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World Compak Sporting, France, 04 - 06 September...


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got the mystery couple now after a hint from mr potter and studying the wrong 2 :lol::lol:


old pubic and his mrs. he must be 300 years old by now. :lol::lol:


Well, I've never heard them described that way before........... :hmm:


Still, I knew someone would identify them, especially the 'Oop North mob", it's none other than Tony & Denise Eyre, both absolutely superb FITASC shots in their heyday, and now living the good life in Southern France, (there ain't no way they're going back to Corrie Country), and I can't say I can blame them. :lol:


To comment on some of the questions raised by other posters;


Mungler - The drop dead gorgeous "Spanish" beauty is in fact a lovely young Portugese girl, (they swopped flags), girls like her are 10 a penny on the International circuit, (I had to beat 'em off with a stick the whole weekend, they pestered me no end all weekend, I simply couldn't concentrate on the shooting... :blink: )


Paulos - No, there's simply nothing like it on the domestic circuit, most of the UK Sporting majors seem to be going downhill rapidly as the CPSA continue to favour **** grounds like Lakenheath & Southern Counties. I must say, however, that these shoots are not for the financially faint hearted, the entry fee is 130 euros, obviously it doesn't end there with travel and hotel costs, plus the odd glass of "Vin Rouge", it probably cost me the best part of a grand. :lol::lol:


Leasone - Read the post Matey, it wasn't Junction 11 on the M25, but the M25 / M11 interchange.........there were thousands literally pouring in there......Pedro take note. :D


Mr Potter - Well, we all agreed at the "shoot post mortem" that you both shot exceptionally well, OK, Richard may have had a bit of a wobbly on a couple of layouts, but you both shot very steady. You've made some valid points about the targets, there wasn't a single driven bird, nor an overhead bird, both of these ccould easily be provided with a strategically placed cherry picker, it was almost as if they didn't want an "English Sporting" type layout.


MC - Yes, I must confess I shot like an Essex "Straw Bale" numptie, (a bit like you :lol: ),but I did have a bit of bad luck, having to shoot 2 of 3 layouts on the first day under a deluge of rain, whilst others got away bone dry, but, "Hey Ho", that's the way it goes, I was quite fired up after shooting the Sportrap at Southdown the previous Monday, (I did a 91, plus another 91 on the Sporting, Fauldsy could only manage a 90 on the Sportrap), so I thought if I can still beat young ****, the World's my oyster, but it didn't quite work out that way..!! :rolleyes:


Onwards and upwards as they say, for those that are contemplating shooting this event next year, I'm reliably informed, (by a dusky Senorita, that it's in Andalucia, (Southern Spain), same time, early September, I'll post full details as they become available.



Edited by Catamong
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Oh the excuses,


They just roll off your tongue so easily don't they. Must be all the practice you get using them.


Best part of a grand :good: think of all the haybales you could have shot with that sort of cash, you would possibly have got a bit of a return out of them as well. Instead of just being humiliated and dillusioned into thinking you can still cut it with the best.

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Oh the excuses,


They just roll off your tongue so easily don't they. Must be all the practice you get using them.


Best part of a grand :lol: think of all the haybales you could have shot with that sort of cash, you would possibly have got a bit of a return out of them as well. Instead of just being humiliated and dillusioned into thinking you can still cut it with the best.


My grandmother often used to quote "If you can't say something nice about someone best not to say anything" and do you know what, I think that she was right.

If you carry on in that vein MC you would be more than welcome on the ClaySporter forum, they seem to go in for the slagging off type posts. I don't think it's necessary on ours :good:


Mr Potter

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What my Dad (Mr Potter) forgets to mention is he spent all the nights taking the shot out of my shells just to beat me!!!!


Cracking write up and pictures Rob


Ayup, it's another Potter :good::lol::good:


Welcome to PW matey. If you want a lesson next time you're at Catton, just give me the nod :lol::lol::lol:


No more 140's for you :lol:

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My grandmother often used to quote "If you can't say something nice about someone best not to say anything" and do you know what, I think that she was right.

If you carry on in that vein MC you would be more than welcome on the ClaySporter forum, they seem to go in for the slagging off type posts. I don't think it's necessary on ours :lol:


Mr Potter



Mr Potter,


When you have been around here long enough not to be wet behind the ears and you have read some of my posts and also some of Catamongs you will see that there is a fair bit of banter between us.


Since when has this forum been "OURS"? we are only members of it we do not own it.


Your Grandmother was right, but there is another saying about "fighting fire with fire", or the "fox calling the badger hairy ****"


As it so happens you would be much better suited to the Clay sporter forum as you seem to be a died in the wool clay shooter who is very quick to jump in with both feet before knowing any of the facts. :good:


If you ever should get the great honour of becoming a moderator then I may accept a rollocking from you, up until that happens keep your opinions to yourself as I am not interested.

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Mr Potter,


When you have been around here long enough not to be wet behind the ears and you have read some of my posts and also some of Catamongs you will see that there is a fair bit of banter between us.


Since when has this forum been "OURS"? we are only members of it we do not own it.


Your Grandmother was right, but there is another saying about "fighting fire with fire", or the "fox calling the badger hairy ****"


As it so happens you would be much better suited to the Clay sporter forum as you seem to be a died in the wool clay shooter who is very quick to jump in with both feet before knowing any of the facts. :lol:


If you ever should get the great honour of becoming a moderator then I may accept a rollocking from you, up until that happens keep your opinions to yourself as I am not interested.


Hey...I've never heard of this guy MC, he's probably just a trouble making troll from down Essex way. :good:



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