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Michael Martin -

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Martin's gone with customary bad grace and I wonder whether we have seen a dry run of Broon's ejection in a year's time?


The expenses fiasco is the coup de grace but he was a disaster from the beginning. Speakers Thomas and Boothroyd were exceptionally popular but Martin has all the charm of a dose of clap.


Now he will be ennobled, receive a stonking pension and there's talk of him parachuting his son into his safe Jockanese seat.


so much for putting an end to sleaze...

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The problem being in a years time we will just have had a budget and Broon and his band of merry men will drop income tax by 1% and all the sun readers of the world will think he is a blinding guy (no pun intended) and vote for the idiot.


I was thinking of wiping my **** on my ballot paper.

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Fred Dinage tried that one on TVS news or whatever it's called now when GB was on a train to Brighton (obviously after the pink vote). Brown basically told him to get stuffed as the Queen would have his head. Was looking for a Spitting Image sketch to post about the country "going to the dogs" but I couldn't find it.

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All we need now is a new Oliver Cromwell to shake the rest of the B#####DS up, then move onto the Monarchy ! everything comes full circle ,just takes time . :good:



Agree totally, then we can sort out the big land owners then. Hang the lot of them...





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All we need now is a new Oliver Cromwell to shake the rest of the B#####DS up, then move onto the Monarchy ! everything comes full circle ,just takes time . :good:


Nothing wrong with the Monarchy. The Queen does a fantistic job and I'll defy anyone who says otherwise. Maybe you should watch a few of the documentaries on her. I think you'll soon change your mind. She takes her role very seriously and I give her full credit for being the epitome of British Monarchy and setting the benchmark for all who follow in her footsteps. Easy to knock what you don't understand.



Can anyone see it getting better under the Tories??


Don't vote for the ********. They're not worth a palm pilot! The whole system needs a kick in the pants (or the cojones) to get rid of these thieving, devious "out for myself" tosspots. Maybe a page out of Brewsters millions and vote for "None of the Above"?

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Nothing wrong with the Monarchy. The Queen does a fantistic job and I'll defy anyone who says otherwise. Maybe you should watch a few of the documentaries on her. I think you'll soon change your mind. She takes her role very seriously and I give her full credit for being the epitome of British Monarchy and setting the benchmark for all who follow in her footsteps. Easy to knock what you don't understand.





Don't vote for the ********. They're not worth a palm pilot! The whole system needs a kick in the pants (or the cojones) to get rid of these thieving, devious "out for myself" tosspots. Maybe a page out of Brewsters millions and vote for "None of the Above"?

I understand about cromwell . but as for the royals they do F##K all for me personally other than cost me money each week, just the same old story the big man standing over the little man with the whip hand raised ,what cut backs has she made because of the state of the country ,and her grandkids ,

don,t kid yourself mate ,your expendable just like the poor soldiers dying ,and getting injured for QUEEN and COUNTRY what a JOKE. :good:

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I understand about cromwell . but as for the royals they do F##K all for me personally other than cost me money each week, just the same old story the big man standing over the little man with the whip hand raised ,what cut backs has she made because of the state of the country ,and her grandkids ,

don,t kid yourself mate ,your expendable just like the poor soldiers dying ,and getting injured for QUEEN and COUNTRY what a JOKE. :good:


What a very unpleasant chip you have on your shoulder!


A gut feeling tells me that you've never served the Crown. In which case, please keep your blinkered, Guardian-tainted opinion about the reasons why good people serve a noble cause, to yourself.

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I understand about cromwell . but as for the royals they do F##K all for me personally other than cost me money each week, just the same old story the big man standing over the little man with the whip hand raised ,what cut backs has she made because of the state of the country ,and her grandkids ,

don,t kid yourself mate ,your expendable just like the poor soldiers dying ,and getting injured for QUEEN and COUNTRY what a JOKE. :good:


I wasn't talking about the others, just the Queen Perhaps you missed my comment about her setting the benchmark?).Also, perahps you could divulge why you think she is a waste of money? She brings more revenue into this country than it costs us to keep her. I'm not just talking about all & sundry from abroad hoping to get a glimpse of her on the royal balcony when she's elsewhere but more like the foreign relations she does when she goes abroad to countries and they invest money in UK for our planes, etc.


