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Fox Carcass Disposal?


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I am fairly new to fox shooting and have a question I would like to put to other fox shooters. I do not want to get involved in any arguments about the rights or wrongs of fox shooting but I do not want to "fuel" any arguments against fox shooting for the "Antis". I believe that there are some who advocate hanging fox carcasses on fences to "deter" other foxes, just as the "Old School" type of Game Keepers used to use a Gibbet (Spelling?) even though this was more to show the "Master" that they were doing their job with skill and dilligence. However, by hanging the carcasses of the foxes that we shoot on fences or just leaving them where they are shot (Especially if there are public footpaths running across the land) would we not be giving the "Antis" more fuel to abolish the shooting of foxes, after all I am not sure that I would want a child of mine to see a fox carcass that has been shot with a rifle which, as we all know can make quite a mess at times, while out on an innocent walk in the country.

I have only shot a few so far, and those that I have shot I have burried (I carry a spade in the back of my motor specifically for this purpose)!

So, please can you tell me what you fellow fox shooters suggest (Or recommend) as the best method of disposing of the carcasses?

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I was on a country walk last year and came across a fox in a hedge - about 8 foot up :huh: it was well aged and a little wind dried. Must have flown up there and got stuck ;)


Not one of mine but I now make sure that the hedges I throw mine in are the right type :lol:




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I have one farm where the farmer(big sheep farm) asked me to leave them where they fall...not sure why or what he does with them, but thats what he wants.

Some times if they are in remote parts of farms and awkward to pick up they get left where they are but if they are in an area where they can be seen from a path or road they end up hedge or ditch fertiliser.

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Thanks for that Nick.

I was only joking but as usually happens I have been fairly put in my place.

I don't think I want to try that recipe though, (You no doubt would if you were starving or on a survival course.) Plus the wife is very "houseproud" and would no doubt use me for target practice if I bought a smelly old fox into the kitchen to skin, gut and cook!

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I just chuck them on the heap, in a ditch or leave the chunks where they fall. We used to have a Lab that would drag fox carcases out of ditches and out of the stink pit, to feast on when it had a quite moment.


a fair few of mine have been dragged out into the open, although I never know by what

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