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Interesting thread, I visited some cousins in North Carolina in 1985. Had a great time. Everyone I met was friendly but did get a bit tired after 4 weeks of being asked to say something just so they could hear my accent. :hmm: some of the hunting stories I heard were interesting. Like the guys shooting snakes in the swamps, one fell out of a tree into the boat they were in and one of them shot it with a 12 gauge sinking the boat in a swamp full of water moccasin. I turned down the offer to go with them next time. :blink:

From reading American forums etc I get the feeling a lot of guys are worried about home defence, leaving loaded guns around the place 'just in case' etc. are you/they really worried about being attacked in you own homes? if so why? is it from personal experience , hearsay or media propaganda maybe?

Another impression is that most Americans are quite religious, is that fair to say or is it a regional thing? Where is the bible belt anyway?

Would love to visit again someday if I ever do I want to have a go at varminting American style, groundhogs etc. Think I'll give snake hunting a miss again though. :yes:


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Interesting thread, I visited some cousins in North Carolina in 1985. Had a great time. Everyone I met was friendly but did get a bit tired after 4 weeks of being asked to say something just so they could hear my accent. :hmm: some of the hunting stories I heard were interesting. Like the guys shooting snakes in the swamps, one fell out of a tree into the boat they were in and one of them shot it with a 12 gauge sinking the boat in a swamp full of water moccasin. I turned down the offer to go with them next time. :blink:

From reading American forums etc I get the feeling a lot of guys are worried about home defence, leaving loaded guns around the place 'just in case' etc. are you/they really worried about being attacked in you own homes? if so why? is it from personal experience , hearsay or media propaganda maybe?

Another impression is that most Americans are quite religious, is that fair to say or is it a regional thing? Where is the bible belt anyway?

Would love to visit again someday if I ever do I want to have a go at varminting American style, groundhogs etc. Think I'll give snake hunting a miss again though. :yes:



Say Aluminum for me would you :yes:

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Bleeh is right. All our good beer is imported from the UK for the most part.



I know he's right :yes:


There's no need for him to be so ignorant about it.


Lee (I suppose it was asking for trouble) :hmm: posts an invitation to discuss perceptions about Americans and we get a load of adolescent spew :good: and links to some **** garbage on Youtube :blink: .


If American laws on sex and whatever it was are stoooooooooopid, lets hear why :yes:

Edited by Chard
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I know he's right :yes:


There's no need for him to be so ignorant about it.


Lee (I suppose it was asking for trouble) :hmm: posts an invitation to discuss perceptions about Americans and we get a load of adolescent spew :good: and links to some **** garbage on Youtube :blink: .


If American laws on sex and whatever it was are stoooooooooopid, lets hear why :yes:


And what? Let someones comments offend me? Not a chance Mr. Chard!! Everyone is entitled to their own oppinion..

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Probably said already but as most of Lee's posts there are too many replies to look at.....



Misconception (or maybe not) No 1 is that most Americans don't know anything about anything outside of their borders....


I once got asked which part of England I was from - before I could answer this was qualified by the suggestions Ireland, Scotland or Wales - I have to say I found this ignorance quite charming.


But to be honest with a country the size of the US and all it has to offer Who needs to know about anything outside???


One thing I can totally vouch for the friendliness of Americans I have always found them excellent hosts wherever I have been, which include the delights of Ohio, Indiana, Illionois, Florida and everywhere in between.... to be honest I would emigrate in a shot if the INS policy wasn't so strict for us allies.

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If American laws on sex and whatever it was are stoooooooooopid, lets hear why :hmm:



Most of it stems from laws that were put on the books years ago when things were more "Puritan" and never bothered to be taken out. For example, in the state where I live it's illegal for the woman to be on top. Obviously unenforceable but technically speaking it's a law in the state code.


There a bunch of these but all they really are at this point in useless party trivia.

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I still don't get the bit about you guys _needing_ to have guns...


Yes, you have an old amendment that says you have the right to bear arms and form militias etc, but why do most yanks interpret this as a reason that they _have to_ own guns, even if there is no need. I keep being reminded of John Goodman in The big Lebowski... Why take a .45 to bowling? Or a co-worker of mine in Florida that bought his wife a 12b shotgun because she refused to go for her concealed carry permit.


