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Also don't lose sight of the fact that what the white American settlers did to the indigenous Indians was a far greater act of genocide resulting in the total eradication of many tribes !!.


Interesting to see the idiot Bush on his high horse about freedom and suppresion of tyranny given his countries record in the not too distant past.


On a different note Three Cheers for Winston Churchill, I believe it's the anniversary of his death this week. I'm convinced that despite the disparaging remarks made against him that we'd all be speaking german now if it hadn't been for his efforts.

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Also don't lose sight of the fact that what the white American settlers did to the indigenous Indians was a far greater act of genocide resulting in the total eradication of many tribes !!.


Interesting to see the idiot Bush on his high horse about freedom and suppresion of tyranny given his countries record in the not too distant past.


On a different note Three Cheers for Winston Churchill, I believe it's the anniversary of his death this week. I'm convinced that despite the disparaging remarks made against him that we'd all be speaking german now if it hadn't been for his efforts.

Here here

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Auswitz was originaly built to uthinise the disabled in a bid to clense the race of impuritys same as some dog men do with their dogs if some dont throw the way they want them to. Aparently over 70,000 jews had been gassed b4 hitler found out!! That is no admonishment because when he did find out he thought it was a damn fine idea.


Strange that the jews are still at the centre of the globes troubles!!



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Not to make light of the fact of mass loss of life the Jews suffered at the hands of the German concentration camp butchers ,does not history tell of many countries , Britain included , killing thousands of Jewish people through many generations.


It would seem they are at the center of many religous troubles ( an honest observation ) the world over .


just an opinion




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I think if you trawl back through history, it is littered with examples of mans inhumanity to man.

Some instances involve massive numbers, others not so many, but they are none the less horrendous.

Just about every Religion and every Country, has been involved at some time.

England and the Christians being among the worst.


"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone".

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Also don't lose sight of the fact that what the white American settlers did to the indigenous Indians was a far greater act of genocide resulting in the total eradication of many tribes !!.


Interesting to see the idiot Bush on his high horse about freedom and suppresion of tyranny given his countries record in the not too distant past.


On a different note Three Cheers for Winston Churchill, I believe it's the anniversary of his death this week. I'm convinced that despite the disparaging remarks made against him that we'd all be speaking german now if it hadn't been for his efforts.

God bless sir Winston



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On a different note Three Cheers for Winston Churchill, I believe it's the anniversary of his death this week. I'm convinced that despite the disparaging remarks made against him that we'd all be speaking german now if it hadn't been for his efforts.

God bless sir Winston



Hear Hear Wabbitbosher, I again watched the history channel documentry on Winnie the other night , Im not too proud to deny it brought a tear to my eye,a very noble man ,shame his son couldnt walk the walk .


God bless sir Winston




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thank god for churchill?? yeah thats right the same guy who said lets get the rats back down the holes and get their families evicted from tied accommodation! ooh he was referring the miners by the way? nice *** he was?

as for the dreadfullness of the holocaust (anyone watching the series on at the moment) seems we have learned nothing? we sat back yes US!! along with the UN and allowed sebrinitza (spelling) burundi, rawanda and of course the summary genocide of the marsh arabs in iraq

cheers Keith

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On a different note Three Cheers for Winston Churchill, I believe it's the anniversary of his death this week. I'm convinced that despite the disparaging remarks made against him that we'd all be speaking german now if it hadn't been for his efforts.

Here Here... In my opinion not just the greatest Britain that ever lived but the greatest Man that ever lived...


I have been to his grave many times.


As for the Holocaust I am of the opinion that Auchwitz should be bulldosed. I cant see any point in opening up old sores every year. We will never forget it but I dont think its an appropriate monument to those who were persecuted there.



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I have been to Bergan Belsen and it acts as an important educational tool for German school children to understad how far wrong their fore fathers got it. It is also a grave yard and is respected as such, people coming from all over the world to pay their respects.



Edited by Devilishdave
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As for the Holocaust I am of the opinion that Auchwitz should be bulldosed. I cant see any point in opening up old sores every year. We will never forget it but I dont think its an appropriate monument to those who were persecuted there.



Bulldoze it Mike. are you serious?

can we bulldoze the senotaph at the same time?

can we knock down all of the war memorials in every village in Britain at the same time.

Auschwitz is an extremely poignant reminder about mans cruelty onto man. It must be preserved so that if such hatred ever raises its ugly head again we can look to it and remember the inhumanity and evil that created it. As a lad whose grandparents escaped Eastern europe the thought of knocking it down is not an option..


P.S If anyone is going to object that senotaphs and memorials are different, think about it, they are most definetely not.

I think you should revise your thinking Mike.

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As for the Holocaust I am of the opinion that Auchwitz should be bulldosed. I cant see any point in opening up old sores every year. We will never forget it but I dont think its an appropriate monument to those who were persecuted there


thats a good idea!! then the denialists will have nothing to be countered with? because after all surely it wont be long before this sordid tale is out of living memory? half the thick ******* they call todays "highest" ever achievers haven't a clue who nelson was let alone the holocaust things like that should NEVER be allowed to be forgotten, funny enough a couple of months ago the wife and myself, dumped the kids and cleared off to amsterdam for a "break" now she has always been a "what do they want to keep going on about it type" we went to anne franc

house she a came away in floods of tears and witha VERY different opinion!!

cheers keith

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anyone been to the Ann Franks museum in Amsterdam? i"m going to Amsterdam for wknd on the bevy :lol: next week :rolleyes: if i get time i might give it a visit!

See the post from Keith above the previous one.


I have been to the site and museum at Bergen Belsen and that is a real insight to the horrors of a concentration camp.