The hangerson aren't worth a carrot, I'll grant you that. I think they should be made to prove their worth and for some, in time, that will come. You seriously favour a country that resides under some tosspot who may or may not know his **** hole from his elbow? Sounds like a ******* lottery to me, and we have enough to contend with with our politicians the way things stand at the moment without the need for someone like George Dubya taking the **** out of what diginity we have left.


Allow me to ask you a question... Do you consider yourself proud to be called an Enlishman? Or a Welshman? Or an Irishman? Or a Scot? You do, huh? Well, then I've got news for you my friend! From the year dot, we have lived as a people under the rule of a King or Queen, whether it be nationally or locally (pre 1066), and the likes of that **** sucker Cromwell, who failed so dismally to overthrow what every Red Blooded Englishman has fought for in every war since the dawn of time, shall never see the light of day again.


Enjoy the rest of your evening.

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What a very unpleasant chip you have on your shoulder!


A gut feeling tells me that you've never served the Crown. In which case, please keep your blinkered, Guardian-tainted opinion about the reasons why good people serve a noble cause, to yourself.


Here Here that Man!

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What a very unpleasant chip you have on your shoulder!


A gut feeling tells me that you've never served the Crown. In which case, please keep your blinkered, Guardian-tainted opinion about the reasons why good people serve a noble cause, to yourself.

Im with you on this one mate :good: The Royals and the Armed forces are the only good things left :good::good:

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Fools wake up bloody sheep the lot of you M.Ps ... Royalty they just care about their own .....

its all diversionary ...... they had to bring somthing in to make us look away from the credit crunch they tried swine flu that did not work so M.Ps expenses all that would happen now is that it goes under ground.

As king said in Platoon and I quote " The rich have always screwed the poor, always have always will."


Sad thing is we let them get on with it... if this was any other country the people would kick some M.P A.S.S

Edited by funky
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Oh and Just one more thing ... if anyone else did these things these so called pillars of society or trusted M.Ps ,,,, say like you or me we will be doing bird right now .....no if or buts PRISON .....

I bet you that not one of them goes down ....Not one Bunch of W*****ers the lot of them.


:good: :good: :good:???:good::yes: :yes: :lol: :lol: :D:angry: :angry:

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Fools wake up bloody sheep the lot of you M.Ps ... Royalty they just care about their own .....

its all diversionary ...... they had to bring somthing in to make us look away from the credit crunch they tried swine flu that did not work so M.Ps expenses all that would happen now is that it goes under ground.

As king said in Platoon and I quote " The rich have always screwed the poor, always have always will."


Sad thing is we let them get on with it... if this was any other country the people would kick some M.P A.S.S


As Ferretmaster said, MP's expenses weren't deployed as a diversion & neither was swine flu. Topics have a habit of being in the news and go out of the public eye as the media hounds find new stories to feed us. Lets face it, it's not a conspiracy it's just how the news system works. If they reported the same story day in day out for months on end we'd all stop listening. The only reason it it goes "underground" is that the media run it that way. It never really goes away, just stops being reported on or rather put on the back burner where big stories are concerned.


I agree with you that MP's will look out for themselves and is probably true for the lesser royals too, but you do realise that the Queen sets aside time each day to open her mail and reply to some of the hundreds of letters she gets everyday? She has 3 ladies in waiting that work full time on this for her. It would be impratical for her to answer every single letter she recieves but the fact she CARES enough for her subjects to make this level commitment speaks volumes. Not just that, but everything she does where the Monarchy is concerned is gives 100% dedication. When was the last time you saw her in the news falling out the back door of a night club flashing her draws to the paps or in any way showing herself or her country up? The answer, Never! She has given up everything in her life to the Monarchy because of the level of commitment and dedication the role demands. I wouldn't want the job and we're going to be hard pressed indeed for a successor that comes anywhere near.


BFG - The answer is yes. The Queen can sack the Government should she so wish but it's a little more involved than doing it on a whim. The Monarchy can override any decision/law made by the government or house of lords. The Monarch has absolute power.

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BFG - The answer is yes. The Queen can sack the Government should she so wish but it's a little more involved than doing it on a whim. The Monarchy can override any decision/law made by the government or house of lords. The Monarch has absolute power.


is there any way we could get her to excercise it now?? :good:

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