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quick dispatch


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I have a friend who has a pest control business and has recently looked into stickypads as opposed to poison. The problem is what to do with them when they are stuck. Do you think any air pistol (as i have told him)from point blank range is going to be instant enough. And if so anyone selling one.

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My mate catches live rats in a wire cage,then pour's boiling water on them.i hate the thing's but i dont think that is a good end but he dont have a gun.Thing is what do ya do ya cant let em out and give them the priest :good::yes:

stag :yes:


Leave them in the cage and submerge it in water until its covered, Still not ideal but much better than the boiling water technique IMO

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i catch rats in a live trap and shake them into a hessian bag, use my hands to push it into a corner of the bag, then hit it with a preist on the head, same with squirells. Pouring boiling water on an animal even a rat is not humane in my opion. air pistol is fine for those sticky things. if its illegal then just knock them over the head they cant moove.



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Isnt it illegal to shoot anything with an air-pistol? (at 6ft/lbs)-cheap air rifle should do the trick-dont get too close and wear gloves at least-rat blood carries all sorts of nasties.


i saw a program about people who have some of the nastiest jobs in England dead body removals sewerage works & environmental health and the EH officer was called out to investigate an infestation of rats and one was trapped in a wheely bin and he got out an air pistol and shot it about three times i think brutal but better than the kettle i think go with the pistol :good:

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Boiling water or drowning is a horrible way to go, bang out of order!


12 foot pounds air rifle against the skull and lights out every time. Use an Ultra or some other carbine. A preist it you can hold the vermin.


Imagine if it was a childs pet, say a guinea pig for instance would you pour boiling water on it or drown it? I hope not!


Finish it quick and painless.



Edited by Carbonrocket
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Can anyone spell out which law would be broken to use an airpistol at short range for dispatching vermin?


I don't think there is a law to specifically cover that. However, it is generally felt that they are not a good idea due to low power and poor accuracy. Shooting trapped vermin with a pistol right up near the 6ft lb limit is one use of a pistol that is considered OK by many.

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My mate catches live rats in a wire cage,then pour's boiling water on them



This is horrific and most probably constitutes illegal cruelty. :good:


Please get him to dispatch them humanely. They may 'only' be rats, but the least he can do is dispatch them quickly and painlessly. If he hasn't got the equipment and/or knowledge and/or guts to do this for them then he hasn't got any business trapping them in the first place in my opinion.

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Ist off there is no specific law re pistols (air) and vermin dispatch , they are however considered unsuitable due to the power of an air pistol being sub 6lbs, but for CAGED vermin close up and open sighted it would be humane enough, far far better than the *** using boiling water, not nice that.



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This is horrific and most probably constitutes illegal cruelty. :good:


Please get him to dispatch them humanely. They may 'only' be rats, but the least he can do is dispatch them quickly and painlessly. If he hasn't got the equipment and/or knowledge and/or guts to do this for them then he hasn't got any business trapping them in the first place in my opinion.


Absolutely agree.... they may be Rats , but they should still be killed as humanely as possible.


in cage traps, an air rifle pellet at the back of the head does the job.



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Thanks for all your replies i could have been more speecific . Yes it will be rats and mice and when they are stuck on these pads they don't come off . So it will be back of the head as close range as possible to make it as instant as possible .As this will be mainly house wives who are paying him i think a pellet rather than a put the kettle on luv is preferable . Exactly what is the law on using a pistol for this kind of work .

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Exactly what is the law on using a pistol for this kind of work .


The reply that I had to the same question that I put earlier is - that there isn't one.


When I trawled the on-line firearms legislation I couldn't find anything either.


An almost 6 ftlb .22 airpistol will do the job at close range.


I've used my Crosman to clean-kill both a squirrel and a pigeon with head shots at less than 10 metre range, and I routinely use it to finish off the occasional near miss from the rifle.


I use hollow point Bisley pest control pellets which smash the skull very effectively.

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Thanks for all your replies i could have been more speecific . Yes it will be rats and mice and when they are stuck on these pads they don't come off . So it will be back of the head as close range as possible to make it as instant as possible .As this will be mainly house wives who are paying him i think a pellet rather than a put the kettle on luv is preferable . Exactly what is the law on using a pistol for this kind of work .


A downside of sticky pads is they are non-discriminatory, so do be sure the location is not something like lofts that have a bat roost etc. Your friend is a professional pest controller so hopefully he is aware of all that.

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you should not use glue boards unless you really have no other choice if your friend is a pest control he should know this if not he should go and get some training. :hmm:

there are also guide lines for their use.


i kill animals every day but i do it within the law and quickly :drinks:


if you friend is found out he may find himself fool foul to many laws and could end up in the nick or a bloody great fine.


glue boads are only ever used when all other ways have failed or if public health is at risk, if he has done a risk assement he will know this.

please get some training if he does,nt know the best way to despatch a rat he is in the wong job, gun not needed, size 10 not needed, water butt for god sake i cant beleave this post. :yp:


Edited by ben1
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