point is that it is not the religion that is at fault, it is the interpretation of that religion by various followers, and in particular the extreme interpretation by a minority.


And no, I have not "conveniently forgotten" recent atrocities, but neither do I choose to hold the whole of a religion responsible for the actions of extremists.





who need educating.....



i never mentioned islam either.



i know what has been done in the name of religion, what ever that religion may be, cristianity included....thats my point. but im more appropriately concerned with the world I live in and the world ive bought my son into.....not what happened 100's or thousands of years ago.....


at the end of the day, i say it as i see it mate, and if that aint right for you, well it just goes to show that people ARE different....


i agree with what has been said above... a square peg is no less equal then a round peg, but that square peg aint never going to fit into a round hole. people are different, im not sure that it is possible to live together....? i just dont know :good:


its funny, the people i know from ethnic minority ( chinese, pakistani, indian, etc) backgrounds that i get on really well with, are the ones who have abandoned their religious beliefs as did i many many years ago. when i talk t them i talk to the person... when ive talked to others with stronger religous ties, it doesnt feel like them im talking to.....its like they cant think for themselves.... and i feel an element of distrust ??

you may think this arrogant mate, but its just as i see it.... sorry.

Edited by myzeneye
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this is the best quote I have ever seen re this conflict?


'If the arabs put down their guns, there will be no more war. If Israel puts down its guns, there will be no more Israel.'


just about sums it up nicely.


cheers KW

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alison, for, what you seem to be, a christian, you are ignorant of one of the most well known verses in the bible.


heres a few versions of it, maybe you can find one to your liking.


<< Matthew 7:3 >>



International Standard Version (©2008)

"Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

New American Standard Bible (©1995)

"Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?


GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)

So why do you see the piece of sawdust in another believer's eye and not notice the wooden beam in your own eye?


King James Bible

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


American King James Version

And why behold you the mote that is in your brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in your own eye?


American Standard Version

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


Bible in Basic English

And why do you take note of the grain of dust in your brother's eye, but take no note of the bit of wood which is in your eye?


Douay-Rheims Bible

Any why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye?


Darby Bible Translation

But why lookest thou on the mote that is in the eye of thy brother, but observest not the beam that is in thine eye?


English Revised Version

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?


Webster's Bible Translation

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thy own eye?


Weymouth New Testament

And why do you look at the splinter in your brother's eye, and not notice the beam which is in your own eye?


World English Bible

Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but don't consider the beam that is in your own eye?


Young's Literal Translation

And why dost thou behold the mote that is in thy brother's eye, and the beam that is in thine own eye dost not consider?



now i could be totally wrong here, but is it just me... or is it saying dont judge others as theres probably something very wrong with you that is more deserving of your scrutiny? :good:


perhaps instead of coming into this forum, all guns blazing and accusing its members of things, you could take a moment or two to reflect on your own sins? :good:

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Back again. I don't care what religion any of you are but to be human is my main concern.We could quote scripture all night each to contradict each other and get no where.Obviously some have not the brains to think for themselves and continue to rant and rave about countries and people they don't know.I have no doubt that some of the more outspoken Neanderthals think Palestine is behind the screen of their TV,sorry to burst your bubble but its not.It is further south,sorry down.It is occupied by people like you and me,well me anyway,trying to survive the only way they know.Being bombed out of existence by the disciples of satan.These same disciples getting support from a few moronic air heads on this site.

I repeat you may slate all you want but I have seen enough of your type to do me for two lifetimes. Sitting in your hire purchase arm chairs and right the wrongs of the world in your own pathetic way. You appear to be so ignorant that you cannot even comprehend how ignorant you really are. You can try and justify genocide all you want but I take comfort in the knowledge that you are the very loud minority.The type of actions now being undertaken by the Israelites have been shown throughout history to always fail.When Stalin murdered 30,000,000 where were the great superpowers?.Hiding and skulking in the shadows afraid to open their pathetic mouths.You fireside generals are obviously their heirs.


Babby or is it baby have you a sore eye?

Edited by alison
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And as promised:


I wish to apologise unreservedly to myzeneye for my "arrogant" comment.


I jumped in there a bit hastily, and have realised that perhaps the old saying "it takes one to know one" might be appropriate in my case?


myzeneye, I am publicly sorry!























Still think that Israel is out of order though!!! :good::good::no:

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alison, lets keep this debate polite.

You have told people not make judgements about you, as they don't know you.

I would suggest you don't make unfair judgements about other contributors to this thread just because they don't agree with you, don't forget you don't really know them either.


As has been said, play nice or this thread will be closed.

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Back again. I don't care what religion any of you are but to be human is my main concern.We could quote scripture all night each to contradict each other and get no where.Obviously some have not the brains to think for themselves and continue to rant and rave about countries and people they don't know.I have no doubt that some of the more outspoken Neanderthals think Palestine is behind the screen of their TV,sorry to burst your bubble but its not.It is further south,sorry down.It is occupied by people like you and me,well me anyway,trying to survive the only way they know.Being bombed out of existence by the disciples of satan.These same disciples getting support from a few moronic air heads on this site.