I know it's just me being all British, but you've got a lot of nutters in your country, and a lot of guns. That seems to me like a recipe for a lot of people to kill a lot of other people. Before people say "well, the UK has nutters too", I know we do, but the bulk of them don't have guns, and we have far fewer of them...

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I still don't get the bit about you guys _needing_ to have guns...


Yes, you have an old amendment that says you have the right to bear arms and form militias etc, but why do most yanks interpret this as a reason that they _have to_ own guns, even if there is no need. I keep being reminded of John Goodman in The big Lebowski... Why take a .45 to bowling? Or a co-worker of mine in Florida that bought his wife a 12b shotgun because she refused to go for her concealed carry permit.


I know it's just me being all British, but you've got a lot of nutters in your country, and a lot of guns. That seems to me like a recipe for a lot of people to kill a lot of other people. Before people say "well, the UK has nutters too", I know we do, but the bulk of them don't have guns, and we have far fewer of them...


We have guns 'cuz we can :hmm: Y'all know i have a CCW and hope i never need it.. But it is there should i ever need it.. To be honest wookie? You would be the same if you could :blink: Its not a bad thing dude..

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It is not only the US that has cranky laws,



Taken from The Times this weekend-these laws are still meant to be in place!


1. It is illegal for a cab in the City of London to carry rabid dogs or corpses.


2. It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.


3. It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside down.


4. Royal Navy ships that enter the Port of London must provide a barrel of rum to the Constable of the Tower of London.


5. In the UK, a pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants – even, if she so requests, in a policeman’s helmet.


6. In Lancashire, no person is permitted after being asked to stop by a constable on the seashore to incite a dog to bark.


7. In England, all men over the age of 14 must carry out two hours of longbow practice a day.


8. In London, Freemen are allowed to take a flock of sheep across London Bridge without being charged a toll; they are also allowed to drive geese down Cheapside.


9. In the UK, a man who feels compelled to urinate in public can do so only if he aims for his rear wheel and keeps his right hand on his vehicle.


10. In Chester, Welshmen are banned from entering the city before sunrise and from staying after sunset.


11. In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.


12. In London, it is illegal to flag down a taxi if you have the plague.


13. The head of any dead whale found on the British coast is legally the property of the King; the tail, on the other hand, belongs to the Queen - in case she needs the bones for her corset.



Oh and some good news,


Jack boot Jacqui Smith is resigning as Home Secretary

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I have travelled and worked in the States, and my favourite if totally irrelevant memory is being part of a joint Royal Navy/Royal Marines vs. US Marine Corps exercise in California, where the USMC got an utter pasting from the Brits. The fatties in the USMC just could not keep the pace, with the USMC OC leading the exercise confessing that "we had our ***** handed to us".


I dislike your watery, fizzy beer and some of the repulsive things you eat (grits, bacon made from reclaimed lino flooring etc). I can't fathom why you still make modern, high performance cars with leaf-spring suspension.


Other than that you Americans are good value.

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I still don't get the bit about you guys _needing_ to have guns...


Yes, you have an old amendment that says you have the right to bear arms and form militias etc, but why do most yanks interpret this as a reason that they _have to_ own guns, even if there is no need. I keep being reminded of John Goodman in The big Lebowski... Why take a .45 to bowling? Or a co-worker of mine in Florida that bought his wife a 12b shotgun because she refused to go for her concealed carry permit.


I know it's just me being all British, but you've got a lot of nutters in your country, and a lot of guns. That seems to me like a recipe for a lot of people to kill a lot of other people. Before people say "well, the UK has nutters too", I know we do, but the bulk of them don't have guns, and we have far fewer of them...



It's not exactly an old amendment. The Bill of Rights of which the 2nd amendment is a part is not simply amended law, it's considered absolute and was intended to not be interpreted but taken absolutely on face value. It basically contains the principles that our nation is based and operates on. It is supposed to supersede any other laws made at any level.


There are not as many people running around with guns as you would think based on the news reports. Our media takes any and all opportunities to drag firearms and the 2nd amendment through the mud.

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. I can't fathom why you still make modern, high performance cars with leaf-spring suspension.


Other than that you Americans are good value.



I can't understand that either. Heaven forbid too that anyone put independant suspension on a truck or SUV. Makes no sense to me.



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What just like drunken English ****** abroad! :good: Shame you didn't get to see some NYPD attitude when you were there!


