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Picking up broken clays!!!!


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Dear All


I have been looking for a local club to join instead of just using the commercial ground near me. After a few visits, I do have a preferred choice, but for me it has one major flaw. After every shoot, the club members have to pick up the broken clays, or at least all bits larger than 1.5cm.


Before I make a decision I had a couple of questions:


Does anyone else know of or belong to a club where the members must pick up the broken clays?


If so I was trying to think of a way to speed up the process, has anyone tried using a leaf blower in vacuum mode to collect the bits of broken clay?

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the club i go to dont ask you to pick up the clays . they sometimes ask for a hand to put the clay machines away in the lock up as there quite heavy and there is about 15 of them what aint alot to ask really they always give prises for people who hit the most etc so not a bad deal if they asked to pick up the clays i would run :sick:

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If the club is on farm land, I think there might be issues with pollution, if the land is to be used for growing food. I think clays have bitumen or something in them, and apparently you're not supposed to grow food on land where there is a lot of it :sick:


I think that's the case anyway, though I might be talking out of my harris.


I think I might have read that on here actually :yes:

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Picking up carts is one thing, i wouldnt mind picking up plastic wads and am fine with picking up complete clays but i wouldnt even consider shooting at a ground where the broken clays are required to be picked bup by shooters them selfs.


Its very close to april 1st so hope someone isnt early with this ! lol

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Clays take a season or to to biodegrade, it takes lots of sunlight and frost cycles before they dust and you can find old clays 2-3 years old still whole in sheltered places.


Piles of broken shards are pretty unsightly, and where the land needs to retain its green look I can understand a need for members to pick-up to comply with a land owners terms of use of the land. This is simply a condition of shooting at that venue - you want to shoot here, we clear up, dont want to help, then shoot elsewhere. Choice is with the punter, and if the targets are good and the price right, it may be worth a few minutes communal tidying up at the end?

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Thats like being asked to clean the spilt food off a table in a restaurant. Sorry, I dont mind binning my carts and any others I come across when at a stand or walking through the ground but there's not a chance I'd be picking up broken clays!

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