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Yes you can go to states like Delaware, Florida & Alaska, where you dont pay an income tax, and other certain taxes, and tax breaks.. If you lose you license in one state you cant drive in another.. I Killed a water mocassin last weekend in my back yard.. Thought nothing of it, and snakes are everywhere.. And never shoot an intruder in the back, and never shoot them more than twice :good:



A water moccasin is a snake I take it? Are they dangerous?

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Do Americans leave home for work before 5.00 every morning?


Do Americans only take two weeks holiday a year?


Are these the reasons why the American economy is/was/can be so strong?


Do Americans refer to all people as 'guys'? I hate the expression!


Do Americans work harder than we do?

If so, why are there so many fat Americans?


Does every American house have the country's flag on a pole on the front lawn?


Do all Americans think that the gypsies in England are decended from native Americans?


Do Americans realise that the reason that some of our roads and streets are so narrow is because they were roads and streets 1000 years before Europeans discovered America?


Are all New York cops Irish?


Do American cops have more family problems than other people?

Edited by rjimmer
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Yes you can go to states like Delaware, Florida & Alaska, where you dont pay an income tax, and other certain taxes, and tax breaks.. If you lose you license in one state you cant drive in another.. I Killed a water mocassin last weekend in my back yard.. Thought nothing of it, and snakes are everywhere.. And never shoot an intruder in the back, and never shoot them more than twice :good:



So a double tap to the sternum is ok, just don't finish it off with one to the napper :good:

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I don't want any passport that's got the Euro stars on it.


my passport is only 8 months old (which, coincidentaly was got to get me into america) and its got the normal royal coat of arms on the front.


It does say "european union" at the top on the front, and again on the first page, but its hardly anything to get your whiskers ablaze about :blink:

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Do Americans leave home for work before 5.00 every morning? Yup, I do :good:


Do Americans only take two weeks holiday a year? Nope, i get about three weeks not including schedulled holidays & sick time.


Are these the reasons why the American economy is/was/can be so strong? Possibly :)


Do Americans refer to all people as 'guys'? I hate the expression! Not me guy :blink:


Do Americans work harder than we do? :(

If so, why are there so many fat Americans? Too many hours at the office and poor choice i diet..


Does every American house have the country's flag on a pole on the front lawn? I dont, but do fly one off my porch at times


Do all Americans think that the gypsies in England are decended from native Americans? ****** are from Romania


Do Americans realise that the reason that some of our roads and streets are so narrow is because they were roads and streets 1000 years before Europeans discovered America? I do :good:


Are all New York cops Irish? For the most part :D


Do American cops have more family problems than other people? Yes, due to the heavy work load :)

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Do Americans leave home for work before 5.00 every morning?


Not really. Depends on your job. I wake up at 5 but leave at 6:15. Most folks seem to start work between 7-9 unless you work someplace that has strange shifts.



Do Americans only take two weeks holiday a year?


It depends on your employer. My wife only had 2 weeks vacation for the first 5 year she was at her job. Next year she'll be there 10 years so she'll get 4 weeks. I get 30 days a year plus 12 days sick time. Most people here use their time off piecemeal and only every few years take a true holiday.

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Are these the reasons why the American economy is/was/can be so strong?


Not necessarily, the thing that really strengthened it IMHO was after WWII people just had more money so there was more money being spent which created jobs and the need for more industry. We are a very consumer based economy. As long as people are spending money things are great but when prices start to go up on things like food and petrol, people don't spend as much money and the system starts to fail. Top that with the fact that most of the manufacturing is no longer done in the US and foreign goods have surpassed American in quality for some time now in certain sectors and you have a drop in the economy. One of the big things this time around is that the majority of the spending in the past 20 years that kept the consumer economy flowing was based on credit not cash in hand. Once things started to slow people stopped paying the credit companies and all of a sudden the credit companies are sinking fast so it becomes harder to get credit so the spending not only stopped but the spender's credit accounts went into default. The biggest portion of the economy affected by this has been the housing market. Housing prices are high but at the same time there are many places where 40% of the homes are in foreclosure.



Do Americans refer to all people as 'guys'? I hate the expression!


Depends on where you are. Where I live yes. Where Lee lives the more common expression is "ya'll"


Do Americans work harder than we do?

If so, why are there so many fat Americans?


Probably not. Many work hard but I believe you folks work longer hours. Our average workday is 8 hours. The fat and working hard have nothing to do with each other. I sit at a desk in front of a computer all day. On the days I work the hardest I don't get any more exercise that the days I do nothing. My job is 95% brain power.


Does every American house have the country's flag on a pole on the front lawn?


Many do, I do. The number is dwindling. After 9/11 everyone flew a flag but as time passes and memories fade the flags come down. I flew one long before 9/11 and fly it every chance I get.


Do all Americans think that the gypsies in England are decended from native Americans?


Most people over here have never heard of gypsies as you know them. The common perception of them here is that they are some kind of traveling circus performers from some mysterious small eastern European nation. Truthfully I was suprised when I found that a lot of them are Irish.

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Do Americans realise that the reason that some of our roads and streets are so narrow is because they were roads and streets 1000 years before Europeans discovered America?


Not really. There are still places here where there are narrow roads and bridges because when they were laid, horse and buggy was the prefered mode of travel. If you think most Americans are ignorant of geography, ask them some history questions, the results are usually worse.


Are all New York cops Irish?


A good number of them. It's more diverse these day though.


Do American cops have more family problems than other people?


Not necessarily. It's just the media seems to latch on to when it happens to cops.

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Some horse-drawn travellers stay with me a couple of times year.


Once, on the roadside, somewhere between Cornwall and Stow-on-the-Wold, an American chap got talking to the husband(he's ex army and married a gypsy girl).

"Say! Is she Appache?" Asks the American.

"She might be." comes the reply.

"Gee! I didn't know they got this far." says the American.

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Some horse-drawn travellers stay with me a couple of times year.


Once, on the roadside, somewhere between Cornwall and Stow-on-the-Wold, an American chap got talking to the husband(he's ex army and married a gypsy girl).

"Say! Is she Appache?" Asks the American.

"She might be." comes the reply.

"Gee! I didn't know they got this far." says the American.



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Why do our colonial cousins constantly, and willfully, spell words such as "colour", "harbour", "mum" etc. incorrectly?


(Sorry if its been asked before. This thread is now assuming epic proportions.)


Because that is the way the American version of English is spelled. It was a deliberate decision made by Noah Webster (he of Webster's Dictionary fame) to make that change, he was really very keen on distancing the US from England.


Before the advent of print and dictionaries there was very little standardisation on spelling on either side of the pond.

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