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hello everybody i am using a beretta al391 urika at the moment, but i find my self concentrating on trying not to bash or dink it when walking through the woods because its to nice a gun and it deserves better,so i am looking to sell it and buy a cheaper semi for rough shooting,but something reliable. so i am lookig for advices on what sort of cheap semi would fit this task



many thanks


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just smack it about and get the grief out of the way and then you can use it for what its meant to be used for :P you'll definitely regret buying a hatstand and well if you buy a cheaper knocked about version of your current one then you will have saved some cash but not much

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bought myself a synthetic hatsun escort £335 with all the chokes etc, cannot fault it in anyway shape or form.


Its straight, 3 yr warrantee, cycles everything i have put through it, I can hit with it, and I also dont worry about givving at a dig on a tree.


For the money I think they are BANG on.

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just smack it about and get the grief out of the way and then you can use it for what its meant to be used for :P you'll definitely regret buying a hatstand and well if you buy a cheaper knocked about version of your current one then you will have saved some cash but not much



shut your hole.


Buy a hatsan for £200 and you wont give a **** about it. and when its scratched, dinked etc you'll still sell it on for £150. what more do you want for a knock about gun??

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one that works all the time and cycles anything you put in it :P


the 391 will last as long as he's able to shoot the hatstand definitely won't. They're ok for a budget cheapie but aren't prooving too reliable hence the number you see for sale second hand

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I agree with Al4x,


Just use your Beretta, yes it may get a scratch or ding but you will shoot 10 times better with it if you use it for everything. They are as tough as old boots and the odd knock ain't going to hurt them.


My 391 Extrema spent a night under the sea and still works perfectly.


I haven't found a 12g cartridge that it won't cycle yet. Although I haven't used any 21gr through it but they are for poofs anyway.

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but like I said elsewhere alex, I have shot 250 28grams through mine in one sitting and it never missed, never failed. and I rarely clean it properly either!


thats 250 when its done 20K through it it may be different, they're an ok budget gun but swapping from a nice semi to one will be a big step backwards.

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I haven't found a 12g cartridge that it won't cycle yet. Although I haven't used any 21gr through it but they are for poofs anyway.


Ulp you have found me out I'm off to "shoot some 21gm carts" as the actress said to the bishop

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I agree with Al4x,


Just use your Beretta, yes it may get a scratch or ding but you will shoot 10 times better with it if you use it for everything. They are as tough as old boots and the odd knock ain't going to hurt them.


My 391 Extrema spent a night under the sea and still works perfectly.


I haven't found a 12g cartridge that it won't cycle yet. Although I haven't used any 21gr through it but they are for poofs anyway.


:good: can we have the full version on how it spent the night under the sea please mate you deffo got my curiosity at full speed now

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Can of worms, but I got a new Hatsan Escort a few weeks ago and I'm really pleased with it!!!! It has even been cycling light clay rounds no problems.


Try one 1st if you can and see what you think. You might be pleasantly surprised.


Good story MC, glad everything turned out ok.



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depends what ur doing with ur 391 m8 ... if ur in position to buy another gun for knocking about then the hatsan is a good cheap gun , reliable and will take some abuse ....... but if ur only keeping one then keep ur 391 and if it does get scratched or dinked in a few years get it repaired and will be good as new :good:

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A bit like down trading from a rolls royce to a mini . Keep the beretta and drive the roller .

Harnser .



Kinda split on this one.... Been down the hatstand route and while its great VFM and capable, for me it just doesnt shoot like a Beretta..... so I've gone back to a 391 and I'm just more careful with it.....


My new one is phenominal...... :good:

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