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Walking home from work and in the middle of St Albans high street a kid leaning out the window of his mates car shoots a BB gun at me.


One quick call to the police with a registration :) , car make :good: , color :no: , description of the two males :P:lol: , where they'd driven to (a convenient dead end) and even that they were shooting a replica Walther P99. :lol: :lol: :oops:


I hope they enjoy the next 5 years in prison.

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Walking home from work and in the middle of St Albans high street a kid leaning out the window of his mates car shoots a BB gun at me.


One quick call to the police with a registration :) , car make :good: , color :no: , description of the two males :P:lol: , where they'd driven to (a convenient dead end) and even that they were shooting a replica Walther P99. :lol: :lol: :oops:


I hope they enjoy the next 5 years in prison.

just down the road from you we`ve had 2 shootings in 24 hours one only a half mile from my house , loads of idiots about .I think they should change the towns name from LUTON to MIDSOMMER

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just down the road from you we`ve had 2 shootings in 24 hours one only a half mile from my house , loads of idiots about .I think they should change the towns name from LUTON to MIDSOMMER


I loved the way the Beds police spokesman said afterwards that shootings in Luton are "very infrequent occurences".... :wub:



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zapp, he said they were very infrequent for the town, and to be honest they are rather infrequent there correct? about 2 years ago we had a pyscho attack near the train station in bedford, in some house (i know someone in ARV, and the police force and thats how we found out) some guy went metnal with a machete in a house, hacked his mates head open, and cut his other mate to pieces, and the other he hacked his hand off, then scarpered, to guy with no hand managed to get from the house on midland road, round to the pub (cant remember what its called, the paddington i think but i ent sure) when a fella near one of the doors heard banging on the door he opened it to find a guy with no hand on the floor, 2 died, the one with no hand not sure about what happened to him, everyone reckons it was a drug deal gone sour, but it was so bad (not joking) that some of the guys in ARV that were called to the house, were witnesses saw a man with a machete outside, had to get counselling, pretty gruesome, but as for the shootings in luton, bad stuff, getting closer to home and starting to get me worried, just last week a kid my age was chased in to the shop at the end of my street with a knife by a bunch of kids about 17 or so, they were screaming they were gonna slit his throat and stuff, and the shop keeper was losing his mind because his shop was being destroyed, as the poor ****** ran around throwing stuff at the others to protect his own life, police were called, not sure if they caught them, but its scarey, i dont like to go out of a night time, i like to go out shooting, and to walk to the dog, and if its dark i always have my route home, and i know if i get into trouble im not far from family (brother, mum, or family friends) but still all this violent crime is getting scarey, and for someone my age (15) it hits home, because we are in the age group that is being targetted alot of the time, and with gang culture its getting worse, my school is made up mainly of gangs, and its scarey, because there could be someone with a handgun in a bag or a knife in a pocket at any time, i get really freaked out sometimes, and it scares me...


all of this aside,

i hope they **** themselves when they are staring down the barrels of about 4 or 5 MP5's now that would show how much of "hard man" they are wont it, stupid ***** like them that give us a bad name, someone was shot, oh the hunting comunity use guns they seem a good target, bloody idiots, you did the right thing mate, hope they are caught and face a firearms charge and a lengthy term in a cell.... SCUMBAGS.....


my thoughts are with the 2 who were shot in luton, Duncan, did the guy shot in the back die?

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(but you have spelled colour wrong :wub: )


Funny you should say that as i did write colour, but my spell check said it was wrong... I typed it in google and wikipedia came up with 'color' so as the saying goes: "If wikipedia says it, it must be true."

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zapp, he said they were very infrequent for the town, and to be honest they are rather infrequent there correct? about 2 years ago we had a pyscho attack near the train station in bedford, in some house (i know someone in ARV, and the police force and thats how we found out) some guy went metnal with a machete in a house, hacked his mates head open, and cut his other mate to pieces, and the other he hacked his hand off, then scarpered, to guy with no hand managed to get from the house on midland road, round to the pub (cant remember what its called, the paddington i think but i ent sure) when a fella near one of the doors heard banging on the door he opened it to find a guy with no hand on the floor, 2 died, the one with no hand not sure about what happened to him, everyone reckons it was a drug deal gone sour, but it was so bad (not joking) that some of the guys in ARV that were called to the house, were witnesses saw a man with a machete outside, had to get counselling,


The machete thing in Bedford happened when I was in the 6th form (I went to school in Bedford), which was about 15 years ago. I think your mate might be spinning you a bit of a tale.