They didn't use gas chambers but conditions were so bad that even half the German guards were dying of the same diseases as the inmates.


These places should be kept as a permanent memorial to the memories of the millions who died in my opinion.

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anyone been to the Ann Franks museum in Amsterdam? i"m going to Amsterdam for wknd on the bevy :lol:  next week :lol: if i get time i might give it a visit!

See the post from Keith above the previous one.


I have been to the site and museum at Bergen Belsen and that is a real insight to the horrors of a concentration camp.


They didn't use gas chambers but conditions were so bad that even half the German guards were dying of the same diseases as the inmates.


These places should be kept as a permanent memorial to the memories of the millions who died in my opinion.

didnt read posts fully :rolleyes: am going with mrs, she deffo wants to visit Ann Frank house, al let ya know the outcome! :) :thumbs:the last time we went there was a q about a mile long :lol: no joke !

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because after all surely it wont be long before this sordid tale is out of living memory?

When you think about it logically that is half the problem the fact that it is within living memory of those unfortunate enough to experience it makes it even more vivid and abhorrent. The other terrible and inhuman mass persecutions of History are generally forgotten because they occurred outside "Living Memory". I dont agree that momuments to commemorate war dead and The Cenotaph are the same at all. These were erected as a permanent reminder of those who gave their lives for the greater Glory of their country not who were indiscriminately persecuted !


I would dismantle Auchwitz and erect a garden or similar in its place. I went with my parents in 1995 and none of us could see any value in maintaining a place like that as a memorial to mans inhumanity to man and I know of many people who feel the same way. As disgusting as it may sound in the future the place is in danger of becoming a Tourist Attraction with all the unwelcome trappings which go with it.


Lets not for get the hundreds of thousands who endured mud and human excrement up to to their wastes, hunger, thirst, disease and pestilence, mental torture and physical pain and ultimate mass genicide born of class hierarchy... They were not Jews but British Soldiers of the First World War.



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When you think about it logically that is half the problem the fact that it is within living memory of those unfortunate enough to experience it makes it even more vivid and abhorrent. The other terrible and inhuman mass persecutions of History are generally forgotten because they occurred outside "Living Memory". I dont agree that momuments to commemorate war dead and The Cenotaph are the same at all. These were erected as a permanent reminder of those who gave their lives for the greater Glory of their country not who were indiscriminately persecuted !


I would dismantle Auchwitz and erect a garden or similar in its place. I went with my parents in 1995 and none of us could see any value in maintaining a place like that as a memorial to mans inhumanity to man and I know of many people who feel the same way. As disgusting as it may sound in the future the place is in danger of becoming a Tourist Attraction with all the unwelcome trappings which go with it.


Lets not for get the hundreds of thousands who endured mud and human excrement up to to their wastes, hunger, thirst, disease and pestilence, mental torture and physical pain and ultimate mass genicide born of class hierarchy... They were not Jews but British Soldiers of the First World War.



And all put through hell by the Germans who having been beaten in two world wars, both of which they started, now hold our national gold reserves in their bank and treat our politicians with total disdain and contempt. Leapords do not change their spots !!!


Goodness knows where we would be now if countless thousands hadn't sacrificed themselves for the cause of freedom. I've never understood why we don't have any control over Germany, having been instrumental in vanquishing them on both occasions.


Whoops I must be careful, that smacks of racism.

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When you think about it logically that is half the problem the fact that it is within living memory of those unfortunate enough to experience it makes it even more vivid and abhorrent. The other terrible and inhuman mass persecutions of History are generally forgotten because they occurred outside "Living Memory". I dont agree that momuments to commemorate war dead and The Cenotaph are the same at all. These were erected as a permanent reminder of those who gave their lives for the greater Glory of their country not who were indiscriminately persecuted !


I would dismantle Auchwitz and erect a garden or similar in its place. I went with my parents in 1995 and none of us could see any value in maintaining a place like that  as a memorial to mans inhumanity to man and I know of many people who feel the same way. As disgusting as it may sound in the future the place is in danger of becoming a Tourist Attraction with all the unwelcome trappings which go with it.


Lets not for get the hundreds of thousands who endured mud and human excrement up to to their wastes, hunger, thirst, disease and pestilence, mental torture and physical pain and ultimate mass genicide born of class hierarchy... They were not Jews but British Soldiers of the First World War.



And all put through hell by the Germans who having been beaten in two world wars, both of which they started, now hold our national gold reserves in their bank and treat our politicians with total disdain and contempt. Leapords do not change their spots !!!


Goodness knows where we would be now if countless thousands hadn't sacrificed themselves for the cause of freedom. I've never understood why we don't have any control over Germany, having been instrumental in vanquishing them on both occasions.


Whoops I must be careful, that smacks of racism.

Yes it does.............but your right!

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To quote Fisherman mike " they were not jews but soldiers of the first world war".

Mutually exclusive then Mike?


No Im not saying that at all mate... far from it


My Aunt is infact Jewish ( or was until she married my Uncle in 1952 and became Anglicised. Her family origins are eastern European.) None of her family see any merit in a constant reminder of the persecution they sufferred, yet those who are still alive to remember the Great War are becoming few and modern society does not recognize the dreadfull circumstances under which many British ( and German, American, Australian, Candian. New Zealand, Belgian, French, Italian, Russian etc etc etc.)soldiers died between 1914 & 1918


Again we have very short memories when it comes to Warmongerers. How do you think we once established the greatest empire in the world, Some of us on the forum talk of the German race as though all involved in the 2nd war were Nazis. In fact this is very far from the truth.


WE should have a memorial to the suffering of those poor people but I dont believe it should be the Structures in which they were incarcerated, tortured and ultimately murdered.


I think if any of you have seen the place you might feel the same way.



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