I repeat you may slate all you want but I have seen enough of your type to do me for two lifetimes. Sitting in your hire purchase arm chairs and right the wrongs of the world in your own pathetic way. You appear to be so ignorant that you cannot even comprehend how ignorant you really are. You can try and justify genocide all you want but I take comfort in the knowledge that you are the very loud minority.The type of actions now being undertaken by the Israelites have been shown throughout history to always fail.When Stalin murdered 30,000,000 where were the great superpowers?.Hiding and skulking in the shadows afraid to open their pathetic mouths.You fireside generals are obviously their heirs.

Babby or is it baby have you a sore eye?


Alison, judging from your comments, you are an ignorant cow. Buy yourself a ticket to Palestine. With a bit of luck an Israeli might do us all a favour.

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Back again. I don't care what religion any of you are but to be human is my main concern.We could quote scripture all night each to contradict each other and get no where.Obviously some have not the brains to think for themselves and continue to rant and rave about countries and people they don't know.I have no doubt that some of the more outspoken Neanderthals think Palestine is behind the screen of their TV,sorry to burst your bubble but its not.It is further south,sorry down.It is occupied by people like you and me,well me anyway,trying to survive the only way they know.Being bombed out of existence by the disciples of satan.These same disciples getting support from a few moronic air heads on this site.

I repeat you may slate all you want but I have seen enough of your type to do me for two lifetimes. Sitting in your hire purchase arm chairs and right the wrongs of the world in your own pathetic way. You appear to be so ignorant that you cannot even comprehend how ignorant you really are. You can try and justify genocide all you want but I take comfort in the knowledge that you are the very loud minority.The type of actions now being undertaken by the Israelites have been shown throughout history to always fail.When Stalin murdered 30,000,000 where were the great superpowers?.Hiding and skulking in the shadows afraid to open their pathetic mouths.You fireside generals are obviously their heirs.


Babby or is it baby have you a sore eye?



there we go, more personal attacks. you know nothing about me. i own my own house and all the property in it, bought outright with hard earned cash. i have travelled all over the world, and i dont mean the usual budget holiday trips. i mean travelled, met the local people, lived with them, experienced their culture. and is my eye sore? oh please, can you not think of something wittier than that?


but then again that is standard christian actions. when faced by a greater intelligence and undeniable logic, you resort to personal attacks and mud slinging. its a pity the romans didnt have a few more lions....


you, my friend, are a hippocrite. you slate us for having an opinion, yet when we try to argue back you quote scripture. when we quote appropriate scripture back, you say scripture has nothing to do with it. do you not realise that, in the bible, the israelites are gods chosen people? so therefore why are you calling them the disciples of satan? last i checked they still worshipped god. gods chosen people are under attack by the phillistines, and you are supporting the enemy of gods people?


oh dear.... :good:

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Back again. I don't care what religion any of you are but to be human is my main concern.We could quote scripture all night each to contradict each other and get no where.Obviously some have not the brains to think for themselves and continue to rant and rave about countries and people they don't know.I have no doubt that some of the more outspoken Neanderthals think Palestine is behind the screen of their TV,sorry to burst your bubble but its not.It is further south,sorry down.It is occupied by people like you and me,well me anyway,trying to survive the only way they know.Being bombed out of existence by the disciples of satan.These same disciples getting support from a few moronic air heads on this site.

I repeat you may slate all you want but I have seen enough of your type to do me for two lifetimes. Sitting in your hire purchase arm chairs and right the wrongs of the world in your own pathetic way. You appear to be so ignorant that you cannot even comprehend how ignorant you really are. You can try and justify genocide all you want but I take comfort in the knowledge that you are the very loud minority.The type of actions now being undertaken by the Israelites have been shown throughout history to always fail.When Stalin murdered 30,000,000 where were the great superpowers?.Hiding and skulking in the shadows afraid to open their pathetic mouths.You fireside generals are obviously their heirs.


Babby or is it baby have you a sore eye?


what the :good: lady, calm down.... :good:

Edited by myzeneye
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"...this is about a jihad against the western world and believe me Alison these radicals who now infest every land in the world, will be just as happy killing you as a moderate "western devil" who openly condemned Israel as they would if you supported the Israel action, the simple truth is they hate YOU and your lifestyle, and regardless what you say or how you say it, I for one Don't believe you would give that lifestyle up."


I disagree there. While there has been some histopry of conflict in the region during ancient times, the conflict was marketdly escalated in the start of the 1920s when the British backed by very powerful zionists dreamed up to cut up the middle east by creating a state of Israel which would divide the arabic people between them. Divide and conquer is their strategy, they have used it in the Middle east they have used it in Yugoslavia and are planning on using it on Russia.


These aram radical leaders preach hatred religiously because they want to manipulate their populace to fight the West for completely the wrong reasons meanwhile formenting hatred and making themselves rich, the same reason George Bush and his rednecks talk about "killin those ayrabs" so that the real perpetrators get away scott free while the "dumb people" think each other is the cause.


Most militant islamists hate western occupation of their land they couldn't give a rat's *** about the fact that we got X-Factor and they haven't.

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And as promised:


I wish to apologise unreservedly to myzeneye for my "arrogant" comment.


I jumped in there a bit hastily, and have realised that perhaps the old saying "it takes one to know one" might be appropriate in my case?


myzeneye, I am publicly sorry!






















Still think that Israel is out of order though!!! :good::no:;)

good man.

thanks.... :good:

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