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Pet Insurance

Ozzy Fudd

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Im looking around for pet insurance for the dogs at the mo, id had them with healthypets til the start of the month, but the premium jumped up to near £100 a month so i lapsed it. im looking around other places at the moment trying to find the best deal/cover i can get, so far direct line seem to be winning at £26 a month but im just wondering where everyone else gets theirs?


ps - just pointing out i work in an insurance brokers, so please please please dont start doing the "cheapest isnt the best" routine, i already know all that :blink:


cheers lads :innocent:

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I used Direct Line for years and never had a problem with claiming (and i did for thousands over the years with my Rott),but last year i decided to give Tescos a try and they were cheaper.I admit that the cover isnt for as much per year and condition,but the premium was slashed in half and excess is less too.


You know already that insurance is a postcode lottery so what might be good for one person may not be for another so best to shop around.

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I dont have a dog, and thus have no need of this form of insurance. However this subject has been extensivley covered on PW in the past. I recall a big issue over several companies not covering working gun dogs, so its best to check that which ever company you go with does actually cover working dogs.


BASC offer what I understand to be an attractive policy, but I have no idea as to cost.




For further information on our wide range of insurance products available via BASC please call the following :


Dog Insurance 0800 0568585

Shoot Cancellation 01453 542308

House and Contents Insurance 0870 9032037

Car insurance 0870 9032037

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I use MS (Marks & Spencers) Have had a lot of vet bills on the 5 year old Rotty and they were very fast in sorting everthing out and only £14 a month and also got me puppy Rotador with them oly £9 a month because he is a cross (Rotty / Lab). Thay are both covered up to £5K Each on any single claim.

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cheers, im going to give tesco a try later and read through their policy, tho direct line are still in the lead at the mo; did the usual searches (money super market, etc) and im getting fed up no end with some of the daft prices (and **** cover) im getting offered!


let us know how your getting on with your new gun,thinking of one myself.



which one mate? the mossberg? :innocent:

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cheers, im going to give tesco a try later and read through their policy, tho direct line are still in the lead at the mo; did the usual searches (money super market, etc) and im getting fed up no end with some of the daft prices (and **** cover) im getting offered!




which one mate? the mossberg? :innocent:

Benelli Nova.

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We used Healthy Pets. Tenner a month for the bronze cover, unfortunately we had to claim hundreds in the end but they always paid up. No fuss, just gave the forms we requested to the vets who did the rest, then a cheque arrives in the post minus the excess. I don't think i ever had need to speak to a human at the company.

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Benelli Nova.


ah traded her in again mate, couldnt get to grips with her, bought a 2nd mossberg :innocent: novas are a lovely gun tho, if id had the chance wouldve kept her


Most people don't realise that their pet is covered for third party on their house contents. So you are really only buying health insurance which for the cost i think is too much.


true, most people dont realise that, but us insurance brokers do :blink:


one word of warning though, the liability aspect of house insurance in regards to pets can be a complete minefield so dont rely on it; but also im more concerned about big vet bills, etc.

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I have 5 cockers and it wasnt cheap to insure all of them over the month so i opened a bank account for them and i put £50 a month in there for them and i use that for there wormers and frontline, i have over £1000 in there now if they need anything i use that, thats my way

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We use petplan for our cats, dogs and horses, they seem quite good, and if we have a problem they always pay out promptly, they are always easy to contact etc, etc, But if your in the insurance game you would know all this anyway wouldn't you :D?

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I went into this last year, i spent a lot of hours looking at the pros and cons, costs and in the end i went with http://www.pet-insurance.co.uk/


they do every thing i need and they cover shooting dogs. working dogs are police type dogs so are classed as higher risk.


they cover per year and not per illness. some offer £4K per illness, that sounds great until your dog suffers with a long term illness like a heart condition or others that i cant spell. once your £4k has been used, in about 18mths, then your on your own and cant get insurance anywhere. mother-in-law has this problem. her dogs lived 10yrs more so far and costing her £2k a year for heart problems. So be careful and ask the questions. You want per year and not per illness.


lf i remember rightly i pay a tenner a month for my cocker pup.


i hope this help you a little





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If thats the same E&L I'm thinking of they're bad news, most of the vet practices around here do not consider you has having cover, if your with them. :blush:


I am with A&L. They are most certainly bad news. Am in dispute with them for them refusing a recent claim. Will be moving as soon as I can.



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