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stupid decoys, stupid shootwarehouse, stupid me!


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Ok so me & willc went pigeon shooting on monday,...


Eager as two teenagers to try out our new magnet AND shootwearhouse hyper flappers, we get set up about 7.30 am ...... no birds, .....dam & blast, after a couple of hours we decided to move to another farm on our (now expansive) permission


One of the farm lads says "the bottom field of peas is been raided by pigeons & it needs clearing off, BUT........ its all Ferrel's"


So we think to our selves "not much good for eating"......... because part of the town pigeons diet is Saturday nights discarded kebabs, old pizza's & sick.........nice....... but they sill do damage & thats our job,........ we get to shoot the farmer gets crop protection.


Well it must be said I'd never shot large numbers of Ferrel's before.....HOW STUPID ARE THEY?, if (when) you miss they come round to give you another go, I couldn't believe they would come onto the magnet even if your stood out of the hide...


That leads me nicely onto the new sillosock hyper flaps brilliant and stupid all in one, it was our first day out with them, it must be said I didn't think they were worth the money till I saw them work (they brought the Woody's in from well of their flight lines)


so why are they stupid? well same reason I am really,


I use a semi & I'm still to get a 1-2-3, but with Ferrel's coming in like lemmings this was the perfect opportunity .... so as exited as you can be while still flaccid I settled down, not long to wait before there were bird coming in bunches from every angle......THEN BANG BANG BANG 1-2-3 I did it..... I was over the moon....


Well I was until willc said...... why'd you shoot the magnet? ya silly *******! AHHHHH I just could not comprehend doing such a thing I was convinced it was will & he was blaming me...... they just looked so real either that or the adrenalin got to me even now I would swear I shot three live ones





Time to grovel to shoot warehouse for some LOOOOOOSER DISCOUNT



Edited by new to the flock
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Nearly the same sort of thing, had a close shave once, invested in some decoys for my new shoot, got there very early set them out and retreated to the hide cup of tea and waiting for it to get light.


After about 20mins I heard someone creeping along the hedge I turned round just in time to stop my farmer friend blasting them with his single barrel.


That would have been an expensive session.



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I was there and witnessed it all,I am still laughing and able to rib kennym for weeks on this one!,I am glad he didn't shoot my Jeep tho,parked only 30 metres away.He has had trouble with target id in the past in the heat of the moment,with a Jackdaw, and a blackbird which flew throught the pattern with a group of woodies,nice shot,landed at my feet and he wouldnt beleive that either!. Couldn't beleive how suicidle the ferral pigeons were, we kept trying to line two flying birds up for one shot,we managed it but went for the same birds at the same time! (but I shot them kenny!,honest).Great fun. :good:

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