Lee I think you must either be a stoopid hick american or a genuine guy from the home of the brave (tic :hmm: ) for asking such a question on this forum. Hope you can take it guy.


Jeez nothing like getting into the spirit of the thread :blink: , any chance I could send some coal down to you and you could turn it into diamonds between those cheeks?? :yes::yes:


1/ I never said I flew the flag for good behaviour for the English.


2/ It was my 21st birthday, and frankly if you’re NOT stumbling about a petrol forecourt at 4am in the morning on your 21st, whether you’re in America or not, there’s something wrong with YOU! :yes:


On a related note, Lee, do most Americans think us Brits are alcoholics just because we might have more than 4 drinks on a night out?



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I am not going to tell anyone about what I don't like about Americans, I am going to tell you what I like.



Everyone in the USA Loves their country, from the oldest families in the states to the newest citizens, everybody is proud of their country and rightly so, most but not all new immigrants tend to integrate and become Americans.


as to the majority of immigrants in this country who make no effort whatsoever to integrate and do not show any affection or loyalty to this country, I will not go on and risk being called a xenophobe, but I will just relate a little story.


In February this year myself and my wife went on our annual trip to Florida, I have friends there, we were met by everyone with a welcome and courtesy, we went to my wife's favorite place Sea World, arriving at 9.00am just in time at the entrance to watch the flag ceremony where they played the anthem, everyone to a man stopped and was respectfully, it was fantastic, later in the shamu stadium prior to the show there was a short film praising all the serving armed forces in the trouble zones, also the speaker invited everyone serving past and retired members of the USA British and allied forces to stand, whereupon the whole audience clapped and cheered loudly.



I like that and we could do with a bit of that over here.


Amen to that :hmm:

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Why is your bacon so Knackered :hmm:


Why is your Beer so **** :blink:


Why are you all so Fat :good:


ya meats good, but the portions are too big, we eat but had to ask for Seniors meals (i was 30 then)



I think you answered your fat question with the portion thing.....


Honestly it's a real problem that many people are trying to figure out. It's starting young too, kids just don't play outside anymore. It's having an effect on hunting and fishing as well. It used to be a common thing and it's not as much as it was. From what I've read in your magazines (believe it or not but I subscribe to Sporting Shooter, Shooting Times, and the Field) you have a lot of the same problems in the folks as a whole are getting disconnected from the countryside and outdoor pursuits.

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Iam with cranfield on this one without a doubt . I to have travelled extensivly in the states and absolutly love the place . But then i do have american family and should have emigrated years ago when i was offerd a job over there . I can remember reading somewhere that 75% of americans can trace their roots back to the uk .

Some of the comments so far are a bit juvenile and ignorant but then we live in a cynical world . I love America Lee and the american way of life and the american people .

Its about time we got out of the eu and became the 51st state .


Harnser .

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From what I've read..... you have a lot of the same problems in the folks as a whole are getting disconnected from the countryside and outdoor pursuits.


Very true. This Sunday is the national 'Open Farm Sunday' event, where (hopefully) hordes of non-rural people come and visit us weirdos in the countryside, and gawp at tractors, fields of wheat and herds of cattle. I've helped out as a guide at previous events, and I find it really alarming how little understanding the average bloke on the street has about food production and countryside life.

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Very true. This Sunday is the national 'Open Farm Sunday' event, where (hopefully) hordes of non-rural people come and visit us weirdos in the countryside, and gawp at tractors, fields of wheat and herds of cattle. I've helped out as a guide at previous events, and I find it really alarming how little understanding the average bloke on the street has about food production and countryside life.



It is pretty scary especially since you consider that up until about 60 years ago most of what we did in this country was farm. Now you can probably find a bunch of people on any given street that have never seen a cow or a sheep. That's why I take every opportunity to teach my daughter about the outdoors. I'm trying to fend off the ignorance one child at a time.

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If American laws on sex and whatever it was are stoooooooooopid, lets hear why :hmm:


Sex: The Statutory rape laws. (19 year old boyfriend getting done and put on the sexual predators list for sleeping with 17 year old girlfriend, and so on).


Booze: You have to be 21. 21 for crying out loud, You can get married, get exercuted, go to war, have kids, drive, shoot, own a house - everything but drink and gamble?.

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