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'Graphic' threads

'Graphic' Threads  

128 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of threads started specifically to show graphic images?

    • I sometimes read them out of mild interest
    • I find them very ineresting and/or educational
    • I don't read them, but don't mind them being posted
    • They are ammo for the antis - don't do it

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This is another one of those threads that just go on and on its like the whats better a .22lr or the .17 HMR, the answer always remains the same, personal prefferance . No one on this forum has the right to say some ones opinion is wrong so if you like that sort of thing then fine by me look at what you want, i think the only problem comes is when people begin to become effected by other peoples actions and i think some people are over looking the fact that although these pictures don't bother most members in the sense that not a lot of them are squeemish but if you give more fuel to an anti who will quiet happily take these pictures and and use it to pick more holes in the sport we all love and enjoy


Its typical of this country stoke up a fire as much as you can then when it burns you winge like hell and cry to some one who told you in the first place not to do it. Take the HINT, your making a rod for not only your own back but every one elses as well who enjoys this sport


Might i remind you when sporting gun magazine managed to find the picture of the bloke from the leage against cruel sports stabbing a dieing deer in there deer park and how many problems that caused them

Edited by hill billy
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I dont mind seeing pictures of massive bags where people are proud of what they have shot, or ones where they have shot something with unusual colours or markings, but the "look I blew its ******* brains out" pictures dont really interest me.

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:oops: So what youre saying is that pictures like this are just gratuitous?



and not showing how effective a .22lr hollow pint can be at 40 yards?


Lol that is one of the more extreme ones. I see some hardly anywhere near as "graphic" as that and yet they have "GRAPHIC" in the title and people winge about them :sick:

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the simple fact is anyone who shoots could post up graphic shots such as that but in reality amongst the more normal of us we don't feel the need to take the pictures, post them, or go looking for them really its not big and its not clever. If you think it is then there may be a problem and big guns don't make up for lifes inadequacies

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:sick: That picture was taken when I first started using my .22lr and i was surprised by the amount of damage it inflicted not because Im a sick cant like youre implying...........


big guns don't make up for lifes inadequacies


I also dont own any big guns and have never been inadequate in ANY department..................

Edited by Evil Elvis
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there are wounds and wounds but you must admit pictures of gore you've inflicted on animals isn't totally normal. You do see pictures where the quarry is laid to hide most of the damage and then ones to display the damage. The latter aren't entirely right,


maybe its just having shot for years that big wounds don't really hold much fascination for me

Edited by al4x
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Some people are acting like the cause of these 'graphic' threads is just to be graphic. I have always assumed that they are just threads to show off kills or whatever but with a bit of a warning because some of them got a bit messy - i'm still under that assumption.


Isn't thus a hunting forum? No matter what the Antis will have material, if we don't post these pictures do you think they are going to admit defeat and stop their orginisation, or will they just google "Dead fox". I will never allow the Antis to change the way i act one damn bit, i'm not going to step lightly for them.

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maybe its just having shot for years that big wounds don't really hold much fascination for me


Thats the whole point.....it wasnt a "fascination" it was expressing surprise at how much damage such a tiny round could do!!!!


I have been a nurse for 25 years, have seen people cut in half, blown up by bombs, decapitated, .44 magnum to forehead, 12g under chin and lots even worse than that so Im pretty sure that the hole in that rabbit wasnt fascinating or maybe Im just used to real wounds................

Edited by Evil Elvis
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Right, been here for five minutes, time for my first controversial thread :oops: A serious question though :sick:


I love to read people's accounts of their outings, it's one of the things that attracted me to the site. There are some great narrators on here and some of the descriptions and pictures of a successful days sport are really inspiring. I really like to see bag photos too, especially with the proud hunter with an ear to ear grin of pride and satisfaction. Inevitably some of these will depict a splash of blood, par for the course if it's incidental to the story, rather than the focal point.


However, what's with the the threads that make a point of being 'graphic', usually with the word itself prominently featured in the title, where the first post shows some disembowelled pile of pink snot and fur that used to be a creature of some sort. Sometimes, just sometimes it seems to me that one or two people might be getting their jollies by boasting about how much of a mess they can make, as opposed to celebrating a successful stalk, challenging shot, or showing respect for a worthy quarry etc.


Fair do's for warning people, but surely most people on here are under no illusions as to what can sometimes happen when bullet meets flesh and bone? I'm not squeamish and am well aware of what a high velocity bullet can do. I know all the arguments about 'can't get deader than dead', 'no such thing as overkill', 'at least it didn't suffer' etc etc. I also know that it just happens that way sometimes. But why oh why feel the need to go out of your way to select the goriest photos you can find and draw attention to them in a thread title that is going to feature prominently in a Google search by an anti looking for ammunition ('scuse the pun)?


Our sport is constantly under attack. The general public, by and large don't give a toss about shooting and their opinion is easily swayed. A selection of images and the comments that go with them taken from this site and others could easily be taken out of context or twisted to portray us as bunch of sad inadequates who get sick kicks from mutilating animals and photographing the results. I'm playing Devil's advocate here - I know that is not what people here are about, but that is how it could easily be portrayed.


Reading though what I've just written it sounds a bit preachy which I didn't intend, maybe I could have worded it better but I do feel quite strongly about this. I just wonder what others think? Is it just me? Should we exercise a little restraint? Or am I just being a big Jessie?

I could not agree more
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Some good discussion here and some interesting views on both sides :sick: Evil Elvis (top moniker BTW) your original reason for posting is probably a bit less gratuitous than some - unfamiliarity with a new gun's terminal ballistics and genuine surprise. The thing is, if I worked for LACs I'd think all my Christmases and birthdays had come at once if I found your picture. It would have pride of place on leaflets and posters for the anti shooting campaign PDQ. Hypothetically, how would you feel if YOUR picture was used in that way? Just wondering like? :oops:

Edited by Blunderbuss
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In my time on PW I've always taken it as a warning that some pictures are a bit gruesome and

not to open the thread if squeamish.


Most are accounts of a stalk/hunt, or the effectiveness of XXXX at YYY distance. I don't remember

many(/any) in the 'look how I blew this ****er's head off' vein.




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