It was asians from Queens Park getting some payback on the West Indian types for naughtyness related to drug dealing. As far as I know the bloke who did it never got charged, despite it being the worst kept secret in the town at the time.


The chap who ended up dead was fairly well known at my school as a "man who could get things" for those interested in that kind of thing.


I think the "no hand" stuff is more embellishment, but there were a couple of people in a very bad way for a long time if I remember right.



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Zapp, there was one not so long ago, i have Been told about the other thing your talking about, but seriously, ill dig the paper clipping up, got it somewere and ill scan it in, but it was stating about the guy getting round to the pub, (not sure about the no hand, that probs was embelishment but parrantly, was some pretty horrific Injuries, but the Asian thing is still pretty messed up, Jeese didnt know you went to school in Beds small world....

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Good on ya Harford! I hope they get done for it, little bollixes. I'll admit, I'd be very satisfied if I'd gotten details of someone who done that to me.


Haha, I wasn't sure if that was sarcastic. Especially as from your neck of the woods you'd be thankful it was a BB gun :wub:


I just felt the little brats should get a gun pointed at them, but a real one, and see how they feel then.

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from the stories you guys have sounds like its quite sheltered where I live :lol: thank god n all lol!

Id never shoot someone with an air rifle. Makes you wonder what goes through those ****s minds :lol:

**** em I hope they pulled it out to show the police it wasn't real in a fumble n got blown away! What goes around comes around!


As I came out of a shop yesterday I was shocked by 2 15 yr old girls drinking a flagon of cider started giving my lip for no reason what so ever!

They soon shut up when I started back. Think they can just do what they want and people are too scared to stand up to them :wub:

That's how most people get beaten up these days. Start mouthing random people for the fun of it and god knows what happens! :wub:


Like I said. What goes around, comes around :wub:

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I'm turning into a grumpy old man...


No.. no no, you just need to differentiate between the sun and the daily mail and you are there. Stuff both in the bin.


Once you do those things you will go far.



Edited by Zapp Brannigan
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zapp, he said they were very infrequent for the town, and to be honest they are rather infrequent there correct? about 2 years ago we had a pyscho attack near the train station in bedford, in some house (i know someone in ARV, and the police force and thats how we found out) some guy went metnal with a machete in a house, hacked his mates head open, and cut his other mate to pieces, and the other he hacked his hand off, then scarpered, to guy with no hand managed to get from the house on midland road, round to the pub (cant remember what its called, the paddington i think but i ent sure) when a fella near one of the doors heard banging on the door he opened it to find a guy with no hand on the floor, 2 died, the one with no hand not sure about what happened to him, everyone reckons it was a drug deal gone sour, but it was so bad (not joking) that some of the guys in ARV that were called to the house, were witnesses saw a man with a machete outside, had to get counselling, pretty gruesome, but as for the shootings in luton, bad stuff, getting closer to home and starting to get me worried, just last week a kid my age was chased in to the shop at the end of my street with a knife by a bunch of kids about 17 or so, they were screaming they were gonna slit his throat and stuff, and the shop keeper was losing his mind because his shop was being destroyed, as the poor ****** ran around throwing stuff at the others to protect his own life, police were called, not sure if they caught them, but its scarey, i dont like to go out of a night time, i like to go out shooting, and to walk to the dog, and if its dark i always have my route home, and i know if i get into trouble im not far from family (brother, mum, or family friends) but still all this violent crime is getting scarey, and for someone my age (15) it hits home, because we are in the age group that is being targetted alot of the time, and with gang culture its getting worse, my school is made up mainly of gangs, and its scarey, because there could be someone with a handgun in a bag or a knife in a pocket at any time, i get really freaked out sometimes, and it scares me...


all of this aside,

i hope they **** themselves when they are staring down the barrels of about 4 or 5 MP5's now that would show how much of "hard man" they are wont it, stupid ***** like them that give us a bad name, someone was shot, oh the hunting comunity use guns they seem a good target, bloody idiots, you did the right thing mate, hope they are caught and face a firearms charge and a lengthy term in a cell.... SCUMBAGS.....


my thoughts are with the 2 who were shot in luton, Duncan, did the guy shot in the back die?

the one shot in the back is in a serious condition. The one shot near me had his car and mobile phone nicked and was shot in the leg ,a police spokesman said "we are looking for 2 blackmen and one of mixed race in a black audi TT",,, so that should narrow it down a bit
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